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Everything posted by Brisketexan
Soon enough, Kyiv will be under attack by the US. Take heart.
It is pretty much down to this. The nut-cutting time will be when the US military is ordered to take military action against one of our historical allies -- Canada, France, the UK. The odds of that happening are skyrocketing. Then, our troops will have to decide whether they can and should shoot to kill men and women they trained and fought with side-by-side just months ago. Or, will they act to protect and defend the Constitution, and take action against the foreign state actor in the White House. We're getting there. We're getting there faster than even I suspected.
The United States is now at war with Ukraine, acting in alignment and in concert with its only ally, Russia.
The United States is already out of NATO. It's all over but the crying. What remains of NATO can do what it wishes without regard to the US. And they may also expel Hungary and Turkey. They're going to need full unity when the hostilities against Russia and the United States begin. Good chance that will happen by early summer. Things are happening very fast.
We blew through "embarrassment" in about 3-4 weeks, reaching "hostile enemy state" in record time. The United States went from ally to enemy in just over a month....with respect to dozens of nations. Seriously, at this point, when we invade Canada and attack and kill Canadian troops defending their homeland, who are you rooting for? If you don't say Canada, you are a sick fuck.
The World Cup collapsing will take care of itself. England, France, Italy, etc., are not going to send teams to play in a country they are in a shooting war with.
FIF historical accuracy. It's over. This country is finished. All that remains is the speculation, and then the finding out, of what comes next.
What the Trump-supporting idiots don't realize is that they just made a Europe-wide war MUCH MORE LIKELY than it was yesterday. Europe will support Ukraine.....Russia will overreach, and strike a European country....and the war will go hot between various European states and Russia. And US interests will take a fucking beating in the process. Everyone loses. Everyone. Which is how Trump likes it. He cannot think he is winning unless he can actually see everyone else losing. That's how lizard-brained zero-sum transactional thinkers think.
At this point, anything our former allies do to take action against the Trump-governed United States, I support it. Not because I hate the United States of America, but because I love it.
I have to tell you.....if war broke out this month between the US and any/some of our former allies.....I can 1) guarantee that my son would not sign up to fight for the US, and 2) I could NOT guarantee that he wouldn't volunteer to fight for one of our allies. He has a moral center. He will feel compelled to fight for the good guys. And that will NOT be the Trump-governed United States.
They're not just on their own....we are their active enemy. A responsible European state would be immediately ceasing all intelligence sharing with the US, doing all they could to disentangle any and all military cooperation/relationships with the US as quickly as possible, and working on legislation requiring any of their major business enterprises to begin disentangling themselves from the US. Saab aircraft production should skyrocket, because European nations need to have ZERO dependence on the US for aircraft, as just one example. Europe needs to prepare for an actual shooting war with the US on the other side. Maybe that can be avoided. But at this point, prudence dictates that you plan for that eventuality, and right soon.
This. I don't think that anyone has truly and fully grasped the significance of today. The post-war order of 1945-2025 died -- not was wounded, DIED -- today. February 28, 2025 will be one of the most significant dates in future history books. The old world ended today, and a new, dystopian shitscape was fully unleashed. We went from a US-heavy western alliance, standing against large communist/autocratic powers Russia and China......to a US-Russia alliance standing against the western alliance (with China wisely munching its popcorn, and figuring out how to feast on the chaos). Today was a complete, 180-degree realignment, and in a horrific way with results that are going to make the globe a horrific place in the coming years. Yes, we are going to see US and Russian troops fighting side-by-side with each other AGAINST our former allies. It may even happen before the end of this year. I'm dead serious, if you have family in the military right now, do everything you can to get them OUT.....or start preparing them for having to turn their weapons against their fellow "countrymen" waging war against our country and its interests.
Well, it IS a turning point. When the books are written, February 28, 2025 will be the date that the world completely realigned, without any question or ambiguity. The axis is now the US and Russia. The allies are....all of the former allies of the US. The US is not only no longer an ally of any of the countries that were allies mere weeks ago, we are an openly hostile enemy. France, the UK, Canada, Mexico.....everyone (except Putin's Russia) should treat the US as a hostile state. They should cease all intelligence sharing, military cooperation, everything. They should gear up for war, coming at them from two directions. Oh, and if you have any members of the military in your family, you need to have the hard but short conversation with them: they took an oath not to this regime, but to the Republic and the Constitution. When the time comes for US forces to take hostile action against Canada, Europe, and the like....they have a duty not just to refuse those orders, but to turn their weapons on those who would attack our allies (and let's not sugarcoat it, they will also attack our fellow American states who do not go along with the regime). A hot war is a near-certainty at this point. And the Trump-governed United States will be the bad guy. You actually think that the United States should 1) side with Vladimir Putin, and 2) openly attack all of our allies? What the actual fuck is fucking wrong with you?
