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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 1 minute ago, DixonHur said:

    Was listening to Jeff Ward on the way to the gym... apparently Putin's favorability rating among Republicans has increased double digits in the past two years, and is currently at 26%.

    Nope.  Higher than that.  This is from poll numbers nearly a year ago, and I'm pretty sure it's only gone up:


    The poll found that the share of Republicans expressing confidence in Putin doubled to 34 percent from 17 percent in 2015, when Donald Trump launched a campaign for the White House that was seen as friendly toward Moscow.


  2. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Republicans think they are going to escape this man. He's going to live to 100 and be screaming about how all future GOP president's are garbage and future candidates will kiss his ring to get his approval.

    This is your legacy, conservatives. It's glorious.

    You act like a completely clueless fucking troll for pages....and then you post a gem like this.  It really is EXACTLY how it's going to go -- the invited this narcissist shitbag to run the show, and now they're gonna have to deal with him for decades.  The awful house guest who will never leave.

    I won't rep you for it, but I didn't neg you for any of the other shit.  I'd say we're square.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    I'm marking him (or at least the administration) down for the Daily Double.

    It really is amazing.  The Trump administration has now gone [0] days without committing treason.

  4. 17 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Art of the Deal!

    Trump is the kind of guy who pays sticker price for a car, and then writes a blog about how to negotiate tough with those scumbag car salesmen to get a good deal via firm handshakes and tough talk.


    I negotiated the best car deal, the absolute best.  Lots of people are saying it.  I knew, but I bet you didn't know, lots of people don't know, with that TruCoat, if you don’t get it you get oxidation problems it’ll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500.  The TruCoat is $500 -- many people say it's worth more than that, many times that amount.  I got Putin to do something that they've never done before. But seeing as it's special circumstances and all, he says he can knock a hundred dollars off that TruCoat.  I told you -- I get the best deals.  Everyone knows it.  Art of the Deal, the best deals.  Hillary couldn't have gotten them to knock a hundred dollars off the TruCoat.


    • Like 1
  5. Gotta say, the trolls amuse me with the lazy straw man: "Oh, so you oppose the president meeting with Putin?  You oppose him meeting with Un?"

    Nope.  Never said that -- nobody did.

    We oppose him meeting with Putin...in private....with no other American there to hear or know what happens.

    We opposed him meeting with Un....with exactly zero preparation or game plan (and I know with actual certainty from insiders that is exactly what happened).  Notably, those same insiders actually did NOT have a problem with the concept of a face-to-face meeting, so long as we had a coherent strategy, real goals, and an actual plan for achieving them.

    The trolls aren't even good at the trolling thing anymore.  SAD!

  6. 52 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Oh, I see Trump as a necessary evil.  We are going to get a shitload of bad blood out of our system over the next 10-20 years because of his presidency.

    It will be painful and suck but America will come out stronger as a people because of it. 

    Sure -- it's red devil chemo.  There's only two options: it clears out the cancer....or it kills you.  The coin is still tumbling up in the air, we'll see how it lands.

  7. Just now, American Swindle said:

    trying to improve relations with our adversaries is a good thing no matter what in my opinion. 

    Sucking our adversaries' dicks would surely "improve relations."

    But most sane folks understand that's not the way to go about things.

    As for my briskets -- no worries. I wouldn't ever waste even a slice on a troll.  You have nothing to worry about.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    It's relevant in that zork is reflecting the attempt to make her the face of the Democratic Party.   Search Ocasio-Cortez  memes.  This isn't accidental.   



    2 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Bingo.  Nancy Pelosi is aging out and they need a new boogeyman and women are preferable but Ocasio-Cortez is a female Latino from NYC.  It's a stand up triple.

    Which is all fascinating coming from supporters of a party that has put ACTUAL NAZIS and WHITE SUPREMACISTS UP FOR ELECTION, TODAY:


    In North Carolina, for example, GOP officials are stuck with Russell Walker, a white supremacist running for the state House of Representatives. According to his personal website (littered with the n-word), he believes that “the jews are NOT semitic they are satanic as they all descend from Satan.”


    In Illinois, meanwhile, the Republican Party shrugged off Arthur Jones, a candidate for the state’s 3rd Congressional district who boasted of his membership in the American Nazi Party. But Jones won the GOP primary.


    In Virginia, the chair of the state GOP resigned earlier this month, reportedly because of alt-right leaning, pro-Confederate candidate Corey Stewart’s win in the Republican primary. 


    Wisconsin’s Paul Nehlen, who is running to replace Speaker Paul Ryan. Nehlen’s too racist for Twitter and even for Gab, the preferred social media platform of the alt-right.

    Yeah.  Log, speck, your own eye, all that stuff.

  9. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m going into the robot insurance business 

    You laugh.  I bet that we could come up with some scam to protect the olds against "MS-13 comin' to git ya" and make a fortune.

    Shit, we oughta just sell MS-13 insurance.  If anyone in your household is attacked by an MS-13 member, we cover all your expenses.*


    * This offer not available if you're Central American, and thus a member of the only group of people who actually has something to fear from MS-13.

