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Everything posted by MadTrapper

  1. DW Horizon was terrible, complacent, and unacceptable...full stop. It's also difficult to compare the dirtiness of the spill vs. the dirtiness of the CO2 emitted while producing the oil and gas. But it's a fair point to consider and try to quantity all associated risks. I just don't know how you do that in this case. The elephant in the room is carbon, though. And if you can produce 100 MMBOE with 10 wells instead of 100-200+ wells onshore that also require millions of gallons of water to complete, waste water disposal, trucking, more joints for methane leakage, more opportunities for HSE incidents, etc., then the decision to discourage offshore development is short-sighted IMHO.
  2. Yes, GOM does have a relatively low emission per boe produced. Thing is, the ruling had it's precedent set in a Hilcorp ruling from from a challenge of one of their Alaska developments (Pt Thompson, maybe?). Then that impacted Conoco's Willow project that got delayed to some degree based on a similar suit brought against them. The challenge from environmental groups was that the BOEM didn't properly take into account emissions from foreign oil production/consumption when coming up with the current 5 year plan (that ends in July, I believe). Apparently the projections BOEM used of CO2 emissions from foreign oil vs POTENTIAL oil produced from lease sales were not rigorous enough, which to my understanding is indeed the case, and the environmental groups exploited that inconsistency, just as they did with Hilcorp and Willow. The fact that emissions from GOM production is lower than most other sources is essentially irrelevant in the lawsuit. So the judge basically had his hands tied and legally made an appropriate ruling. The blame really lies with BOEM and not easily revising their CO2 calculations after they were challenged with the two AK suits and lost. Very frustrating.
  3. It's an interesting thought experiment for sure and I get the assertion that the higher spread between Brent and WTI was presumably good for the American consumer with respect to gas prices. A counter point would be that the export ban put US oil on the global market and helped drive down global oil price as shale oil flooded the market and WTI and Brent basically reached parity. Would that have happened if we still had the export ban? I'm not sure. Maybe to a lesser degree? But it seems like lifting it benefited the consumer for a good seven-ish years. In your scenario I would personally prefer no export ban compared to streamlining process restrictions. However, I'm not happy that there's still not the next 5 year offshore federal leasing program, which means there probably won't be one for another couple of years at best.
  4. Any word from you NAPE folk about API's appeal of the DC court's decision to vacate the November lease sale? I don't necessarily blame the court decision. It seems like BOEM did a bad job defending themselves.
  5. Since texts are encrypted these days, that's how you know it's legit. You should set that stuff on auto pay from now on.
  6. This seems fishy. You get notified in early January and they want payment by the end of January? Are you sure it's not a scam? I only say that because last year I got a letter saying that I under reported income and owed 10k. They thought we made extra money from selling stuff on Amazon, which we didn't. We've never sold anything on Amazon. It was clearly fraud and I wonder if that's what's going on? Or maybe a scam? That's what I thought mine was at first, but the letter was legit. Anyway, after sending a letter to the IRS explaining the situation, that didn't suffice. So we ended up filing a fraud claim with the FTC or some similar agency and notified the IRS accordingly. That did the trick and the IRS backed off. However, in all of that, they never demanded payment so soon. That gave us like 3 or 4 months to respond each time. But my cheeks did pucker so I definitely empathize. I consulted with a tax attorney at the beginning and he set me straight and just told me what forms to file. I can dig all that up if needed.
  7. Spent a few days in Silverton, CO and had a few feet of snow up around 10k ft. Put a new set of Michelins on about a month ago to finally replace the OEM Dunlops. Performed wonderfully. Nice little trip and the 4 and 6 yo got to experience more snow than I think they were ready for, ha.
  8. 6 yo goes this Saturday. Texas Children's has their stuff together. Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
  9. Tuned into the game after having a nice morning/early afternoon and the first thing I see is that 4th and 11 attempt. Nope. I'm out. Not subjecting myself to that. Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
  10. Holy crap. Do you have a newsletter? Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
  11. A scientologist in a leadership position during a pandemic will have terrible judgement. Water is wet. Auburn took a chance on Xenu and this is what happens. Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk
  12. At this point...Kevin Porter Jr but that's the Rockets homeboy/rose tinted glasses in me.
  13. On the jazz side, Roy Hargrove hit me pretty hard back in 2018. Dude was a genius and he was a Texan. Clifford Brown back in the day.
  14. Well you all just made me check the KBB for my 2015 Double Cab 4x4 TRD Sport, 70k miles and I'm shocked the value is that high. I knew it'd hold decent value, but damn that's nuts. It's not that much less than what I bought it for. I bought a 2015 with one of the main reasons being to get the 4.0L V6 before they stopped selling it in the Taco. Love the truck and plan on keeping it for as long as she'll allow.
  15. Just want to go on the record saying Hanna was a terrible leader even before the Eyes fiasco. Glad he's gone.
  16. MadTrapper

    D'onta Foreman

    You have Shuey anywhere?
  17. Seems like Tri-fuel generator that runs on gasoline, LNG propane, and natural gas is a good alternative. Researching those right now since we have a NG hookup line outside and would be a nice, portable alternative to a Generac-type setup that can run on more than one fuel.
  18. Based on all the plumbing repairs we've been doing, I'm buying a few of CPVC 1/2 inch elbows. Damn that's where a lot of failures have been. There have been a few new builds in our neighborhood using CPVC instead of PEX. WTF?? Why do that? Just use pex. It's not a huge incremental cost.
  19. Echo@davidg and picking up spare couplings for pipes
  20. For those like myself with busted pipes, those SharkBite couplings were a god send because they work on copper, pvc, and pex. Apparently I've been under a rock because I was unfamiliar with them until today. Very easy to work with and able to patch a couple leaks to get water back on-line.
  21. Same. Water went out this afternoon in Houston. Pressure had been dropping all afternoon..
  22. One of the ball valves froze on our tankless unit. Can turn off the heater (unplug, turn off gas line) and cycle water through it after thawing the lines out with a hair dryer or something. The inside of those units have electric heaters that keep it the elements warm enough when not in use, but it's just the intake lines that need to be kept thawed if possible. But yeah had a crash course last night and this morning in proper tankless maintenance in crazy cold weather.
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