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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 3 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    18 year-olds did not organize nor fund the event is Austin.  It's an impossibility.  When Bozo says "organized" he means "invited their friends."

    What funding was required?  My daughter headed up to the Capitol and carried a homemade sign.  You know it doesn't cost jack shit to have a public demonstration, right?  This wasn't a fucking Rolling Stones concert with a laser light show and shit.

  2. 4 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

    People hate Trump too though

    Not enough.

    They can never hate him enough.  Because hate for Trump doesn't come from inner anger, rage, and burning hate.  It doesn't come from a place of wanting to see others suffer.  It's just not enough.

  3. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    I hear ya. I just think that enthusiasm on the Dem side is going to be off the charts compared to Republicans. Think Obama in 2008.

    From your lips to voters' ears.

    Look, I'm going to be volunteering to drive people to the polls on election day.  I'm all-in on driving up good turnout.  But angry, hateful people are dedicated motherfuckers. Never bet against them.  They have a pretty solid, lopsided W-L record throughout human history.

  4. People also ignore evidence contrary to the conclusion they want to reach.

    See my post above, and the numerous quotes within. And I could have posted hundreds/thousands more.

    Many (most?) Christians don't need to be "blasphemed" by any of us -- they're doing a damned fine job of it all by themselves.

    7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah, but let's be damned clear -- arguments in favor of slavery, against the civil rights movement, against allowing interracial marriage....were REGULARLY faith-based.  Just some examples:

    Oh, and if you were unsure about the connection between the modern fundagelical movement and racism....no need to be unsure:

    Racial discrimination is a "sincerely held religious belief" that is so important that it should be afforded Constitutional protection, according to these folks.  They lost that case.  But rest assured, they did NOT abandon their "belief."

    "Christianity" has been used as a sword and shield by charlatans who are doing not God's work, but rather serving their own ends.  And in the process, the "brand" of that faith has become irreversibly tainted.  So, let's let it die.  It's in the process of a frenetic and gruesome suicide as we speak.  Let's get out of the way and allow it to finish the job.

    Then, maybe we can clear the slate and try out the faith again.


  5. 10 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Um, 37 percent is nowhere close to mirroring 46 percent, hence the lolwut.

    I think he's going to get demolished in 2020. 

    His polling numbers weren't world-beaters before November 8, 2016, either.  I think that polling does a shitty job accounting for both shy Trump supporters and the level of enthusiasm (translating to turnout) for his voters.  

    3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I will bet you any sum of money you wish that trump is not sitting in the oval office in February of 2021.  Loser makes contribution to charity of choice by winner. If you give me some odds, I will lay down on Trump isn't the GOP nominee. 

    I like that idea.  Either way, I win.

    Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I still don’t think Trump runs in 2020. 

    His ego will not allow him to resign, be pushed out, etc.  He is like a shark, except he needs to move from perceived win to perceived win, without stopping.  It's the only thing that keeps him alive.  His problem is that he's now in a position where there are no worlds left to conquer (and he has no interest in governing any of them anyway).  He wants another WIN.  He'll run.

  6. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Early 2000s, Billy Bobs - David Allen Coe.  I was so excited for this show.  I told my dad I bought tickets, and he gave me the side eye and said, "really?"  That was it.  Then that night, David Allen Coe came out, sat on a stool, and mumbled incomprehensibly into the mic for about half an hour, before he was carried off stage by two roadies.  The magnificent David Allen Coe everyone!  I called my Dad on the way back home and he said, "Yup.  Same as when we saw him in 70-whatever."  

    Many moons ago, I heard from a couple of concert promoters who had similar stories about DAC.  He was real good at taking promoters' money.  He was real bad at delivering a show.  In sort, if you imagine that DAC is something of a raging asshole, you'd be right.

  7. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


    Translation: based on past performance, he is likely to win re-election in 2020.

    I said "president Trump" in the summer of 2016,

    I've said "eight years" since election day.

    He's going to be re-elected.  Because fuck you libtards and your sweet libtears!  Few things motivate voters like anger and the chance to be cruel.  His voters are dedicated, and they will ALL show up for him in 2020.  Yes, including those folks who say, today, they don't like him, regret voting for him, etc.  They'll come around.  For the same damned reasons they voted for him in the first place.

  8. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm not arguing with you, and I think you're probably on point with regards to the R nominee.  The question becomes whether that's enough to beat the D nominee, and there is enough gray area there that your newly-minted cloak of fake fatalism may be overdone.

    As for the office of POTUS, it just comes down to whether that candidate can whip up the base into enough of a froth to win Fla., Ohio, and 1-2 of the upper midwest states (Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.).  And that's an ENTHUSIASTIC base - scared people vote.  The EC makes this very doable for a demagogue selling fear.

    1 minute ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    How are you going to explain the pounding Rs are going to take midterms?

    Ummm, it's the midterms after one party takes power?  So the other party typically does quite well?  And, the enthusiasm of the base for the presidential candidate isn't a big motivator on the other side (as he's not on the ballot in the midterm).  That's my explanation.

