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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. That guy is very likely an ass. However, you don't get to decide that unless the corporations and obscenely rich appoint you Alumni Worthiness Oberfuhrer. Sieg Heil.
  2. Oh screw it.... Let's just let them handle major domestic and foreign policies.
  3. Don't worry. They'll all be multi-millionaires one day. Just ask them. Isn't that the way 21st century capitalism works?
  4. Plant more trees and shrubs.... lots of them.... and stop mowing here and there.
  5. I just like to see them struggle, hit a few bad shots, get into trouble, sweat, and have to improvise like on a tough windy day at a Scottish or Irish or US Open course. It's more fun to watch than a driver, wedge, putt putt contest.
  6. Yep. Unemployment, wealth gap, poverty, 20 years of unnecessary war... and they pick a goddamn school song. Laugh my ass off.
  7. Meatheaded Moron Gets Microphone. Welcome to 21st century America.
  8. "Tons of talent, but too many of them are more concerned about shit talking and showboating than they are winning games." Part of the problem and is caused by a coach's mentality and the culture at the school. It also describes Texas basketball and football for the last 10 years.
  9. If he fails to get past the second tournament game, he should be fired. He's a substandard coach. Worse than Herman. He might be fine for a division II or lower school but that's about it. It's easy to see for all those who don't have some unarticulated agenda. Get him out.
  10. I have almost no doubt it would be a Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria and turn Mexico into a place that would make present day Mexico look like Shangri-La.
  11. {Sarcasm} Bomb and regime change Mexico.... {Sarcasm}
  12. You can say that again. General Butler agrees.
  13. Every time I see BYU, especially their football team, their uniforms look almost exactly like my old high school team's uniforms. A win. Get the sweep.
  14. Nice. A dozen or two will usually do.
  15. Beats being in the office. Nice 2-2 pitch. I just remembered this game was on this afternoon.
  16. Well, I actually watched into the 7th. It's a win. Cool. Hook 'em.
  17. Oh Jesus shit. Oh man. Everybody have a good one. Not sure I can watch this.
  18. Beer ball would be more entertaining.
  19. Oh man. Where do they find these clowns?
  20. Not really. Most of them were either extremely lucky or born with extremely rare talent. The drive to keep accumulating money beyond "fuck you" money is psychotic. I understand being driven to better the world but being driven just to accumulate money even your grandkids would never be able to spend is just, well, kind of sick. Oh well. I've got no fucks left to give for those people. If you want to be a star of stage and screen, look out, it's rough and mean. The psychopath out front should have told ya'.
  21. All that money gets heavy during the long and arduous trek toward "motivation".
  22. no toonces no
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