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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 11 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    So flipping Cohen can be a minefield.


    I say they just refer any likely state crimes to the Sate of New York and let them prosecute with what they got. If Cohen kept recordings they may have enough. Keep him from being pardoned.

    Actually, that article takes a whole lotta words to say not much.  Here's the entire gist and point:


    Even if Cohen is inclined to share information about Trump with prosecutors, the government would likely want a judge to rule explicitly that the attorney-client privilege doesn't apply — either because Cohen was engaged in order to commit a crime or because the matter in question did not involve confidential legal advice.

    And that's correct.  That's why the EXCEPTIONS to the privilege are the whole point here, particularly with respect to the subpoena itself.  If a prosecutor is going to use an attorney-client communication involving a defendant, they HAVE to get a finding from the court that the crime-fraud exception applies, or that it doesn't meet the standard of an attorney-client privileged communication (e.g., it was not a communication for the purpose of legal advice.  If Cohen and Trump are talking about their favorite movie on the phone, that communication isn't an attorney-client communication.  It's also probably not relevant for anything, but the point is that not all communications between an attorney and his client are attorney-client communications).  So....no shit, sherlock.

  2. 1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    “Now even the Christian culture is O.K. with it,” said Jim Daly, the president of Focus on the Family, one of the nation’s largest evangelical groups. “That’s the sadness,” he added. “The next time a Democrat in the presidency has a moral failure, who’s going to be able to say anything?”

    Daly seems to suggest that evangelicals will hesitate to be complete hypocrites.

    Newsflash to Daly: they won't hesitate.  They'll jump right into attacking a Dem for being 1/10th the slimeball that Trump is, and they'll offer up some pathetic token explanation about how "this is different," and that will be that.

    Expecting integrity, decency, or logic from the evangelicals is folly.

  3. 2 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I started in the late 70s and early 80s.  And I never ate shit like olive loaf or vienna sausages at hunting camp.  

    Chili, burgers, fajitas, frito pies, big pot of beans, brisket, sausage wraps, breakfast tacos, deer backstrap, hot dogs, etc.  You don't have to eat filets every meal, but fuck that prison trash you mentioned.

    Well, you gotta understand a few things.

    1 -- my parents were from the poverty class, or damned close to it.  And we were firmly lower middle class most of my life.  So, packed sandwiches on roadtrips and whatnot were the order of the day.  And our hunting camps and fishing set up were pretty damned rudimentary.  No power, water, fancy shit like that.  I stayed in a cabin that was built using leftover campaign signs from my aunt's last race for county clerk (she held the office for 20 years).  Not fancy, but it kept out the wind and rain.

    2 -- caveat: my dad's mexican.  SO, if we were going to the beach....shit was totally different.  Mexicans don't do baloney sammiches at the beach.  Oh no, we packed up the Weber kettle grill, and bags full of marinated fajitas, ribs, and whatnot.  And dad built a good charcoal fire and grilled stuff for lunch.  We ate like kings (kings eating really cheap cuts of meat) at the beach.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Rather, they aren't.

    But there's your immigration crisis in the making.  All those swinging dicks are going somewhere.  What do they have to lose?  Gots to get paid.  Gots to get laid.

    Y'all have raised an eyebrow when I've mentioned it before, but "lack of pussy" may be the most dangerous geopolitical factor out there.

    People don't revolt/start wars when they are well fed and economically content.

    MALE people don't revolt/start wars when they are getting some on the regular.

    Look at so many of the lone wolf attackers, terrorists, and the like that we've seen over the last 20 years or so.  Regardless of ideology, there's a common thread that runs through a great number of them -- they ain't getting any.

    Sexual frustration is gunpowder waiting for a spark.

  5. 10 hours ago, In10se said:

    Ironic that it's going to be white America's gullible nature feasting on their own insecurity and jingoistic fears that will bring this country crashing to the ground. 

    They let republicans and so called "conservative" media fool them into a state where they prey on those fears to get the power to enrich themselves far beyond anything the Jesus they claim to serve would consider greedy and gluttonous. 

    Especially considering almost every minority group that is in America wants to assimilate to the same white American ideals. Steady job. House. Nice car. White America is fighting a strawman and stabbing themselves in the process. Then repeating over and over. 