  9. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Y'all are missing an important point.  Voting for Trump does not make one, by definition, a "Trumpist".

    I know a shit ton of people who voted R (i.e. Trump) despite hating the man and (almost) everything he stands for -- in most cases, abortion was the issue that pushed them to hold their nose and pull the lever.  Now, I'm not so naive as to think many of them can be swayed otherwise, but some could.  They're not all MAGA-hat wearing sub-90 IQ "patriots".

    They don't have to be.  They just have to continue to be single issue voters (abortion), which is actually and often a proxy for the white-fear bullshit noted in the Atlantic piece above.

    The GOP has seen the recipe for success INSIDE the party.  And it looks exactly like Trump.  Say you're pro-life, use dog-whistles against minorities.  Lather, rinse, repeat, and WIN THE NOMINATION.

    2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Yep. There are also a lot of people who voted for Trump who did not like him but voted for him anyway as a vote against Hillary Clinton.

    That's a big problem for Donald Trump because a lot of those people will not vote for him again. I know some of these people and they hate him.

    When it comes ballot box time....they'll vote for him again.  And then, in 2024, they'll vote for the NEXT Trump -- someone following his lead/pattern, and using the same recipe to cook up success.

    "I'm pro life.  All these mexicans are crime-ing up our country!  All lives matter!"  Play that on repeat, collect White House.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I had a front row seat to how the Austin one came together. That was students from across the district. A bunch of kids under 18 put an orderly event together with 8K high school kids in physical attendance and nothing bad happened. Pretty impressive actually.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well, you mean "a bunch of kids under 18 and George Soros," right?  

    That's one of many things that baffles me...if a movement on the right springs up, it's clearly organic and reflects the will of the people.  If anything left of the far right springs up, well, it's all fake, created by George Soros.  There are, apparently, ZERO beliefs or movement left of Donald Trump that are actually organic or believed in or motivated by anyone EXCEPT George Soros.  What a fucking worldview.  "If it's a movement that agrees with me, it's clearly thoughtful and natural; if it's a movement that disagrees with me, it's all orchestrated by a shadowy evil guy in Hungary."  It must be quite easy to move through the world thinking that nobody ACTUALLY disagrees with you -- they were just manipulated by this one evil "globalist" guy.

  11. Just now, deadshank said:

    Meh. Too simplistic.  

    yes....but not by much.  Read the article Bolverk posted above -- https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/04/existential-anxiety-not-poverty-motivates-trump-support/558674/?utm_source=atlfb

    Angry white folks freaking out about not being able to stay the dominant culture forever.  That's the gist of it.  Take that away, and all that remains of Trumpism would be a few whispy strands of terrible hair.

  12. 5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Hopefully we get fracturing of political parties so we can form a new type of government that isn't two-party dominated. Trumpists vs. money-conservatives, Lib-dems vs. socialists, etc...


    4 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    I, I, uh, I, uh, wow.  I find myself agreeing with you.  I'm off to have a drink or 20.


    1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    Same here.  Some form of proportional representation system.  I'm willing to try it. Will never happen though without a seismic shift in the two party power grip.  

    Sure.  I love it.  Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see how that goes for you.

    We're well beyond any fantasy solutions.  The only positive path forward for this republic is going to be messy as fuck, and probably not work anyway.  It involves crushing Trumpism as a movement from every possible angle.  Think that'll happen?  Yeah, me neither.

  13. Just now, Brothahorn said:

    You're forgetting about the Hunt's Bros. Pizza, on the other side of the gas station.

    An omission for which I should be ashamed.

    Because Hunt Bros is VASTLY superior to Subway.

    If you're REALLY lucky, it's also one of those gas stations with a deep fryer and a varied menu of fried stuff in a glass case for your dining pleasure.

  14. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    And if it doesn't, that's OK. The United States of America was never going to last forever as a going concern.

    Except we're left with the question of "what fills the void?"

    If we ended up like the UK after its empire faded, I'd be fine.  That's not what we're on track for.  We're on track for becoming a mob of morons whipped into frenzy by varying types of demagogues and oligarchs.  Oh, with a huge, powerful military that can project its power to every corner of the globe in minutes.  That seems like it will work out well for, oh, everyone on the planet.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Rip76 said:

    No way...

    A bunch of 10-11 year old kids put it all together.

    10-11?  Nope.




    The National School Walkout was started by Lane Murdoch, a 16-year-old who grew up just 20 miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School – where 20 students were killed in a mass shooting in 2012.

    The movement began as a Change.org petition following the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. More than 250,000 people have signed the petition, and there are over 2,000 protests registered.


  16. 12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    You have to give me a time frame here.  I think we might be fucked for a generation but it’s impossible for me to see past that.  Trumpism in some form or another will be noticeable for the next 20 + years in our culture.  

    I think many Americans feel they have have a duty to mitigate/contain the consequences.  How swift and effective we can be on minimizing the damage remains to be seen but I’m hopeful we can avoid an apocalyptic catastrophe.

    I think your answer is as accurate as we can be.

    I think we're fucked for a generation+.  I don't think there's any way to see beyond that horizon.  And what's worse....I don't see how a pluralistic society (which we are, and will remain) can survive ingesting 20+ years of a poison like Trumpism and survive.