  10. Yep, stupid article with stupid premise.

    100% of Brisketexans would like a new truck, a wife who is open to me having a relationship with Milana Vayntrub, Milana being open to same, and $30 million in the bank just for shits and giggles.

    As for savings rates among younger people - and because this seems to be a point of comparison with older generations - it would probably help if we started with the expense side of the ledger as a percentage of average income.  Income for most has remained stagnant for decades.  But some significant cost centers have SIGNIFICANTLY outpaced inflation: on higher ed, healthcare, and housing, younger folks spend a much greater percentage of their income on those things than the prior generation had to spend.

    But a headline of "a generation that has to spend 50% of its income on things that the prior generation only had to spend 30% of its income on is not saving as much as the prior generation" doesn't really grab ya, or play into the "stupid lazy entitled millenials" trope.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    "Butina, age 29 and U.S. Person 1, age 56, are believed to have cohabitated and been involved in a personal relationship during the course of Butina's activities in the United States." (p.8)


    ÐÑÐ´Ñ Ð½Ð° ÑекÑ, в Ñакие дни подÑлÑÑиваÑÑ ÑÑенÑ, недалеко Ð¾Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»Ñовни и ÑплеÑен до изменÑ. ÐÐ ÐÐÐТÐÐ!


    It's brought down countless empires.  Might as well add the GOP's reign to the list.

  12. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Undoing the tastelessness of Donald Trump is going to cost American taxpayers a lot of money.

    I bet we could just run that SOB through a local Maaco on the cheap.


  13. Plenty of talk on these boards about our immigration policies and activities, impacts, etc.  This post is NOT political.  It's an answer to folks asking "what can I do to help?"  If you don't care, think it's good that we're separating families, etc., groovy -- this isn't the post for you.  But if you're interested in living a little bit of the Gospel of Matthew ("Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."), here's a way to do it:



    The US Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement has a total goal of reuniting 1500-2000 children with parents this week in San Antonio. Our sister church, University Presbyterian Church in San Antonio serves these families directly through their Interfaith Welcome Coalition and has reached out to Mission Presbytery congregations to support this effort this week.

    Donations needed by Sunday, July 22

    There will be a collection box in Rissman Hall of First Presbyterian Church, Austin (on Mesa drive) during Sunday School hour as well as in the Narthex during worship.

    Please note, these are the ONLY items needed, please do NOT bring any other items:

    ·     Gift cards for HEB to buy food for the families (between $20-$50). Please place in envelopes clearly marked with $ amount and quantity of card(s) and tagged with “Compassion400.”

    ·     Clothes for children ages 6-17. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked with size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency. 

    ·     Clothes for adults in sizes small and medium. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked with size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency.                                                     

    ·     Financial support to temporarily house reunified families in hotels. Donations can be made directly online at ccaosa.org.

    And, as is the case with many such efforts, the most usable and important thing is the financial donations -- HEB cards and funds for temporary housing donated to CCAOSA.org (Catholic Charities online -- by the way, the work that Catholic Charities has been doing on this issue has been heartbreakingly beautiful).

    If you would like to get a donation to First Presbyterian but can't manage to do it on Sunday, PM me, and we'll figure out a way to coordinate.

    • Like 4
  14. Look, libs need to persuade people with their ideas, not structure the system to eliminate competition to those ideas.  I welcome Republican refugees and view this as an opportunity to convince some of them to move left over time.  If we don't get enough of them to win long term, we need to work on our ideas or our arguments. 


    And the amazing thing, ignored by b-t, is that this has already happened with respect to numerous issues. GOLL and I are just two examples of that - there are millions of others. But the b-T’s of the world have no use for us because we don’t pass his purity test. A purity test that looks EXACTLY like the deranged test that the GOP has imposed and is killing that party.
  15. 5 minutes ago, Lurch said:


    She scored 3M more votes. I’m not sure anyone can determine that a candidate capable of doing that might fail to win the electoral college and is therefor a bad candidate.


    Well, that's certainly the way that people who are really bad at counting votes on a state-by-state basis -- which is the actual way that the president is elected -- would look at it.

    The Venn diagram has that circle completely overlapping with the circle of "people who lose presidential elections."

    Presidential races are a game of strategy.  And at that game, the Hillary-led Dems got fucking SCHOOLED.  To go with the chess metaphor, they were and remained focused on how many of their opponent's pieces they captured.  Great.  Who gives a shit.  They fucking blew it when it came to the only goal that matters -- capture your opponent's king.

  16. Just now, Kyrie Eleison said:

    BT knows i'm was bred, born, raised and currently reside in Texas.  my allegiance to Louisiana is strictly limited to family, food and alma mater...fuck their politics, too.

    that said...

    Roy Moore

    Hell, even as Texans, our privilege to poke fun at other states should be.....sharply limited.





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  17. 13 minutes ago, Ramdiesel said:

    You start taking their economy down and put Putin in a rough spot politically and he will come around...

    .....which is why Trump vehemently opposed the sanctions passed by Congress, as well as any suggestion of further sanctions.


  18. 4 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:

    ummm...no.  Alabama remains the most politically fucked up state in the Union.

    Someone with an avatar repping the state that you're repping....yeah, that person doesn't get to post this message.  You done lost your "calling other states politically fucked up" privileges.

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