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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. I disagree. I grew up down there. I'm 63. I'd never seen anything like it and, as far as temperatures are concerned, I haven't seen anything like it since.
  2. From Feb. 14-20, Winter Storm Uri ー the worst polar vortex to hit Texas since 1989 ... Texas ANG delivers water, aid after winter storm > U.S. Air Force > Article Display In 1989 and 2011, Texas experienced significant power disruptions as a result of severe winter storms. Texas was warned to winterize power plants after past cold events (insider.com) I can't find specific temperatures. However, there was very little snow associated with the 1989 storm. However, temperatures hit 2 to 3 below zero for several nights in Dallas. We went to south Texas to visit my folks that Christmas. It is the first and only time I've seen ranch ponds in south Texas completely frozen over for several days. It was colder for longer in '89.
  3. Only in the United States. How the fuck did her brain get so twisted?
  4. Actually, I'm not. Look it up. Now, shut the fuck up.
  5. Actually, the winter of '89/'90 was significantly worse than this winter.
  6. Unless there is a very compelling reason to locate people there, that town will most likely disappear. I've been to a lot of places and the coldest weather I've experienced was Moscow in January {-20 F at night with highs of 5 F, or so, during the day} and Iowa in January {about the same as Moscow}.
  7. Good post. There is so much that needs to be done in this country, from reform of the economic and political systems to reform of foreign and defense policies, that it is hard to know where to begin. I worked for a small Congressional agency on small slices of a wide variety of issues for 38 years and watched the decline in many areas. I would only add that we also need to stop seeing enemies everywhere and focus on rebuilding and reforming at home.
  8. Hahaha.... Actually, two trips came to mind. Jesus. Gettin' old.
  9. Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
  10. Three fishing trips come to mind. During the summer of 1975 I was 17. A close family friend had a house and a boat at Rockport. That August my dad and I did some fishing with him in the bays there. One morning, right after sunrise, we got into some small to medium size trout and some 3 to 5 pound redfish. We found schools chasing and feeding on shrimp. From just after sunrise until about 10 in the morning, we caught about 70 fish. My arms were sore. I've never seen anything like it, since. Maybe 5 years ago in April, my son and I went out to a large pond on some land we have down in Dewitt County. That pond has always been a great fishing pond and has been there since at least the late 19th century. Fairly early that morning, we started catching bass and a few decent size crappie with grub and worm lures. During about 4 hours of fishing that morning, we caught 17 fish, including 10 bass ranging from a pond to 4 pounds, four good crappie, and 3 channel cats from 2 to 5 pounds. After an hour or so, we were laughing our asses off at how ridiculously easy fishing seemed. At one point, my son cast toward a wooden pier. He was a bit strong with the cast and it bounced off the top railing of the pier and into the water. Right as it hit the water nice bas came up and hit it. It was beautiful. We still call it his "magic pier shot". That feat has never been duplicated.
  11. Hahaha. Well, thanks. I appreciate that. However, my days of "coming in hard", at least while playing a sport, were limited to football and ended when I was 18. Thanks for the invitation to the Cloak Room but I'll decline, as politics only raises my blood pressure and generally darkens my outlook. I've never been a politician or a member of any political party but, during a 38 year career, I had my fill of politicians of every variety. I've never been big on joining things, either. I guess I'm just an old stray dog.
  12. Oh look it's a tough guy. There are some clowns here but I guess there are a few in every crowd. You might be an aggy.
  13. Depends on the team. I just don't think they have a very good chance to win that many games in a row against pretty good to very good teams.
  14. Well... nah. I like Texas' chances to get to the sweet 16. I think Texas has a decent chance to get to the final 8. However, I don't think Texas is a final four team.
  15. I don't think the coaching difference is that extreme and Michigan State is a bit down this year. However, they always have some pretty good talent and, yeah, Izzo is one of the best. If I had to guess, I'd write in Texas versus the Spartans.
  16. Yeah. That's it. I'm "Smitty". Better run and tell the teacher or your mommy or someone. 🙄
  17. Honestly, given Texas' and other schools' experiences with BYU in football and the overall maturity of their players, playing BYU is a bit scary. My guess is that they don't make many mistakes and can be physical. However, I'm not sure they'll get by Michigan State or UCLA.
  18. Yeah. No problem, at all. White people suck at basketball and football. We should rest the starters in the first half. Shit.... Texas has NEVER had problems with mostly white football or basketball teams. Actually, BYU should just fuckin' forfeit because they're all crackers.
  19. I was pullin' for the kid.
  20. Honestly, I like this idea. Once each year, they could all drop acid for the final round of a tournament. Great entertainment. One of them would probably react like Doc Ellis, though, and play the best round of his life.
  21. Now THAT would be fun to watch.
  22. Very tough course and fortunes change in a hurry. Can't tell who will win it. These types of tournaments are fun to watch.
  23. Yeah. Amazing at 47. This course can get a player in trouble in a hurry but I'm kind of rooting for this youngster Westwood.
  24. I know I don't It was meant as humor. Obviously, the attempt failed.
  25. Good win. Congratulations to the team and to Coach Smart. I think the talent on this team is kicking in. Prior to the Big 12 tournament, I thought this team might win one NCAA tournament game and then go home. I think I was wrong. Although bracket groupings are very important for most tournament teams, I think this team is easily capable of making the "sweet 16" and possibly the "elite 8". If they get some luck and favorable match-ups, they are capable of a final four birth. Smart earned himself at least another year. Hook 'em.
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