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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. Yeah. I noticed that. Almost all Texas receivers had that issue. I can't count the number of times this year I saw Ehlinger drop back and look at a few receivers, only to see nothing open and either throw the ball away, run, or get sacked.
  2. Good. He's not quite ready for the NFL and Texas will need him next year. He's from my hometown and very few people from there have had the opportunity to play any kind of sport at the division I level. When he pulled the stupid stunt with a gun, I was greatly disappointed. However, it seems as though he has matured quite a bit as a person and as a player. I'm pretty sure that most of the 6,000 or so souls in that little town are pullin' for him. I don't know him. I'm 63 and I haven't lived there since 1976. However, we still go down there a few times every year to visit my mom, relax, and fish and hunt and I know people who know him.
  3. Yeah. Thanks Hugo. I agree with that 100 percent.
  4. :-} Wise guy, huh? I knew I was askin' for trouble the minute I mentioned it. She arrived in my private jet. Ok. I don't have a private jet. She arrived on Lufthansa 11 years ago. I'm 63 and she's 57. She taught school in Nice for 20 years and we met there. I got the better end of the bargain. She's fluent in four languages and has a doctorate in math. She was raised in St. Petersburg {Leningrad when she was born} and we've visited her dad there a few times. He's 80 something and still teaches college physics and engineering and makes great borscht. She even gets along with my 30 year old son and that's no easy feat.
  5. Wow. Excellent. I love snow and so does my wife {she's Russian}. She misses it. I just think it's cool to see some snow once every 5 years, or so.
  6. My wife and I are considering going down to South Padre in late April or early May, before schools close. We're old farts {63 and 57} and can travel any time the urge hits us. We plan on driving down there from Dallas but we won't have to make that drive in one day, as we plan to visit my mom in Lavaca County on the way down. We plan to stay for 5 or 6 days and do a little fishing, shopping, swimming, and whatever strikes us. The information on fishing charters in this thread will be useful. We like to cook a bit and would like a place with a decent kitchen. Any recommendations for good condo/vacation house rental sites or properties? Thanks.
  7. Hahaha... Conformist conservative fuckers. Where are the anarcho-syndicalists?
  8. Ok. Yeah. I've heard of him. Thanks.
  9. I'm out of "likes". However, that's funny. I've lurked here for quite a while prior to creating an account a few days ago. I've got a mental picture of a few folks here.
  10. I think I know who this is but I can't think of his name. Who is he?
  11. Yeah. Thanks. The Who Slip Kid Lyrics - YouTube
  12. The chaos at the capitol yesterday and the antifa/blm riots were almost completely ineffective in changing anything significant. I strongly suspect they were BOTH at least partly orchestrated by our oligarchs, who own both major political parties and a great majority of the US "press". However, as the economy further deteriorates and real issues facing most Americans remain unaddressed, the capitol chaos and urban riots could be just a small taste of what's coming. As more and more Americans struggle to stay above the poverty line and realize that neither Big Party is proposing policies that could improve their lives, it will become harder and harder for our oligarchs and their politicians and press to hide the true nature of our political and economic systems. Eventually, we might see far right wingers, libertarians, anarchists, socialists, anitfa, and blm people participating in the same protests and riots. That's when shit will get real. If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. ~ Emma Goldman
  13. The dismal, stinky, trash filled tide.... the tide of History. 🙂
  14. Ha.... Yeah, that's about right. I was talking specifically about the Kardashians, not West.
  15. I don't care who wins. I just want to watch Sarkisian's offense and play calling.
  16. Why are these people famous? For airing their trashy lives on the teeeeveeee? "Celebrities" like this don't help our image, which, for many reasons, has been deteriorating worldwide for more than a decade.
  17. I'm confident that you can add aggy to that list, as well as most sec fan bases.
  18. Huh... Well, I'll be... Maybe a couple of our oligarchs can join him.
  19. I agree. He impressed me, too. I don't know the kid but he strikes me as the likeable, quiet leader type. I think he could be a good one.
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