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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. very nice....
  2. I hope that ball is worth it. Looks like it stained a nice jacket and ruined some high dollar nachos. Damn.
  3. Frogs 9 Cowboys 8. Final.
  4. Remember... It's ACU. Not TCU.
  5. I think they called it a foul ball. Got stuck on a catwalk.
  6. Restinmybones


    Maybe so. I'm for legalization of marijuana. I think it does far less harm than alcohol.
  7. Restinmybones


    pfffft. I wonder whether there are connections between alcohol and psychoses or alcohol and alcoholism or alcohol and violence?
  8. Every time I talk about how much a team - any team, any sport - sucks, they usually quickly improve or have a few good games in a row. That team might suck but fate will usually laugh in my face before they return to form. The Rangers suck ass. They'll end up toward the bottom of the league in runs scored and the early pitching success has to be a mirage. No way this staff is this good. There. Maybe that'll keep 'em going for a few games.
  9. ...or talent at other positions isn't as good as we thought it was.
  10. Time to get out some mother fuckin' ROPE.
  11. Just read my mind. If I want to watch little league, I'll just drive down the road to the little league field.
  12. This team looks like fuckin' rotted garbage. Just when I have time to watch some baseball, the Rangers look like shit.
  13. There might be triple A teams better than this team. Can they trade the whole team for a Triple A team somewhere?
  14. Got to lead off that dinner with sashimi, including puffer fish, if possible. Just the reactions would be worth it.
  15. I believe it. I do that, too. I don't have much touch around and on greens and I'm inconsistent.
  16. Some additional thoughts....
  17. It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination. - Douglas Adams Actually, I think the chances of Earth being the only planet in the universe harboring life are infinitesimally small.
  18. ^This. The kid has the talent to be really good, if he stays focused and out of trouble. Good to see him back at practice.
  19. I've always thought San Antonio would be a great town for a major league franchise. I hope it happens.
  20. Rabbits come into our back yard. They're nice to see, every now and then. Squirrels would be fine, too. You Should Have Bought A Squirrel.mpeg - YouTube
  21. There exists no greater or more painful anxiety for a man who has freed himself from all religious bias, than how he shall soonest find a new object or idea to worship. But man seeks to bow before that only which is recognized by the greater majority, if not by all his fellow men, as having a right to be worshipped; whose rights are so unquestionable that men agree unanimously to bow down to it. For the chief concern of these miserable creatures is not to find and worship the idol of their own choice, but to discover that which all others will believe in, and consent to bow down to in a mass. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky {The Brothers Karamazov} Just food for thought. I'm essentially a deist. I've never been a fan of organized religion. However, it will always be with us. We can only hope that it is tolerant, kind, and promotes a sense of community.
  22. They are 18-9 and 2-4 in conference games. They looked pretty good to me and, unfortunately, I think the sec is very strong in baseball this year. Regardless, Texas needs to be more consistent at the plate. Once this team gets into the tournament, they can't afford two game slumps at the plate. I don't expect this team to head to Omaha this year but, if all or most of them come back next year, they could be very good.
  23. Well shit. It's no fun to lose to aggy. However, it was a non-conference game and aggy looks pretty good this year. Somewhere, my Uncle Cliff and cousin Mark are smiling. I had and still have aggies on both sides of the family, as well as Texas exes and a TCU ex, two Tech exes, an Arkansas ex, and a Houston ex. We were and still are quite a mixed bunch. I learned to take and dish out trash talking pretty early, especially during football season. Last night, Texas went to sleep at the plate again. The pitching and defense are consistent but, obviously, the hitting is inconsistent. Texas has talent but they are young. Hopefully, they'll become more consistent with the bats. If they all come back next year, the future looks bright.
  24. Yeah. I can't pull for Baylor in anything against anyone. Might be nice to see Houston finally win one. I kind of like the way they play - intense, tough, gritty, and no flashy stars. However, I don't think they can beat Baylor. I think Gonzaga is the only team left that can beat Baylor.
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