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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. I think he should claim that he has Tourette's Syndrome. Yeah. That's the ticket. I've gggggot mother fucking Tourette's Syndrome. The gggggoddamn Russians gave it to me with help from ssssspiks, sssslanty eyed people, Arabs, Jews, Canadians, and Nnnnnnigerians.
  2. Probably right. I think their power has been limited during certain historical periods, both here in the US and in other countries. While limiting their power hasn't always resulted in a better power structure, people should always question and resist too much wealth and power in too few hands. Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy? A republic, if you can keep it. ~ Attributed to Benjamin Franklin
  3. Jesus.... Smart is also working for the Centers for Disease Control???
  4. That's pretty funny. I'm Caucasian but I'm a native Texan. I tend to over-season food. Raisins in potato salad? Fuck no. No raisins in slaw or turkey dressing, either, and don't put that weird ass sweet white dressing on the slaw. Oil, lemon, salt, and cracked pepper on the slaw and that's it.
  5. Definitely rare.
  6. As reasonable as anything else, these days. Sometimes, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Given time, people will usually disappoint you. Disgusting.
  7. It looks like a very tough course and, based on what I've seen watching the tournament on tv a bit this afternoon, most of these guys are struggling with it. I don't watch many tournaments but I like watching the pros play tough courses. That short par 3 with the fast peninsula green is a little monster.
  8. Thanks. I have a feeling we'll catch a few.
  9. Yeah. That's what I was concerned about. We have some land down in DeWitt county and it has a few ponds. One is very large and is probably 15 to 20 feet at its deepest. It's a great pond for largemouth bass, crappie, channel and blue catfish, and sun perch. My son and I love to fish that place. It sounds as though it might have been somewhat affected. We'll find out during Easter weekend. Thanks again.
  10. Does anyone know whether the freeze affected fresh water fish in south and central Texas?
  11. I'll probably get negged into bolivian for this but I'm not running for Mr. Popular. I've never been much of a conformist, anyway. I think you're probably right. However, if a significant number of players did what maybeacoordinator describes, I suspect a significant number of college football fans would heave a sigh and care a lot less about college football. A lot of football fans - college and pro - have had enough of politics and "virtue signaling" from players, teams, and leagues. Sports is an escape. Athletes are entertainers. We don't expect or want wisdom, great philosophy, or political statements from athletes, coaches, or detached billionaire owners. Most pro and college athletes and coaches live in a bit of a bubble. Most of them may not think those activities will increase fan apathy but I'm pretty sure they will to some extent.
  12. Hahaha. That's a badge of honor here.
  13. Maybe but I'm not a woman.
  14. Little Chocolate Donuts - SNL - YouTube
  15. I don't know that one but I like Chris Rea's Texas or, if it needs to be something written by a native, I'm sure there's some Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, ZZ Top, Steve Miller, or Janis Joplin that might do. I doubt it would be possible to do justice to Stevie Ray Vaughn, T-Bone Walker, or Lightning Hopkins.
  16. Yeah. How the hell did this team beat TCU 5-4. TCU must have been asleep.
  17. Hahahaha. Relax. It's over. We're done as a great culture.
  18. Sounds like it was a fuckfest but, now, turn out the lights, the party's over.
  19. This pitcher is all over the place. Make him throw pitches.
  20. Meant to type "this group"....
  21. They can but these group has almost unprecedented political and economic power. It transcends sovereignty in some places.
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