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Everything posted by Restinmybones

  1. Yeah. Probably so.
  2. A lot of people around college and pro football strike me as 14 year old boys in adult bodies. Somewhat true for politics and the military, too. Football, politics, and the military seem to attract them.
  3. I guess I'm at the point where I don't give a damn. If no one wants to play football at Texas because of very flimsy evidence about the racist origins of a song, I don't care. Let the little front runners go elsewhere. I'll watch other teams, improve my golf swing, go fishing, etc. on fine fall afternoons. I'm about done with the whining and blaming and political bullSHIT. Take it elsewhere and infect some other school.
  4. No but it certainly looks criminal. How could the city and neighborhood let that continue?
  5. Yeah. Don't even know what to say, any more.....
  6. Whole thing should have been filmed in black and white. Fits that grain silo, '50s look of the Big Space Rocket.
  7. Well, that's better than nothing. We have a "fry daddy" that actually works pretty well. A few times a year, we go down to visit my mom {she's 90 and still rather spry} in rural south Texas {DeWitt County}. We have land down there and it has a great large pond for bass, crappie, and catfish. My son and I usually insist on getting together for a Saturday fish fry. She hesitates to admit it but she loves fried fish and chicken, too. She lets us do the fish indoors.
  8. Hmmm. It would be and it would also be a powerful crime deterrent. Might need to buy and/or transport hay every now and then, though.
  9. Aw hell. I shoulda known. Thanks. Damnit, now I'm hungry for fried chicken. My wife doesn't like for me to cook it because I'm too messy in the kitchen.
  10. Not sure I understand but if Tuesday is steak day and I have to eat some kind of Japanese test tube beef, I reckon so. I like my beef from real cows and I also like real moo cow fuck milk, as Lewis Black would say.
  11. oh my god look alien murder hornets from planet covid
  12. Thanks for bein' civil Mr. Chang {?}. Makes sense. I just think it's being seriously over-emphasized by front-running politicians who don't want to attempt to address some very serious economic, infrastructure, and foreign policy problems because, well, some Big Money doesn't want those issues addressed. I really hate discussing this stuff. It's stressful and God knows I don't need stress, any longer.
  13. Honestly, more and more people of all races and socio-economic levels are waking up to the insanity of this "woke" shit every day. It's at least somewhat encouraging. It is intended to divide people and distract them from the real issues facing the country. It also prevents the middle classes, poor, and upper middle classes from uniting, which is what our oligarchs fear most.
  14. Probably tastes like chicken.
  15. No. No no no. I just don't trust this to be like real steak. Next thing you know, they'll clone Bevo. No.
  16. Ancient Unexplained Files: Egypt for us.
  17. In fact, asshole, I don't see it, at all. Guess your lobotomy didn't work.
  18. I defy ANYONE to find anything "racist" in those Seuss books. Personally, I think we're going nuts as a culture. This won't stop anytime soon and will NOT end well.
  19. Check this out.... We might be going insane as a country.... Many around the world say we've been nuts for quite some time but people are scared to tell us because we have lots of money - relatively speaking - and bases everywhere. Anyway, some Dr. Seuss books have "fallen out of favor"... Banned Dr. Seuss Books Already Selling For Hundreds Of Dollars On Ebay | ZeroHedge I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  20. Maybe. Maybe not, dependent on numbers. Honestly, I feel little emotional attachment to that song. However, I don't care to be part of twisting history and truth to bow to neo-liberal party hacks. I say that as a life-long independent, anti-war economic leftist, and social libertarian. Both major parties and their corporate, money and attention grabbing political hacks and puppets make me sick. There is no difference between the two big parties. Neither one of them represent the middle and working classes or the growing numbers of poor. I'm done with this non-issue. Hopefully, it completely disappears from this board and from the "news".
  21. If it comes down to falsifying history and giving in to their every little spoiled whine and moan, I don't think a lot of us have any fucks left to give... or any money or time. It can dry up and blow away.
  22. That's why you're a dumbass.
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