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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 14 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    But seriously Brisket, what do you even want besides the opportunity to wring your hands dramatically? Do you want Donald Trump impeached? Do you want Dems to take Congress in 2018 and the presidency in 2020? Who do you want to be the Dem candidate in 2020 and why?

    Yes, I want him impeached.  Yes, I want the Dems to take BOTH houses in 2018 and the presidency in 2020.  I'm not sure who I want to see as a candidate.  Gillibrand has some pluses, and, yep, she's something of a moderate.  But I'm still open to being persuaded about several others -- it's a good ways off.

    14 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    What is your ideal for 2020 or 2024? If it's a return to the pre-Trump status quo, that's might not even be worth fighting for. If it's something new, what is it? What is the larger social and political movement that led to Donald Trump's election and what do you want to see happen beyond a few more Dems in office?

    I do not, in any way shape or form, want a return to the pre-Trump status quo.  The GOP had been on an unhealthy path for a while, but completely lost its shit when the people dared elect a black man in 2008.  I want things like common-sense immigration reform, not stupid fucking xenophobia that doesn't even match up to any data or economic reality; I want a measured reduction in defense spending; I want some sort of single-payer approach on healthcare; I want tax policy that better meets our revenue needs and is progressive in nature; I want reasonable environmental regulation that is the product of good science, while also reasonably accounting for economic impacts -- there's a proper balance to be struck; I want open, fair, and accessible elections (it should be easy for all eligible voters to vote, and any intentional fraud in either voting or disenfranchising voters should be punished severely); I want law enforcement to favor community policing approaches over militarized policing approaches; I want to end the War on Drugs, and to devote the saved money and resources to education and treatment.... want me to keep going on?  This is a silly fucking exercise.  

    You have a purity test.

    Just like the GOP does.  Their test would require me to suck orange cock.  Yours would require me to suck your cock.  I decline both demands.  You can both go suck your own cocks.


    EDIT: and....a lot of what GOLL said.  In fact, in our private discussions, we've talked about several of those realizations -- some of which I came to sooner than he did, some of them later (but mostly sooner, because I'm smarter, and better looking, and women find me intriguing).  I sure as shit feel bad about being suckered in on some things over the years, but to my credit, I pay attention to data and results.  And based on that, I change my positions when appropriate.  That's what we should want MORE of, and we shouldn't shame it.  

  2. 8 minutes ago, woohorn said:

    She really fucks up his twitter feed with her smootchy bs. She sounds crazy and dumb based on that limited knowledge of her.


    Her nudography:


    "Meredith Salenger nudity facts:


    the only nude pictures that we know of are from her very own sex tape (2007) when she was 37 years old. "



    So....I'm trying to figure out....are you criticizing her, or jumping on the bandwagon for her?  Because that's some inconsistent data you pointed out there: annoying, but hot and makes naked tapes.

  3. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    More importantly for the time being though, is getting every single person that we can over to our side to get rid of Trump and the current iteration of the Republican party. Beating them by 5% in a few elections isn't going to cause them to go away. They need to be ground into fucking dust, and that dust then needs to be salted and buried under a mile of concrete. We need to embarrass them so thoroughly they'll be terrified of ever speaking their bullshit in public again. We need to chase them out of the public sphere and shame them so badly their children disown them. Being a MAGA dipshit should get you fired from a job just like a swastika tattoo will. To do that is going to take a shitload more people than just liberals. And hopefully while we're working together to annihilate the MAGA dipshits, some of the not awful conservatives will take the time to learn why charter schools are fucking trash.

    Fucking this.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Many of the policies I consider central to my political worldview (universal healthcare, abortion rights, living wage, higher taxes on the rich) are actually extremely popular ones. But I guess 15% validates your worldview so run with it.

    They also aren't necessarily hardcore leftist views, so maybe shitting on folks closer to the center who support some of those things isn't the wisest strategy.

    People don't have to think exactly as you do on every fucking issue to be your ally.  I imagine you disagree with many of the views reflected in the Economist.....but those folks also think we should end the War on Drugs, they favor universal healthcare and abortion rights, etc.  Having them on your side on those issues can help actually bring those changes about.

