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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. If I had any rep left, I'd give it to you.
  2. Didn't mean to be nasty in my response. Like most Texas fans, whether basketball or football, I'm just frustrated.
  3. Meant to say "results for 4 years"....
  4. Results for years clearly show he'll never be any better than he is right now. If we wanted only "nice guys" at Texas, we'd still have Strong coaching football. Get that shit outta here.
  5. Smart is the Tom Herman of basketball. Yeefuckinhah.
  6. Lord Bezos wants to devote more time to his roles as Ruling Oligarch and Chief Propagandist.
  7. This thread is hilarious. I think Sark is either naive or brain damaged for agreeing to coach at Texas. Maybe both. It's clear to me that the Texas fan base, ex-players, and big money are fractured by hate and bitterly divided according to race, age, and political views, among other things. Unless Sark wins big early - conference championship and playoff spot within 3 years - he'll be fired. All I can do is laugh. I'm sure this will be my last post here but I don't give a shit. I just like watching this ship of fools sail around in circles. It's amusing.
  8. Look... It's the guy who loves Big 12 officials. Fucking moron.
  9. Because in the Big 12 the bad and questionable calls are common - seemingly more common than in other leagues - and they are subjective. They almost always favor a couple of teams or protect a team on track for the playoffs or a New Years Day game.
  10. I loved the misdirection on that play, though.
  11. They could probably line up in just about any kind of set and make it work.
  12. I'm also basically Slavic - Moravian, Russian, and Georgian - and German... and 3 percent Persian.
  13. JOINED January 3
  14. Thanks a bunch Rip76. Appreciate it.
  15. Hahaha. Some would disagree with that but thank you. I think drinking helps, though, as does a bit of sativa.
  16. I'm new and I've already discovered the pervasive lemming like mindset here. You should never think much at all when posting at this site, other than to fit in. It reflects the general population. Drinking heavily would help when posting here. Essentially, you need to assume that this site consists of 13 year old boys divided into two or three cliques.
  17. I have no idea where Texas stands.
  18. I think everyone in the country has been behind the sec "bag game" for at least a decade.
  19. Yeah. That's me. Truth can be unpleasant.
  20. It intrigues me, too, but I also wouldn't expect an answer. Actually, I'm not sure I really want to know, anyway.
  21. Hi Agent Buck. I'm sure someone here will be along shortly to provide all of the details.
  22. I'm not a meteorologist, but the current National Weather Service forecast for the Dallas area shows a 40 percent chance of snow during the day on Saturday, increasing to a 70 percent chance of snow during Saturday night. They show a 20 to 40 percent chance of snow for the Dallas area during Sunday and Sunday night.
  23. 😁Yeah. I know. I remember doing the same thing with a couple of friends, a couple of professors, my parents' best friends, etc. I'm laughing about it, now, and I guess that's good. It was mostly just a pain the ass, once every 5 years. Hell, much of the time, the work was harder. I travelled more than some pilots. At times, I feel like an old worn suitcase, scarred and covered with tags and stickers and tales of many places. Time for bed, a book, and some ovaltine. Ok, maybe not ovaltine. Milk and chocolate chip cookies. I think I've got the munchies.
  24. Hahaha... Ok. You got a taste. To increase the complexity and stress of my experiences, I have a Russian surname. That part of the family has been here since 1893. However, I travelled extensively when I was a kid, including Czechoslovakia and East Germany with my parents and the USSR with a History prof and a few people during the late '70s. When the wall fell, a branch of my great grandfather's family in St. Petersburg contacted and visited us in Texas. One older lady would have been my grandfather's first cousin. They were a somewhat prominent family before and after the revolution - intellectuals, military and bureaucrats, a couple of doctors, and theater people. Some of them became reds and had high level Bolshevik connections. One is buried in Mars Field. When I was being interviewed during my first clearance above secret, one guy looked through my information and documents and said "Whew. Look at this travel and that surname." He looked straight at me and said "We're gonna have fun with you." Hahahaha. It wasn't a problem.
  25. I understand. I'm used to it. I've been retired for 5 days. During my entire 38 year career, I had a clearance at various levels. It was renewed every 5 years. I've been prodded and probed from almost every direction. It has made me a pretty cautious, private person. We got married in 2011. A few years later, during renewal of my clearance, I went through several cross-examination sessions lasting about an hour each just about my wife, her daughter in France, her family in Russia, and my "contacts" with them. They cross-examined my wife, mother, son, ex-wife, and my wife's sister who is married to a UK citizen and lives in Hong Kong and London. I wasn't military. I was civilian in a congressional agency. I'm glad that's done. I'd been ready to go for 5 years. The atmosphere and attitudes and how we did things are different now and have been different for maybe 15 years now. However, that's a complex story many wouldn't quite understand. Anyway, probe away. I'm numb.
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