    Rep given.

    10 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    The olds/boomers are the ones who put trump in office. If you think about it, his election really is the best expression of that generation ever. Addicted to TV/propaganda, eats a lot of fast food, completely narcissistic, claims to not being racist when in fact they are, looks for the easy buck, puts their own self interest ahead of the generations of future Americans,  etc.

    Trumps is the apex of the boomer generation and they will forever live in infamy because of it. Sorry for the good people of that generation, of which their are countless. You just got overwhelmed by the pieces of shit. Not completely your fault but youre not blamelesss either. Clean up your own house. 

    Rep given.

    10 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    I think brisket thinks the only solution is for the EU to declare war on America and fix our problems for us. Like we did for Germany 75 odd years ago.

    Well...you're not entirely wrong.

    And shit, with DOTUS in charge, we could end up at war with Portugal or some shit (I volunteer for occupation duty in Lisbon, by the way).  But that won't help.  Because the disease that Trump is a symptom of is global.  We're looking back on 75 years of the most peaceful, prosperous era in human history, and in country after country (see Trump, see Brexit, see AFD in Germany, see Poland, see Hungary, see Front Nacional, etc. etc.), saying "fuck that shit!"  We look at an approach that, while of course not perfect, led to a golden age, and saying "naah, let's go back to the ethnic tribalism bullshit that served us so well for all the previous war-torn, plague-ridden centuries!"

    Forgive me if I'm a bit vexed by that utter stupidity.

  6. We have maligned the American voter for good reason (electing dotus) but the same electorate voted overwhelmingly for Obama. He will go down as a mediocre president and a badass human being, but people still voted for him despite accomplishing virtually nothing after his first two years when the congress flipped.
    trump was an outcry from our marginalized fellow citizens. Was it stupid to vote for this conman? Yes. But they voted for him bc he's the first modern candidate that said free trade isn't fair trade and I'm going to fix it. He totally stole that from the 1980's Dems who became too snobby and wealthy to keep that as a platform to build on.
    dems need to live and learn; don't run your smugness in and keep it real...no! Keep it treal (I believe that means keep it triple real) and nominate a candidate that is actually relatable.

    Read the Atlantic piece. It ain’t about trade.
  7. Brisket is actually going to be sad when trump is gone by 2021 if not sooner. All that misanthropy and nihilism for nothing

    Well, it wouldn’t have been for NOTHING. It’s really helped me focus on my plan for drinking when it all goes to shit. I wasn’t prepared before.
  8. Just now, WhatTheBuck said:

    In other words, appeal to his base. He's already got them. How is that going to attract new followers?

    Everyone appeals to their own base.  Maybe they get 60% of them to turn out.

    Trump can get 80-90% to turn out if he cranks up the rage machine enough.  You don't need that many people to like you; you just need every person who likes you to show up and vote.

  9. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It's not that simple.  There are several states in the South which are trending blue.  

    Chuck Todd did a little blurb on "Meet The Press" yesterday in which he went through current projections based on a variety of assumptions.  Yours was one scenario.  You're not accounting for others, and they had huge effects on the electoral college. 

    Now, I know you're going to come back and assure us that yours is the only scenario that could possibly happen and JUST LISTEN TO ME WE'RE DOOMED, but some of us have big branes too.

    Sure, but you're not pessimistic enough.  You need to be more pessimistic.  

  10. Just now, WhatTheBuck said:

    Hillary won't be on the ballot. I don't think Trump is attracting any new members to his base. Some will die off, some will have a change of heart, some will just be fatigued from all the bullshit and won't bother to turn out at the polls. I have a hard time seeing how Trump can get more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. 

    He'll just ramp up the hate/blame machine again.  Find a story of an illegal who committed a crime, call some black guys thugs, and you're good.

  11. 2 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    Well, not every event affects traffic or requires security.  You and I can make a sign and stand on the sidewalk outside City Hall for virtually free.

    There is an element that is organic (the people who show up).  There is an element that puts the infrastructure in place so that people can show up.  And in this case it is Bloomberg, not Soros, he hasn't been exactly shy about his contributions.

