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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. You seem like a snowflake. Who supports stupid shit like blaming historical wildfires on DEI policies and shit.
  2. ...and you'd maybe not be surprised by where the bulk of the opposition to such projects comes from. A whole lotta "big gubmint, leave us alone! TAXATION IS THEFT!" and all that shit. Except when we're outta water....then those EXACT same folks are bitching about "WHY DON'T THE GUBMINT DO ITS JOB! I PAY TAXES, I SHOULD HAVE ALL THE WATER I WANT!!!" You defending those ridiculous posts, which have ZERO connection to the fires, is perfectly predictable.
  3. I presume the charge was “dude….black fella in a hoodie in Tanglewood.”
  4. Because I chronicle absurd Russian women worldwide. I have a picture of a Russian chick in fuzzy pink shoes hiking at a rugged Armenian monastery, another (pretty good lookin') Russian chick making duck lips in front of the Mona Lisa, and this gal standing at Neuschwanstein Castle. It's a real collection. I actually shoulda snuck a shot of one of the boy's profs at JGU in Mainz. We were on campus to check it out, and as we were waiting for our tram, he pointed out his prof. She's a Ukrainian gal, mid-30s.....looked almost exactly like you'd expect. Bleache blonde, a little cheap-ish, but in a "hell yeah" kinda way. I was interested.
  5. Buddy of mine was AFD for years. His firehouse was a pure dude-fest, just guys out-machoing each other all the time, it was kinda funny. And yeah...the two obvious lesbians at his house gave as good as they got. I'd have been damned happy to see either one of them bust through my door during a fire. They were BMFs. But, you know, none of this would have happened if LAFD was made up of entirely white dudes from the 1950s. True fact, everyone from every conservative vantage point has told us so, so it must be true.
  7. I took some pics of a Russian chick in Germany. She was not hot. She looked like stale cigarettes smell.
  8. "Air quality" does not equal "carbon released in the atmosphere." Air quality is unquestionably a legitimate concern, one that SHOULD be taken into account - smoke is hazardous as shit, beyond a mere annoyance. If conditions are going to be such that in a controlled burn, the smoke will just settle into the nearby valley, making habitation impossible for a significant period of time, that's something to be taken into account. That's why burns are ideally conducted on not entirely windless days (you want enough wind to move the smoke, and to move the fire slowly, but not enough wind to create a risk of rapid spread of the fire). Your zeal to blame liberal ideals that you hate blinds you to the fact that there are some legit things that SHOULD be considered in planning a controlled burn, and other things that shouldn't be an impediment to a controlled burn (among other fire management techniques). Those factors are not exclusive to liberals or conservatives (again, your blindness to the fact that we allow massive profit-taking by construction of structures in fire-prone areas, without requiring offsetting expenditures on things that will reduce fire risk/help with firefighting - really, a problem with construction in disaster-prone areas across the board - is quite telling). Your only interest in "the common good" is to the extent that it gives you the chance to gig some libtards. You simply cannot grasp that if we're actually going to work towards the common good, a shitload of oxes are gonna get gored, and you're going to be pissed off by many of them ("TAXATION IS THEFT!!!!")
  9. Was that argument the basis for California refusing to perform controlled burns in these specific areas? And I don’t mean “somebody said it at a meeting,” I mean the actual basis for a decision by authorities not to perform controlled burns in these specific areas. Not that I’m deflecting from possible/likely poor wildfire planning and management decisions otherwise; the US has a spotty history of fire management. It wouldn’t surprise me, but the fact that you immediately went to a single point of argument that is a “libtard talking point” doesn’t cloak you with much credibility. Many of our shitty Fire management decisions have been due to a zero-compromise point on protecting all property. Others are due to public pressure based on things like cost and aesthetics. The public demands some very short-sighted things. Austin residents screamed “don’t trim our pretty trees” right up until they screamed at Austin Energy “why didn’t you trim the trees?”