    But you have no interest in any ally unless they bow to you, do exactly as you demand, and behave with proper supplication.

    Holy fuck, you ARE Donald Trump.

    Shit's starting to make sense.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Well she spent too much time trying to appeal to groups 1 and 3 in BT’s groups instead of speaking to the D base. 

    Centrism loses. It’s gone. 

    Sadly, agreed.  Which is the original source of my Eeyore-ism that folks have laughed at.  

    We get a choice of being governed by jackholes like Trump.....or jackholes like bad teammate.  Our only choice is HOW we get ass-fucked.  Lurching from guardrail to guardrail seems like a genius strategy, doncha think?  That's our future.  I agree.  The political moderate, and policies reflecting any moderation, are dead.

    It's Trump's and bad teammates world, we just live in it, covered with the shit they fling.

  6. After a few beverages with some family members who run in some higher-level Dem circles this past week, I shared my take that the Dem nominee in 2020 will be Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Because if there's one thing the Dems have proven skill at, it's shooting themselves in the dick.  They started to argue back pretty strong....but then came around to saying that they certainly couldn't guarantee that it wouldn't happen.

    Yep.  Hillary 2020.  "I'm with her.  Again.  Like it will do any fucking good."  Makes for a long bumper sticker, but I see it happening.

  7. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The GOP lost to Trump way before the democrats did.

    It needs to be said, the GOP was significantly weaker as a unified movement than the democrats were.

    And that's definitely fair.  But your second point is the strongest.  The GOP was busy running a 17 ring circus.  All the Dems had to do was pick one candidate who could win, and actually have her campaign where it mattered.

  8. 7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I'm going to take a page from Oatmeal and phrase this out in a more politically correct manner, not because I care about winning allies (a false dilemma), but because I am talking to a lot of different people right now and all of them are different.

    With as much fair-mindedness as I can muster, let me break this into groups.

    Group 1: Loyal GOP voters who will temporarily go Dem and then go right back to GOP.
    Group 2: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over the course of time and are swimming in the centrist waters. 
    Group 3: Lifetime centrists.
    Group 4: Former loyal GOP voters who fell away over time and are swimming in the Dem waters.

    Groups 1 and 3 are essentially lost causes. Group 2 is kind of interesting, but meh. Group 4, let's talk.

    Are those fair groups?

    Anyway, for those of you just furious with me for not being so grateful ... look at how low on specifics you guys are. You're chock FULL of high-octane rhetoric about THE REPUBLIC'S FATE, but what are you even aiming for? What's your goal(s)? Seriously, please answer this, because I have no idea.

    OK, Donald John Trump is vanquished (How? Do you want impeachment? A GOP primary opponent in 2020? Assassination?)... now what? Is the threat actually dead?

    What it sounds like to me, and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, is that you want the left to help you defeat the Frankenstein's monster you built and then some praise from the Left for being brave enough to ask for help. (And that monster isn't Trump, it's the American conservative political movement that birthed him.)

    If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

    And fukkin LOL at the "you need us country club whites!"

    If by "you" you mean "centrist Dem kleptocrats", you're right.
    If by "you" you mean the left, lol no thanks but I guess it's fine come on if you can shut up and listen, which you can't physically do because you are convinced you are the axis around which all existence rotates.

    Also fukkin LOL at the idea that being born not-rich means that you can't possibly be an out-of-touch rich guy now.




    That's cool.  You are only interested in folks who will swim in the 15% leftist waters you occupy.  Nifty.

    There are 15% or so of folks who swim in the extreme right waters, too.  Nifty.

    You want to piss in the cheerios of the 70% of folks who live in between those two extremes.  Understanding that many of those folks, on a given issue, may be further left on the spectrum on that issue, and further right on the spectrum on another issue.  But you have "no use for them."

    I'd suggest, mathematically, that the rest of us have no use for folks like YOU.

