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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. running wild with bear grylls
  2. How about Tesla battery fire smoke?
  3. Ok, if you haven't guessed, I've got a bit of a hot temper. Plagued me almost from birth. Thanks for not provoking me further. I had a bit of a penalty problem in high school ball. Now I'm just a grumpy old guy.
  4. Fuck you moron.
  5. No aggy. That's fine but this is an arrogant, DUMB idea. It will kill competitiveness and the popularity of college ball nation-wide and college football surely isn't gaining fans.
  6. I was at that 1990 game with my wife and parents. Everyone in the stadium except a few Houston fans and the Houston players and coaches was yelling for blood - an absolute massacre. Personally, I was hoping for decapitation of some Houston players. They thought they were God's Gift to sports across the globe. We had put up with so much cheap ass bragging, cheating, and ghetto strutting from those no standard fucks for several years that we were all ready for blood. We got it.
  7. Does anyone know where we can see actual sales prices of homes sold during the past year? I'm in Ellis County and we plan to dispute our 2021 estimated home value. Thanks.
  8. I've even watched it, occasionally. He's a bit cheesy but can be interesting.
  9. Yeah. The little Nazi fucks were tough.
  10. Looks like an arapima.
  11. They're buried right behind the German panzer division.
  12. Goddamnit. I fell asleep and missed it.
  13. Some day, somebody is going to ask us to clean up our goddamn trash.
  14. Jesus fuck why do I watch these bums? Ok. I'm older, retired, and sometimes there's not much else to do. Fuck. At least the Longhorns are good.
  15. Just finished a little exercise and turned on the game. Yawn. I think I'll slowly drift off watching the Rangers. TCU is busy finishing off Okie aggy... 1-0 in the 1st.
  16. Nah. That takes balls. There are very few real rebels and free thinkers left in this country. I say we give 'em a break.
  17. We need a dome. Well, not really.
  18. TCU beats Oklahoma State 8-7 with a run in the bottom of the 9th.
  19. I have. I umpired little league and 13 and 14 year olds in Dallas during the '90s. I had a ball do that and, as a novice, I called it foul when it hit foul ground. The damn thing bounced back fair but I had already called foul and stopped the play. I was always aware of that possibility after an earful from a coach.
  20. Well they call me the breeze....
  21. Got to say it.... This umpire's strike zone is a bit off....
  22. Don't know why I looked at this thread or anything in "cloak room". I never visit this part of the site. However, our military is about as useful as tits on a fucking hog... a gigantic waste of money.
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