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Brisketexan last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Man....I always thought I'd have been a cool bootlegger. Gotta get me one of them fancy Chris Craft boats because dude....style is everything. I'll run whiskey to Mexico, wind in my hair, babes "helping me load and unload my cargo." Yeah, man....good times.
  2. Because he is. They all are. They are entirely performative bullshit. Tats, tough talk, excusing war criminals, cheating on your wife, and hitting women. That's what they are: pathetic losers who strut and show off the trappings, but are all about victimizing the weak (because if they ever actually took on someone for real, they'd get their fucking asses kicked).
  3. There is a 0% chance he would ever be eligible for a transplant. Dude says he can pound back forty fucking drinks A DAY. They don't give livers to active alcoholics (Mickey Mantle aside...).
  4. Hey man, I'm on your team for the most part. The only way we'll realize that touching the hot stove is bad for us is if we hold our hand on there and really hear and feel the sizzle. Pain is the only thing we understand.
  5. Dude....Daly will be immortal. Got the whole Keith Richards thing going on.
  6. I just need to bust out my cross country skis and to get your address. I'll come take whatever I need.
  7. Just got back from two weeks in Germany, mostly to go see our kids. We really just covered Frankfurt, Koblenz, Mainz, Munich, and a couple of excursions from Munich into other parts of Bavaria. The longest transit we had was the 3.5 hour train ride from Mainz to Munich. And we STILL did too much, and it all kinda kicked my ass and I came home tired and ill. We did two weeks in Scotland in August, and the same thing - our itinerary probably had 10-15% more stuff on it than it should have had. Just can't handle the travel the way I could when I was young. Don't overload your schedule, LISTEN TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE ABOVE. And trust us when we tell you that one of those "down days," where you just wander a city/neighborhood and take it easy, may well end up being one of the best days of your trip.
  8. It's Texas in 2025. If your choice is the shit sandwich, or the shit sandwich with bacon....hey, bacon's nice. But "how about....not a shit sandwich?" is never, ever going to be on offer.
  9. Brisketexan


    What is this "small" of which you speak? See, one of life's great pleasures is when the family is outta town. You order a Savage, all the way -- add the jalapenos and anchovies. And yeah, you order a large. You eat a few slices for dinner. Then you eat a slice cold for breakfast on the way to work the next day. Then maybe another coupla slices for dinner that night. Cold? Heated up on the griddle? Hey man, dealer's choice!
  10. Well, speak of the devil, look what just showed up from Ukraine: Looks like I got me a new keychain. Merry Christmas, and Fuck Russia.
  11. Dustin Burrows of Lubbock is your new Texas Speaker of the House. He's better than the other option, from what I understand. I damn with faint praise, perhaps.
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