    But being unable to count votes has been a Democrat go-to for quite some time, you oughta stick with that.  It's been working out GREAT so far.

    You indulge in logical fallacies as much as Trump.  Take this:


    If you aren't willing to take a sincere, critical look at what created Trump, then I have no idea why the hell I should consider you an ally or give a shit about your supposed help.

    That's EXACTLY the fucking discussion that countless posters around you have been having.  It's not our fault that you're too busy being smug to realize it.  But the thing is, you DO realize it -- you just choose to ignore it to make a post so you sound like a crusading hero.  You're not.  You're an impotent little man who signed on to an ideological movement that shoots itself in the dick so effectively that it lost a presidential race to a fucking cheeto.  Forgive us if we don't look to you Dem true-believers as the sage wisdom when it comes to "how to take out Donald Trump."  You shit the bed the last time we had that mission, and now you want to be the fucking quarterback and have the rest of us be so grateful we're happy you fucked our sister the prom queen?  Not gonna happen, bud.  You lost a presidential race.  To Donald Fucking Trump.  But now you've got it all figured out?

    And if your litmus test is "wear hemp, smell like patchouli, or GTFO," then fuck your test.  Just like the GOP can get fucked with its Trump loyalty test.  Different flavors of stupidity still taste like stupidity.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    Again, you guys are overestimating your importance and necessity.

    If you genuinely believe in the cause, the dismissal of your virtue by a leftist shouldn't irk you.

    We're as important as our votes.

    Which, unless we're going to fight this one with bombs and guns (yeah, not off the table, we know), makes us pretty fucking important.

    You sure as shit could have used 10k of us in Michigan and 20k of us in Wisconsin.  Dumbass, asshole, AND bad at math.  You're hitting the trifecta there.  You are indeed an overachiever.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I think what BT is trying to get at is essentially that there is a moral hazard at play by just allowing former GOP's to join the fight with complete absolution because there is nothing to stop you doing this again the next time. It's the same idea with opponents of "Too Big to Fail". Bad_teammate and his ilk are the tax payers bailing out the greedy bankers and his fear is that you guys will start peddling shitty risky mortgages to Uber drivers again once things settle down.

    Or....counterpoint.....we need everyone on team Nazikiller that we can get, and shitting on new recruits because they once said some anti-semitic shit is going to cost us a lot of much-needed bodies.

    Get folks fighting on the right side.  Give 'em time to adjust to their surroundings and teammates, you you'd be surprised how they end up behaving after the war.  A shitload of racist white guys spent time in foxholes with black guys in Vietnam.  They came home and weren't racist anymore.

    But B-T would be the guy in the foxhole lecturing them from his high-horse while the incoming rounds are landing inside the perimeter. On the bright side, those guys often got fragged by their own men.

  11. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Donald John Trump is not an existential threat to the Republic. The political and social movement behind him might be. You guys want to make it about Trump as a person because you're blind to the reality of how the actual threat grew.

    So....you're just ignoring the fact that almost everyone on here who is a member of the group you are being so self-righteous about is not just critical of Trump as a person, but ALSO of the movement and supporters behind him.

    Being an asshole AND a dumbass in one sentence is a bold move.  But you pulled it off.

  12. 12 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:



    You're drastically overestimating your necessity and importance. You just got smacked in the dick by an orange huckster and still feel like your input and presence matters because it made you go nihilist.

    And, you're cordially invited to go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon.  I didn't support him or the movement that built him.  I've had a problem with the direction of the GOP for a LONG time (if you'd seen my posts over the past 10 years, you'd see that in action).  I sure as shit sounded the alarm bells on Trump the minute he appeared as an actual candidate, and I was among the first to say he was going to win (ask GOLL -- I actually placed a bet on it pretty early in the race). 

    Some of us have been fighting against this sort of bullshittery for a good while, we didn't just start yesterday.  Sorry I don't have your full patchouli-scented credentials, but while y'all were twizzling your dicks contemplatively and settling on a candidate whose entire campaign was based on "fuck it, it's my turn and I have a vagina," some of us were suggesting that maybe running a real fucking candidate would be a good idea.  If we want to go shitting on people to blame for this fucking debacle, a Democrat party with zero self-awareness but ALL the self-righteousness, and a bunch of clueless supporters in ironic hats and t-shirts, need to end up dripping with wet shit as well.

