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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Whale juice. Duh.
  2. Bingo. Seriously. This is a perfect way to capture the dichotomy. That’s a man. Does what’s right, doesn’t give a shit what you think. Not the roided up dude in his Black Rifle Coffee shirt who “doesn’t do any of that fairy shit.”
  3. They do them after the longhorn and Austin FC matches. They’re glorious. Theyre also $10.
  4. Just pretend that you paid extra for a German dominatrix to give you the full treatment.
  5. Yep. The short version of the piece about alpha males and such is: the harder you try to be a performative “man,” the less of a man you actually are. It’s the parallel of being cool: the only way to be truly cool is to not GAF what people think. If you keep trying to impress people so they’ll think you’re cool….you’re the opposite of cool. Yet culturally, we have elevated as “alpha males” literally the least alpha men I’ve ever seen in my life. Bullies are not men, they are pathetic, weak fucking losers who only punch when they can punch down.
  6. Yeah, they wanted us to get it there on Thursday just to make it less of a hassle for them.
  7. Srsly. Look….theres nothing wrong with a big gal. That gal ate 4 big gals.
  8. They’re gonna kick down your door while you’re having sex?
  9. Realize that you live in a world where either one of them would be a giant improvement as POTUS. I’m 100% serious, and you know I’m right.
  10. Yeah. Nobody is coming to save us.
  11. This is actually the argument that all of the fascists and their enablers have been making. Until the camps are ACTIVELY murdering and burning people, we’re being ridiculous. The stage where they demonize the other? Nope. The stage where the construct the camps? Nope. The stage where they cram the “undesirables” into the camps? Nope. The stage where they set up the actual machinery of mass extermination? Nope. You ONLY get to say “hey, these guys are Nazis/fascists” AFTER they flip the switch and start the machinery of murder. In other words…after it’s too late. Their argument is “it’s wrong of you to oppose me while I’m on my WAY to create horrors….its only fair to criticize me and try to stop me after I’ve already done all the bad stuff and it’s too late.” Fuck that. The time to shoot Nazis in the face is: all the time. Every second of every day. Now, yesterday, one minute from now, all the times. And Elon is a fucking Nazi. He literally demonizes Jews and any non-white group he can think of, and blames them for the world’s ills, and would like to see them removed. Those are his actual, publicly stated sentiments. He’s the most evil, dangerous man alive. Come on, ketamine.
  12. So, shout out to a legacy joint, legendary to many of us of a certain age: Bert’s BBQ. Have family in town for my father’s memorial. Yesterday was just a family day together, and I figured I’d serve brisket and such for all of us to have a nice dinner and visit. But had too much going on to smoke one myself. Recalled that Bert’s will smoke it for you for $1 a pound. Wife dropped it off on Thursday (and the experience cracked her up - she walked in at 2:00, and two tables of old men stopped talking and just watched her walk in all the way to the counter - it’s such a dude place). Went to pick it up yesterday with the boy….walk in the door, and traveled back in time. The smell was incredible. All the game animals on the wall, all the UT gear and memorabilia, just magical. The boy really took it all in. Two of his best friends from school (two English girls from Surrey and Manchester) are dead-set on a Texas visit this summer. He looked around and grinned and said “I DEFINITELY taking them to lunch here.” The brisket itself: It was pretty damned good. Was it on par with any of the new super-high-end places, like interstellar or Franklin? No. But was it really, really good? Fuck yes it was. A solid B+ at worst. And let’s be clear, if you aren’t an experienced bbq snob, it would be one of the best bites of food you ever had. Man. I lived a coupla blocks from the MLK Bert’s back in the day. I even took dates there.
  13. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Furk. Stuver just lost that ball. We should’ve gotten the draw. Dammit.
  14. *This offer void if the person being discriminated against is a minority or female. This offer applies only to “discrimination” against white Christian males, with “discrimination” defined as “any policy that doesn’t openly favor them.”
  15. It's great for billionaires. It allows them to leverage their enormous resources to buy/control huge swaths of the country at firesale prices. Tanking the economy is an essential predicate for completing our total conquest by billionaires and completing the conversion to a full-on oligarchy.
  16. If you're Poland, you're getting them, and USING them.
  17. The point is that they don't have to give a shit. Popularity and votes are no longer irrelevant. Authoritarian regimes don't care about those things, because they no longer need them.
  18. So...there's a certain recent former Austin City Council member who broke through running the SAME play with...."Gamergate." Remember that breathtakingly stupid non-issue? She jumped all over it, made herself a "voice" on the issue, and became something of a public figure by doing so. And then she was off the races. And becoming one of our better councilmembers for a bit, but that's beside the point.
  19. The one guarantee is that they will 100% fuck over both the teachers and the school districts when all is said and done. The State will not keep any end of its deal. It will leave districts holding the bag. Fuckery. That is the only purpose, it is the only goal, it is the only outcome. Always. This is the way.
  20. Not promise -- and follow through on -- to be a dictator "on day one?" Just, you know, for starters. Not do a 180 switch, turning our greatest enemy into our closest ally, and turn LITERALLY ALL of our allies into out-and-out enemies? That seems....important. Not promise to erratically impose tariffs for no fucking reason, wrecking the fucking economy and causing inflation, unpredictability, and destabilizing the fucking globe? All she had to do was not be an insanely evil Russian asset. She did that brilliantly.
  21. The next step is direct US military action against Ukraine. Well, maybe not immediately next, but it's coming. US troops will be fighting in concert with Russian troops before the year is out. US troops loyal to their oath will not be doing so.
  22. Yep. The one common thread among Elon and fanbois is that they are sniveling cowards. They will only step into an adversarial situation if they completely control the narrative, and/or the opponent is 100 orders of magnitude weaker, so they can strut around proclaiming themselves as badasses because they just kicked the ass of a one-legged cricket.
  23. Well, all is good now. We just realigned ourselves, completely and totally, with the USSR (let's not kid ourselves, Putin is reconstituting the USSR), and also....this is the super-awesome best part....we are OPENLY attacking and threatening our allies. We are fucking threatening fucking CANADA with invasion and occupation. We are the bad guys. Fuck that, we are actually the WORST guys. We turned on literally all of our friends, and are shitting all over them with a firehose of shit. But we can't suck Russia's dick hard enough. And you're good with that. This country doesn't deserve to continue.
  24. Correct. The vandalism should be aimed at everything Elon owns personally. And the factories themselves. I mean, if you were to do such a thing, which is illegal, and you shouldn't.
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