    Do you hold this belief about all political/policy movements?  Or just those on "the left?"

    I'm fascinated by the proposition that demonstrations only happen because sinister evil libruls with billions fund them, and without those guys, welll, it would be a conservative paradise without the masses being all riled up.  Do go on, and tell your tale.

  12. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The fact that you have doubts about our election being free and fair means the Russians have already achieved their goal...To cast doubt and undermine faith in the democratic process.

    That's correct.  They won.  We lost.  And there's no do-over.  

    Again, that's one of many reasons why I say we're irreparably broken.  Do you think the Trumpkins will EVER believe that they lost an election that wasn't tainted by "millions of illegals voting?"  Nope.  Do you think that everyone else will EVER believe that an election isn't tainted by foreign interference?  Nope.  The belief that we have free and fair elections with a functioning democratic process is deader than Jim Morrison.  And it ain't ever coming back.

  13. 1 minute ago, JBJ said:

    I've done work in downtown Austin.  I know what it requires and how much it costs.

    And you're telling me that every group that has a rally down at the capitol is into it for $100k?  That's flat out bullshit.

    Do you believe that this movement is organic, or do you believe it''s funded by a shadowy group of evildoers?

    Fucking ridiculous.  Seriously, if you want to piss off this generation of voters even more, keep characterizing them as tools of a secretive Hungarian Billionaire because they clearly didn't decide on anything on their own.

    Do you think that there's ANY political movement or belief out there that isn't orchestrated by Soros and crew?

  14. 1 minute ago, cmontexas said:

    1 would be the worst outcome imo because when celebrities die people instantly deify them and forget all their flaws and would probably result in his dumbass sons ascending to power

    I didn't say there was a good option.

    We're out of good options.

  15. 2 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    An MOT plan with rolling closures requires a PE seal.  ADT approval would have to be expedited, which means you are using an engineering firm with a relationship.  I don't think ADT pre-qualifies (TxDoT doesn't IF you have a PE seal). Someone hired event security, a TTC company, inspection for the TTC.

    There was easily $100grand sunk into this.

    Are you serious?

    I work downtown.  I've seen events of this nature numerous times, by numerous groups.  I can assure you, they didn't sink $100k into it.

    But go on with your bad self.  There's clearly no movement that disagrees with your thinking that isn't funded by GLOBALIST BILLIONNAIRE GEORGE SOROS.


  16. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump not running in 2020 scenarios:

    1. He drops dead 

    2. Dem house impeaches and he resigns before Senate Trial

    3. Legal issues overwhelm the administration and force him to resign 

    4. Long shot - he actually gets removed via impeachment 


    Not going to happen: 25th amendment 

    Only one with a chance is option 1.

    Even if impeached, he'll never resign, because the Senate will never convict and he knows it (so that kills options 2 and 4).

    And as for 3, bitch please.  Donald Trump has been involved in more litigation than any lawyer I know.  Legal issues don't mean shit to him.

    Our best hope is option 1.  Relentlessly hound him, call him out for the pathetic fucking charlatan that he is at every opportunity, make sure he knows how fucking hated he is.  He's PROBABLY completely immune to it...but maybe not.

  17. 4 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    The district's thought was that IF it was going to happen they might as well control it.  Judging by numbers, it wouldn't have happened at all without their approval.

    How does giving every kid who went an unexcused absence "approval?"  What more was the District supposed to do?  "Hey, kids, we know that if you skip school for part of a day for any reason, it's an unexcused absence, but if you do it THIS Friday, well, you''ll be beaten with a cat-o-nine-tails" -- is that it?  The District had a policy on skipping.  It enforced that policy.  Yeah, KNOWING that a LARGE number was going to be taking part, they took measures to keep the group of kids safe, but seriously, WTF would you have had he district do?

    You really can't accept the idea that teenagers can think for themselves and have an organic movement, can you?  Are you really that fucking stupid?  Teenagers have been acting in quickly-organized mobs since the Beatles came to the US, and surely before.  It's not that fucking hard, particularly with online presence and smartphones.  And they damned well think for themselves -- I live in a house with two of them, and they think for themselves plenty.  And quite often, it does not agree with their parents' thinking.

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