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Brisketexan last won the day on June 21

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  1. I am asshole. Very asshole. Much happy.
  2. It’s aggy. So the answer js “yes.”
  3. “Reform” is nothing without xenophobia. The boy just got this through his mail slot: Farage is pure shite.
  4. Yeah….its not a defensive militia.
  5. So tonight....we're totally pulling for Venezuela to pants Mexico, right?
  6. It's ok. Our society has only two types of reactions to such things: 1) people who will rush out tomorrow to buy 4,000 rolls of TP, 10 flats of bottled water, and 400 cans of tuna, shoving people out of the way at the store, because a forecast said maybe there will be a hurricane somewhere, someday, and 2) those who will call the forecast a "hoax" even as their house is being bashed to kindling around them, then bitch about why the government didn't come rescue them while the wind was still blowing at 145 mph. And pretty much nobody in between.
  7. This is why, for every American that Russia kidnaps to hold hostage, we kill a Russian who is 1) somewhere abroad and 2) somehow important to Putin. Russians and Putin understand one thing: brute force. They use our respect for life against us. Fuck 'em.
  8. Pssssh....2005, how bad could it have been? Oh.
  9. I think it's pretty well-settled that the most evil, cruel "movement" in the western world is "evangelical Christianity." There is no depth they won't sink to, no evil they won't perpetrate, first and foremost to satisfy their own greed and lust (for sex and power). The only people who argue otherwise are....evangelical Christians. By the way, change the location to "the arab/muslim world" and change "evangelical Christians" to "Islamofascists," and the statements above fit perfectly. The coincidence is no coincidence at all.
  10. Yeah, Bill....overpromising sunshiney results isn't a good look.
  11. This edition of "Goofus and Gallant" got dark AF.
  12. That whole outlet is garbage. They RAN, gleefully, with the "Ukraine targeted Russian civilians on Crimean beach!" story, without pausing for a millisecond to actually watch the video to realize that it was the result of the Russian interception of a missile that was NOT targeting the beach....nevermind the fucking stupidity of not even pondering the question of "why would Ukraine use one of its limited supply of ATACMS to bomb.....people on a beach?" Fucking stupidity. And amplifying it is stupidity. Negged.
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