  10. Hey…I’ve got an idea…what if, in order to respond to armed, military threats, we created a brand new entity. They would have weapons, and would be trained to fight our enemies. I would call it “The US Army.” All I ask is that the history books note me as the originator of this brilliant idea. These idiots have zero idea how any government works. They never wanted to. They just want to get praise from morons, and profit from the enterprise.
  11. But all policies have to be tempered with realism. The entire upper Texas coast has asked “how can we prevent flooding like Harvey from happening again?” The problem is that you pretty much cannot. It’s flat coastal prairie. Drop 40-50 inches of rain on it in a short period, and you’re gonna flood, badly. Maybe some areas here and there can be improved, risks can be reduced, we can lower flood risk from lesser rain events. But there’s no practicable measures that will keep it from flooding, a lot, if Harvey 2.0 hits. Flood control reservoirs work well in steep country (see Lake Travis). They don’t work well in the prairie, because they just can’t have that much capacity. That’s just one example. There are things that can be done to reduce wildfire risk and impact, and those should be prioritized. But they cost money, and the same people demanding them today will be shouting “taxation is theft” tomorrow.
  12. It’s not that detailed. We have made it okay - nay, laudatory - to be a mean asshole again. That’s it. MAGA means it’s good and right to be a fucking asshole to people…but only those weaker than you. If you aren’t punching down, why are you punching at all? It’s an endorsement of the very worst of our nature, and elevating it to be admired. If you call someone a pussy, retard, faggot, spic, n—-er, you are an American hero, demonstrating the very best of what it is to be an American. What’s bad is actually good, and what’s good (acknowledging the existence of others and treating them with a modicum of decency and kindness) is bad - it’s “the woke mind virus.” Thank God, America is safe for mean and angry white males again.
  13. “Look, as long as they sweep up the glass promptly, this whole kristallnacht thing doesn’t bug me, I ain’t Jewish.”
  14. They had some green chile dishes when not many places had those. Those were their menu standouts (I even recall a green chile CFS?). That’s it.
  15. I love how we should be suspicious of anything that might make money, so the solution is that we should place all of our trust in.....a cadre of nakedly corrupt and self-interested billionaires. This timeline is fucking absurd.
  16. See, the way it works is "our alogrithm sees that you follow Susanna, Dana, and Sela....how about you check out these OTHER attractive middle-aged brunettes?" And I say "well....this does match up with my interests...." I can go one better than that. Got a new Packard Bell setup in the very early 90s, to start law school. As I was setting it up, it came with various software giveaways and promos, including one on the relatively new media of CD-Rom. It was Prodigy. I opened it up, and read all the material with it. And I distinctly recall the moment that I tossed it into the wastebasket next to my desk, saying out loud to myself "'Internet?' Sounds like a scam." I was either way wrong....or way right. Oh, and Tik-Tok is absolute hot garbage. It disseminates information pursuant to an algorithm that is intended to undermine the social and political order of every country other than China. Imagine it was 1942, and there was a massive media empire in the US that was openly owned by the German National Socialists, disseminating information that was openly intended to undermine support for the US and lead to support for the Nazis. When nation-states play around in such endeavors, shit happens. If China doesn't want Tik-Tok banned, it should have let it be an independent enterprise, with no government interference or direction. It hasn't done so. There is a very good reason it hasn't done so -- because that would ignore and be contrary to the very purpose of Tik-Tok.
  17. You see, you own the libs, and then there are sweet lib tears, and then….duh, if you can’t get it libtard, you’re a tard!
  18. Blah blah blah, so you had a great time. No need to gloat.
  19. God you're adorable. Anyone not MAGA who was gullible enough to vote for him is too stupid to figure it out.
  20. The last one (North) is closing: https://www.kvue.com/article/life/food/trudys-north-star-closing-austin-burnet/269-4a0401f6-ffab-4a66-b871-24cfc9203e82 I couldn't give less of a shit. Never understood all the Trudy's love. Had a few good times there way back in the day, but if you don't have a good time someplace with free-flowing booze and hot college girls when you're in your 20s, something is wrong with you.
  21. Well....how da ya like THEM apples?
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