So...y'all really haven't figured out how this goes, have you?
Incompetent leadership at the top is not really an issue. They only need to do two things: 1) be fiercely loyal to Dear Leader, and 2) wield the club of threats/retribution against anyone who opposes the regime. By doing that, they will get the corporate class to do all of the dirty work for them. The Nazis didn't do much of the work to make Germany a horror show. German industrialists did. Eager to protect their wealth and position, when the regime threatened them, they chose to get on board with the regime's plan. They happily used slave/prisoner labor, they built chemical factories for the purpose of manufacturing chemicals used for extermination, they provided financing for the construction of big public works projects...including death camps, etc.
The Trump regime will threaten American corporate interests if they don't do exactly what the regime says. And history tells us those corporate interests will get in line, and will operate as arms of the regime, doing its will and its bidding. And American corporate interests? Well, they get shit DONE. Want to build a death camp, and you're willing to shove a mountain of tax dollars at a contractor to do it? You're gonna get your death camp, and pronto.
Trump and his flunkies aren't the major threat. The collaborators are.