It seems like the Powder is perpetually on the verge. The Turner seems like the best rock these days, but it's not really unconventional. It's low porosity sandstones. You have a lot other of these near shoreface sands up section like the Sussex, Shannon, etc. that have produced conventiknally for decades and now operators are sticking Hz in the fringes. They make good wells, but the areal distribution is limited and you can have pretty serious pressure communication issues making it difficult the scale.
Niobrara is decent, but it's more clay rich vs the silty organics (hybrid) down in the Permian. Mowry is the next bench down but that's more gassy plus we'll cost is higher. And most of the better source rock is towards the southern end of the basin.
It's a fascinating basin with value for sure, but it's just harder for it to compete if you have Permian positions with stacked prolific benches in a portfolio. I'm sure there's above ground issues as well. The Permian is truly a geologic, geographic, and economic Goldilocks.