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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. I only want eligible people to vote. I don't care who they vote for. 

    What if your plan to keep ineligible people from voting keeps 1 ineligible person from voting, but also disenfranchises 10 eligible voters? If you are in favor of the legitimacy of elections, disenfranchising 10 voters should concern you more than disenfranchising 1 person whose vote is cancelled by an ineligible voter.

    But of course, that’s irrelevant, as the entire discussion is an ADMITTED (seriously, they admit it) smokescreen for a plan to disenfranchise voters who are more likely to vote Democrat.
  2. Depends how you define “getting Trump”
    Mueller isn’t going to perp walk Trump or press charges while he’s in office but here are some things he could conclude in a report:
    -Trump obstructed and conspired to obstruct justice 
    -Trump was a witting co-conspirator to defraud the United States.
    -We’ve conclude that Trump was an unregistered foreign agent working on behalf of the Russian Government during the campaign.
    any of those plausible conclusions would qualify as “getting Trump” in my book.

    And....none of them would matter.

    Shoot a man in the face on 5th Avenue...he skates. The GOP stands more firmly in defense of trump, protecting him from the rule of law, in stark contrast to how they stand in defense of the country and protect it from hostile nations attacking our elections.

    The GOP is actively working against the United States, and against the rule of law. That’s an actual thing that’s happening.
    • Like 6

    I shared this story earlier on the thread: a family member who works in Classified line of work shared a message he was allowed to see on a computer monitor - “Six months of operational planning, undone by a fucking tweet.”

    DOTUS has no idea what anyone else in or government is doing. And as a result, he fucks a lot of that stuff up
  4. How high on the food chain do you think Mueller will get?
    I will believe him getting Trump when I see it. Doesn't seem likely.

    I dunno. I just know that it doesn’t matter. Folks below his level, trump will pardon. Trump himself, even if there’s ironclad evidence, will skate because the GOP senate will never, ever go against him. SUMMARY: Mueller is wasting his time, because the rule of law is dead.
  5. There will be a day of justice for a lot of these people. I plan to sip on some nice scotch on those occasions.

    No, there won’t. Not for most of them. They’re going to get away with it. Thus....the scotch.
    • Like 1
  6. I love when folks ignore the punch line.




    The goal of trade policy should thus be to push back on U.S. trade deficits without distorting current trade flows. Large tariffs like the ones Trump has proposed won’t work, nor will preventing offshoring one company at a time, as he did with some of the jobs that the air-conditioning company Carrier was going to shift to Mexico.[/Quote]


    Love the Steel mill jobs. And how many downstream jobs have been lost because of the tariffs and price increases? Net job analysis, that’s what matters.


  7. How fucking fat are you that you pick up a whataburger, eat it en route to the next whataburger up the road and eat it again?

    You grabbed a Whataburger breakfast after your plane landed and you headed to meeting/hearing #1. Then you have to head to another town for meeting #2, and you grab Whataburger for lunch. Or the combo is a rushed lunch, then dinner while driving. So, there’s a pause between meals. But it does get old.
  8. The wife has expressed an interest in moving to Marble Falls. I am somewhat interested in the idea and was curious about how the place has been developing. We currently live in Spring Branch and I work out of the home so commuting isn't an issue. My experience with the place is limited to trips for little league and youth football games and the occasional weekend on the lake.
    I believe there are a number of y'all that live along the Colorado river. Does anyone have any insight on Marble Falls?

    First question: who is she screwing there?
    • Like 2
    My wife "recycles" plastic grocery bags.
    Instead of throwing them away, she stuffs them in a drawer in the kitchen.
    About once a week, I open the drawer, pull out about half of the bags, and throw them in the trash.
    She has literally never taken empty bags back to the store.

    My MIL saved all of them. Every one. When she had enough, she’d fill a full size hefty bag with them, then stick it up in the attic. In Houston. When we cleaned out the house after she died, we found sack after sack of them. Which, in the Texas heat, had decayed into powder/snow. We opened one bag, white pieces everywhere. We trashed the rest after just a peek inside to confirm “yep, more fucking plastic bags.”
    • Like 1
  10. If I ever knew that, I'd managed to forget it.  It's a polite thing to forget the shortcomings of one's friends and remember only the positives.

    I must be impolite, because I recall all of your shortcomings. I mean, the ones I know about...I’m sure your wife hasn’t told me everything.
  11. Ever have to hurriedly crumple up and hide an empty Whataburger bag in your car, before you get to the Whataburger drive-thru window? 

    The boss move is to hand the cashier your previous Whataburger bag to toss in the trash. It’s like recycling - it’s science.
    Well, that's when you get the Monterrey chicken strip sandwich rather than your usual #4.
    Seriously, man--what the fuck's wrong with you?  It's like I don't even know you sometimes.

    I’m underwhelmed by the Monterrey chicken sammich. You know this. And when I need to mix it up when hitting drive throughs, you know I like to find someplace with boudin balls. Like Krispy Krunchy Chicken.
  12. Inevitable part of aging but Shag / Surly standards are slipping. Ten years ago only the out and out trashdicks on here would admit they would bang either of these assets. Now the consensus is we would. Not sure if we’ve become more truthful or thirstier. 

    We’re aging, dude. And, boobs.

    But, for reference, here’s a pic that says so much. Surly poster in the middle, Cassandra looking skanky on the left, and - seriously - Lewinsky looking WAY too classy for this crew, on the right.

    • Like 2
  13. I like Popeye's, it's good, and I bought PLKI @ $19... RIP
    But Dion's is the best boat chicken, and I will not be dissuaded!  How they have not spread faster is a mystery.  Some folks just must not love gas station chicken!

    Krispy Krunchy Cajun chicken (found in gas stations only) is the best gas station chicken, and actually rivals Popeyes. Disagree with me, and I will fight you.
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