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Everything posted by ForTheCorner

  1. Yeah, because instead of returning as a low-P5/good-G5 HC, Mullen's going to serve as Jimbo's offensive fall guy and ruin his career. Absolutely unserious.
  2. Tech is going toe-to-toe with OU as we speak. Shit happens in Lubbock. Throwing 3 picks against hurt-ass Spencer Sanders however? Yea that was a dud.
  3. Imagine packing a structurally unsound steel pile on a cold and rainy-ass Friday night for some mouthbreather in overalls to quote a Conor Macgregor reaction video at you. hope kissing that date was worth it lmfao
  4. I love that its been two (2!) seasons since we announced we were going to move and we still get to be jobbed by refs in this dustbowl of a conference. Excited for the penalty count to be 21-to-0 at UH next year. CDC please get us out.
  5. Finally, the basketball matchup we've been waiting fo...oh, nevermind. go horns
  6. Tbh I am a bit leery that Vasek might not sign with us. The whole "like every post from one team to fuck with people and sign with someone else" thing has been done before. Hoping for good things, but just saying.
  7. These Sark teams feed off the energy at home and wilt under it on the road. This is the most high-profile night game we've had since LSU, place is going to be rocking all night. Texas plays down and up to competition/the moment. Here they get to play up. Quentin Johnson is going to smoke this secondary, but I think the offense keeps us in there. 41-37 UT.
  8. Pretty sure Guilbeau left for the locker room as well at some point in the second half
  9. I'm going to say it - Quinn stares down his primary read and rarely moves past it. It happened during this game, during Iowa St. It happened during the drive he threw a pick against OU (missed Brennen Thompson in endzone). He's a redshirt freshman QB playing game 4, I don't expect him to be perfect. I do expect the head coach getting paid obscene amount every year tp be aware of that, and make it easy on him - screens, short-yardage throws. Forcing the ball 30+ yards when your QB is cold is a recipe for a bad performance, and that's exactly what we got.
  10. I am only going to interpret Texas games through the lens of a Pluckers location now. Thank you.
  11. Back at my hotel from the game. Tired, so I'll keep it brief. 1. Stillwater - pretty cool place. OSU fans were largely good-natured, not much of the inferiority complex you can taste w aggy and tech. They've got a good and fun thing going. 2. It is going to take a while until we see the problems with Ewers' game fixed. 3. There are distinct problems with the way Sark runs the offense when it goes up against decent competition. The defense didn't play an excellent game, but it played good enough that we should have won. Turnovers, failure to convert in the red zone, moving away from working strategies (why do we forget we can run screens past the 2nd quarter??) are all on Sark. The offense was the reason he was hired, it has all the skill in the world, and it simply is not performing well.
  12. They had their 2-on-1 there with the stack. Our 3rd and long playcalling remains godawful
  13. They had their 2-on-1 there with the stack. Our 3rd and long playcalling remains godawful
  14. Up close and personal. Let's do this.
  15. He did. I'm at the game and can see him warming up. No idea why people were saying otherwise
  16. What's a go-to place in Stillwater for a pregame lunch?
  17. The DART train I'm riding in says to give my seat to the profoundly disabled, grudgingly getting up right now for all the Oklahoma fans in the car. Its going to be an all-time smackdown today, proving scientifically, ethically, and philosophically once and for all that OU sucks. Go Horns.
  18. They are terrible. We should win convincingly.
  19. ...That's real? Good lord that's embarrassing
  20. I am a current student (normally lurk) and have been going to games since '19. I'm 0-6 on the road, and probably around .500 in person overall (including cupcake openers). I spend money I nominally have and time I definitely don't posess on this team and there's just no payoff. I was at the game today. Probably couldn't tell you too much about it. At a certain point the losses blend together. Still have tickets for Stillwater and RRS, so hoping against all logic for the best.
  21. Current student, excited to try to round up a few friends and drive up from Austin. I did have a stupid question, having never tried to buy away game tickets for anything - are the prices right now as good as its going to get, or might more get dumped on the market as we get closer to the date?
  22. Nah, but understandable though - I joined after lurking the Urban thread last month. If nobody else got me, I know Machinator got me 🙏🙏
  23. Hey, don't know where to post this, but figure I might get some answers on the football board- My friends and I (current students) are thinking about going to Fayetteville from Austin to watch the game against pig next year. Never tried to buy tickets for any large game besides Red River before, does anyone have any tips about when to try to get tickets, or about going to Fayetteville more specifically? I hear the place is a shithole.
  24. This seems to be the hire that always would have made sense. Coach K comes in and brings one of the guys who knows his scheme. The Stoops debacle didn't even make any sense even w/o BlOU baggage (why pick an LB coach who hasnt coached LBs in 3 decades). Ready to win and put that near-unforced error behind us.
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