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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. They're not bad deep fried in corn meal or flour.
  2. The aliens mercifully erased all memories of the experience. I think there is life out there, somewhere. I also think this thread needs more cowbell. Blue Öyster Cult - E.T.I. (Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) (Live) 10/9/1981 [Digitally Restored] - YouTube
  3. Right. I'm just lazy but that's a pretty weak "strongest argument.".
  4. Fuck no. The one fear I've had from childhood on is heights.
  5. I think they did. I also think it got a number of 'em killed.
  6. I do think people all over the planet and from all walks of life have seen, photographed, and filmed things that no one can explain. I also think it is very possible that there are highly advanced life forms elsewhere. If aliens are occasionally entering our atmosphere, they are advanced beyond our comprehension. They don't need anything from us or from our planet. There is no reason for them to make contact with us, attack us, or control us. If they are visiting Earth, they're just curious and want to take a look at Earth and a primitive civilization, much the same way 17th and 18th century merchants and explorers would take a look at interesting looking or inhabited Pacific islands.
  7. Ouch. Thought so. Doesn't look like a typical Baylor baseball team. I can't offer you any sympathy, though, because that basketball team looks like they'll win it all, if they can handle Gonzaga.
  8. would Yeah, ok, I'm a happily married old dude but... yummy.
  9. I'm also beginning to wonder whether Baylor is down this year. To begin the season, they lost two out of three to UT Rio Grande Valley but beat Auburn. They lost games to aggy and ou, beat Sam Houston State, swept Memphis and Xavier, and lost a game to UT Arlington before losing two out of three to Texas and all three to TCU. They're now 13-10 and are giving up a lot of runs. They always have talent but they don't look nearly as good as usual. TCU is pretty good but I don't think they're quite up to the level of many TCU teams I've seen. Their hitting is inconsistent. They'll score a ton of runs for a few games and then mostly shut down for a couple of games. Texas, Texas Tech, TCU, and Oklahoma State look like the best of the Big 12 this year. Like Baylor, ou is 13-10 and appears to be a bit down.
  10. Yeah. Also, much like Saturday Night Live during the '70s and '80s, South Park doesn't spare any person, group, or country. Everyone is a potential target. They've got balls. I like that.
  11. It can be. It's a mecca for all kinds of criminals. 😉
  12. Yep. I think Patterson is getting tired and feeling his age and the stress of decades of coaching. He might have a few more years left but I think that's it. Under Patterson, TCU has been able to play almost anyone close because, quite frankly, he is a great defensive coach - one of the best during this era of college football. Personally, I have great respect for that man as a coach. When he managed to get good talent on offense combined with some creative minds on the offensive staff, he had top ten teams and two teams that were top two or three. He won't finish his career with a national championship but TCU was oh so close to winning it three times during Patterson's tenure. He'll be almost impossible to replace.
  13. Maybe Sasrkisian will take TCU seriously. My son went to TCU. They love being a disrespected underdog. Since 2000, TCU football has about a .750 win percentage and is 11-6 in bowl games with seven top ten final rankings.
  14. Since the first three games against stiff competition, this team has looked good. After those first three games, I didn't think they could turn things around this quickly in all facets of the game. I think the hitting, defense, and pitching look pretty solid. They are young and will probably have one or two more slumps but, hopefully, they will snap out of them quickly. As always, though, the Big 12 looks pretty tough. The remaining games with ou, Tech, TCU, and Oklahoma State won't be easy.
  15. Well, well... I just saw this. Good news. It was going to happen this year, one way or another.
  16. Look.... Over there... It's aliens... er... I mean it's Russians or Chinese.... SCARY. You better give us more money to protect you. That's the name of that tune.
  17. Restinmybones


    I like this discussion thread. The posts are a bit too technical for me, at times, but I've learned quite a bit and I appreciate the research and efforts to legalize a plant that should have been legal decades ago. This should be on this thread: Rush-A Passage To Bangkok (Lyrics) - YouTube 😊
  18. That's really too bad. I'm 63 and a lifelong Texas fan and Texas alumnus. After all these decades, one kid from my little hometown has enough talent to get significant playing time at Texas and it looks like he's a head case with "issues". Well fuck.
  19. Florida man caught masturbating outside Chipotle because their food really is that good
  20. Goddamnit. Can't stand success. I hope he can stay out of trouble and get his head on straight. He has real potential and Texas needs him. Keep your fuckin' head down and focus on the things that are truly important right now - academics and making your team better.
  21. What the fuck? Many third world ghettos are probably safer than Miami right now. It looks as though spring break is more dangerous than the covid virus.
  22. Fair enough. However, since Ivey hasn't been a head coach, experienced assistants might be beneficial. I'm not sure the best staff in basketball could help Smart, right now.
  23. Ivey is an intriguing possibility, despite his lack of head coaching experience. However, put solid, experienced assistants around him and he'd probably be fine. Given Texas' recent experiences with coaches, though, I'm not sure what to think. Ivey would at least continue to bring in good talent.
  24. I've always thought that's true for all sports. Those making the decision need to be thorough and talk with people who played for and coached with a candidate, watch film of his/her teams, understand candidates' personalities and coaching styles to determine whether they fit at a school, etc., but due diligence still doesn't ensure success. I thought Herman was a good hire. I thought Smart was a good choice. I think Sarkisian will do well at Texas but, after our experiences with Herman and Smart, I really don't know what to think. I'm just glad I'm not part of making those decisions at Texas.
  25. Seemed like a good idea, at the time....
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