    OR -- and I'm just spitballing, I could feed you ammo while you pull the trigger and mow down Nazis, and then we can switch off, and then when the war's over we can get back to shitting all over each other.  I think that makes some sense.

    • Like 5
  13. Just now, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Am I dreaming or is the frozen numbnut schtick thawing from Brisket and he's warming back into his old self and leaving behind the hysterics and nihilism?

    Let's not go sucking each other's dicks just yet.

    I've ALWAYS been spoiling for a fight on this.  I have a particular passion for, metaphorically, charging the walls of the citadel armed with little more than a knife and a bad attitude.  I love fighting for lost causes.  But that doesn't mean that I think this one is any less lost.  The odds are against us, the party in power has completely betrayed the country, and has demonstrated a willingness to do ANYTHING (seriously, "betray the country"-type stuff) to hold onto power.  They are all-in, and failure is not an option for them -- once you've done what they have done, you HAVE to retain your hold on power, or else risk swinging from a gallows.  They aren't going to let it go without a fight that may well destroy the very thing we're fighting for.

    We know how this ends.  But I'm in.  Let's go.



  14. 9 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    If you ACTUALLY believe this... why would you even glance in the Democrats' or left's direction? What the hell do the Democrats or the left have to do with this? This is 100% a crisis created by Republicans and only solvable by Republicans.

    Republicans could impeach and remove Trump right now.
    Republicans could launch political campaigns to promote pro-impeachment Republicans in 2018 right now.

    Where is the right-wing movement to go after Trump? Where are the protests? Where is the right-wing movement to go after Trump-apologist politicians? Fucking nowhere.

    You people want to jump into left spaces and co-opt that movement for yourself. Fuck you. If you want to join the left in ousting Trump don't come in demanding hugs and respect. Be quiet and let the people who DIDN'T create this situation try to fight out of it. You fucked this up by supporting right-wing politics and feeding this hate beast for decades. Shut up, listen, and learn.

    And you don't play for Team Trickle-Down anymore? You won't go right back to Team Trickle-Down as soon as the NY Huckster is gone? Fuck off. Be quiet. Listen and learn something from the people who didn't make this happen.

    Actually, you need to chill the fuck out and realize that many of the former-GOP crowd ALSO now differ with the GOP on many such issues.

    For example:

    20 years ago, I was anti-gay marriage.  I said "call it what you want -- maybe a civil union -- but you can't call it marriage."  Then, over time, I examined the issue, the players, and an objective reading at what the law should be (see the 14th amendment).  And I came around.

    I used to be a supply-side believer.  BUT....while I'm no genius, I'm smart enough to pay attention to actual results.  And those results show us that things like the repetitive promise of "tax cuts pay for themselves!" ain't true.

    And the list goes on.

    Just because we're not deranged drum-circle hippies doesn't mean that there aren't several areas of common ground.  If you'd like to get some common sense shit done in the future, you'd be wise not to piss in the cheerios of the very folks who have demonstrated that they can be persuaded by data, experience, and sound argument.


    Oh, and to be clear -- I don't disagree with you calling out the right-wing movement.  Their absence in defense of the Republic is duly noted, and unforgivable.

    • Like 3
  15. 13 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    No--I'm sorry; but you fuck off.

    This is an all-hands-on-deck emergency to save the Republic.  It's Team Patriot v. Team Traitor.  And I don't care if someone on my Team Patriot used to play for Team Trickle-Down any more than I care that he used to play for the Portland Sea Dogs.  They're on my team now, and we need as many teammates as we can get.

    Now, maybe after we save the Republic, we can split back up into different teams and disagree about the finer points of public policy.  But in order to adopt any of your preferred policies, we first need to save the Republic.  Otherwise, none of your policies get adopted and you find yourself in a camp.