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
Brisketexan replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
^^^ Man, I just got beaten to it. 1) She needs money. 2) She should become a whore. 3) It is the only value women have in this new society anymore (whore or baby factory) 4) And hey, look on the bright side, she can fuck all day long and not get pregnant! The income opportunities are limitless! She voted for that hellscape. Now she gets to live in it. Fuck her. -
Fitting, as Russia is now "our" (using "our" for "the Trump-governed United States) sole ally. It's that simple. It's done. The Trump-governed United States has one ally: Putin's Russia. Everyone else, including ALL of our former allies, are now are enemies and adversaries (again, using "our" the way I said). The Trump-governed United States is literally the enemy of everything the United States stood for until January 19, 2025.
Guys, these people are no longer "assets." "Assets" are individuals in place who covertly assist/provide intel to an adversary state. There's nothing covert about this. The Trump-governed United States has now, for all intents and purposes, 1) formally entered into an alliance with Putin's Russia, and 2) become a hostile adversary to literally every single nation that was an ally of the actual United States on January 19, 2025. We were just taken over by a hostile state. It has happened. Now, what are you going to do about it?
Ask John how he intends to handle the act of treason just committed by Trump - who just openly declared that we have only one ally, Putin's Russia, and everyone else, including all of our allies, are actually our enemies. Ask John if he has a spine, or whether he's aware of anyplace he can order one, to see if he can cram it into his gelatinous husk of pathetic simpness.
I am confident that at some point or another in his life, Zelensky ate some really bad borscht. Like, the beef was rotten, and then undercooked. It was laden with gut-ripping bacteria, and within hours, he had round after round of hideously explosive shits. Some of them hit the toilet bowl with such force that they left a streak of red-tinted shit that wouldn't come off, even after multiple flushes. I would rather be governed by that red-tinted streak of shit than by our current "President."
The existential question for us and the world has long-since passed "how can anyone still support him?" The only question that matters now is "how do we stop him?" I'm dead serious, we are careening towards the kind of hell and destruction that people can't imagine. Every day with him in power and destabilizing the entire global order makes the prospects of total war, including a nuclear exchange, go up, up, up. We're entering "does the species survive this?" territory.
If we needed any more clarity, today is the day that the Occupied United States of America officially became the enemy of the United States of America. Just like Vichy France was the actual enemy of the French Republic. It's over. If you are an American, loyal to this country, you are going to have to fight with everything you have against this "country" wearing the trappings of the United States of America. Because that country is an ally of Vladimir Putin, and literally nobody else (seriously, that country has turned against every...single...one of its allies).
Trump just openly stated that Putin is his ally. And to be clear, his top and only ally. If the relationship between the United States and Europe breaks down as badly as Trump and Putin want it to, we are going to have to pick sides, and right soon. I will take the side of freedom, democracy, and humanity. Meaning that I'll be team Europe all the way. I am loyal to my country. But what is being created and operated by Trump and Putin is not my country. It is an entirely transactional, entirely colonialist, entirely bullying, autocracy. All of the worst ASPECTS of our country at various times, congealed into a mass that has consumed the Republic. There is no body left -- it is only cancer now, wearing the clothing of my country. But that's all it is, an outward appearance with a flag and shit. In 1941, if you wanted to be on the side of democracy and humanity, you went with the allies, and fought against European powers like Germany and Italy. Today, if you want to be on the side of democracy and humanity, not only can you not be on the side of the US, you are obligated to actively work AGAINST the country/regime presently acting under that name. That's where we are. There's no ambiguity left.
Oh....my friend.....it's only 1:30. The day/week/month/year/presidential term is QUITE young. You're going to be much, much, much more ashamed. And right soon.
The Leopards Eating Faces and Unlubed Dildo of Consequences Thread
Brisketexan replied to Horn Dog's topic in Cloak Room
Sure - per my wife, the reasoning is a stewpot of legitimate concerns about authenticity and good old-fashioned "we don't like what this says because it would threaten our personal political interests/goals, so let's exclude it." The "Bible" is a mess. Insisting that you're studying the full measure of Christianity by just reading the English translation of certain writings that were approved by politically motivated men is a recipe for missing the mark.....AND, because there's so much play in the steering wheel, "the mark" is always going to be impossible to hit perfectly. So, some humility and some "but we may have this wrong" is necessary. -
Trump views literally the entire world except Russia and China as either our current or future colonial holdings. Dead serious.
Covid/Influenza/Black Death. 2024 and beyond
Brisketexan replied to Parliament's topic in Daily Texan
Hey, a new hemmorrhagic fever is cooking up in the Congo, too.....don't leave that possibility out. Maybe we'll get a cool measles/flu/super-Ebola hybrid.....that we should treat with Ivermectin and bleach, of course. That'll totally work.
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