    So welcome aboard Team Patriot, @ChiTownDoc .  It's getting to be a pretty good little team we've got here, even if we have some really shitty teammates who need to learn to shut their goddamned stupid fucking mouths every so often.


    7 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    And that's fair

    It really is.

    Back in the day, when we were hosing down Nazis with hot lead (placeholder: man, that was effective), we didn't care if the triggerman was a Dem and the guy feeding ammo into the .50 cal was a Repub, or vice-versa -- they were both on Team Nazikillers, and that team got shit DONE.

    After they killed the fucking Nazis, they went back home.  And they argued about what was better, football or baseball.  Or Dem vs. Repub.  Or whether we needed to continue to be racist shitbags, or maybe we should actually protect civil rights for black folks.  Important fights...to be fought AFTER cutting down Nazis like grass with a scythe.

    If you are on Team Patriot now, let's fucking go, and win this fucking thing.*


    *I may remain utterly bumfuzzled by how long it took some folks to come around on this, but shit, I've learned to live with my bumfuzzlement on other issues, I can live with it on this one.

    • Like 2
  16. So, I am not a regular People magazine reader, so I am not up to date on celeb happenings.  But while wandering down a rabbit hole earlier, I found this tidbit:

    At the end of last year, he remarried.  To Meredith Salenger.  Who was a contender for the #1 spot on my list, back in the day:






    Today, she's 50-ish, but for 50-ish....not bad:





    Patton, if I bump into you anytime soon, you'll be getting a head-nod and a fistbump for this one.  Well-done.

  17. 18 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I am now 180 degrees away from where I was in the past. We need to eliminate all electronic voting. All paper, with options for mail-in or in-person (with same-day registration).

    Remove everything we can from the hands of the techlords, because they are going to end our civlization.


    16 minutes ago, theCruiser said:

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you've never spent much time in Chicago or New Orleans.  

    I want both.  I'm fine with electronic vote entry....so long as it prints out your ballot, and you deposit the physical, paper ballot into a box.

    The pathway to utterly wrecking our electoral process is too fucking easy if we're using electronic systems that are accessible from outside (and they ALL are).

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    That Bridges, LLC shell company that Erickson and Butina set up in South Dakota.  People/organizations are saying it was to fund her graduate studies. 

    Why am I having a hard time believing that a guy heavily connected to NRA leadership would help setup a shell company to fund some  Russian girl’s graduate studies?


    Just now, Chad Fuck said:



    ....and answered.

  19. 44 minutes ago, Washpark said:

    Mr Trump is the logical outcome of a politics that serves the interests of the plutocracy. He gives the rich what they desire, while offering the nationalism and protectionism wanted by the Republican base. It is a brilliant (albeit unplanned) combination, embodied in a charismatic personality that offers validation to his most passionate supporters. Will Trump’s protectionism do many in his base any good? No. But, in their eyes, he is a real leader, at last.

    Perfect encapsulation.

  20. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    The fact that this is perceived as enough to give congressional Republicans cover shows just how stupid they think their voters are.

    Well, yeah. Problem is....they're right.

    • Like 8
  21. 10 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    It happens.


    A man is standing in line at the ticket counter in his local airport when he suddenly notices that the girl at the tickets counter has the largest breasts he has ever seen. Transfixed, he continues to stare at her chest while the line moves forward. Finally, he reaches the front of the counter. Upon being asked his destination, he asks the girl if he could could please have two pickets to Titsburgh. Horrified at what he's just said out loud, he stammers his way through an apology, and hurries to catch his flight. All through the flight, he can think of nothing but what he said to the ticket girl,and all through the following day. Untill the guilt finally consumes him, and he has to tell somebody what happened. He blurts out his story to one of his friends over lunch. "can you believe I said two pickets to Titsburgh?" He asks? "Sure." replies his friend. "It's called a fruedian slip, I do them all the time. In fact, just the other day over coffee I asked my wife to pass the sugar, when what I really meant to say was, "You ruined my life, you fucking bitch!"


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