  17. Not sure about best, but definitely some favorites.

    Saw Don Williams twice at the Paramount.  Intimate crowd, singing along to every damned song, with the smooth as honey-voiced Don leading.  Beautiful moment after beautiful moment, just getting comfortable with some of the best songs ever.  Just a great evening, both times.  It was a lot like this:


    Also saw U2 on the Joshua Tree tour in 1987 in Houston.  I honestly didn't realize at the time what a fantastic album, and fantastic show they put on.  But I enjoyed the hell out of it.

    Thirty years later, they do another Joshua Tree tour.  My wife loves U2, has never seen them.  So I buy us tickets to go see them at the Rose Bowl in L.A.  It was a great show, and it hit me like a ton of bricks what a FANTASTIC album it was.  But the best moment was at the end.  They decided to toss in one more song...


    The SECOND that the opening riff started, my wife started jumping up and down, grinning from ear to ear like a teenage girl.  She was pure happiness and exuberance.  She was, in an instant, the joy that I fell in love with thirty years ago.  That moment, and that song, was unquestionably my favorite moment of any concert*.  Just pure happiness, in the moment, jumping and singing along to a song we'd been singing in our cars with our friends since we were 15.  I'll never hear "I Will Follow" again without breaking into a huge smile.


    * Okay, so maybe when Billy Joel started singing Scenes from an Italian Restaurant at the Erwin Center in 1990, and I turned to her in our front-row seats (was driving by the EC when wrist bands were announced, screeched to a halt and got band #2), and kissed her for the first time.  That was pretty damned awesome, too.


  18. 24 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    The country basket is gross. The last two times I"ve eaten them they've made me sick. Burgers, fries, tacos, blizzards. The chicken strip baskets are usually good, too. If given a choice, I'll stick to Chicken Express / Golden Chick 99 times out of 100.

    I confess to not having a country basket in....years.  In the last 10 years, probably limited to burger, fries, tacos, and dip cones (and I USED to get a chocolate malt there, but they QUIT CARRYING FUCKING MALT.  WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK???).

  19. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Brisket fatalism turned up to eleven today

    It's just math.

    Show me how my math is wrong, and I'll be thrilled.

    Otherwise, scotch, comfy chair, deck of Titanic.  On the bright side, there's plenty of ice that crumbled onto the deck, so we've got that going for us.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Bark at the GOP all you want but the problems don’t go away with the downfall of the Republican Party.


    The Trumpkins are here, they exist.  And they aren't going away.

    Build a hypothetical "new GOP" WITHOUT the Trumpkins.  You know, a "new GOP" that will actually have the numbers to win political races.  You can't do it.  1) You can't build a new GOP without the Trumpkins.  And 2) the Trumpkins are never going to accept being put back into their cave/dark corner.  Those two facts mean that the GOP is now the TrumpOP, and will be for the foreseeable future.

  21. 7 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    In other words, it’s now pretty clear that many Trump supporters feel threatened, frustrated, and marginalized—not on an economic, but on an existential level. Now what?

    Now....it all turns to shit.

    Can whites and minorities get along in this country?  I think the answer is "as long as whites are completely comfortable with their prospects of maintaining total economic and cultural dominance, MAYBE.  But once white folks let fear of losing complete power control their thinking?  Not a chance in hell."

    The dominant culture reached a point of magnanimity and decency in recent past decades because it had the luxury/could afford to do so.  And minorities saw their lot improve, significantly.  But now....the dominant culture fears that it won't maintain dominance.  And it's responding with a hale and hearty "fuck all the rest of y'all."  And it still has the numbers and power to do so.

    It's going to get a LOT worse.  Note that I don't say "worse before it gets better."  It's just going to get worse.  There is no "better" on the horizon.

    • Like 1
  22. 8 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    [certified Surly response]  It's piss.  [/certified Surly response]

    8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I am not celebrating anything, in terms of the trajectory of our culture and our politics. Its not completely clear to me where we disagree on the big picture. You say that Trump has taken over the GOP, it's the party of Trumpkins, and as such represents a threat to the Republic. I say that the GOP has a cancer, and they brought this shit on themselves through their own failures, and will be a crippled political party for the foreseeable future. Good riddance, fuck the GOP. Then you start telling me about Czars and the Shah and why we should not challenge the status quo. I know that you don't think I am hysterical enough about Trump for your liking, but other than that I am not sure that we are too far apart. You just seem unwilling to commit to fact that the GOP is going to die and will be replaced by a new political coalition, whether it carries the GOP label or not. Maybe I am wrong, and if I am I am sure that you will regale us again with another metaphor involving your bloodied genitals.  I might suggest a bloody vagina next time though. 

    You think that the GOP is going to die and be replaced by some new political coalition.  You are bad at math.  There can be no right-of-center coalition in this country WITHOUT the Trumpkins.  They are too big a group for any other outcome.  And now, instead of them being a marginalized part of the coalition (look, every party, every family, every everything, has an embarrassing family member/group that they hide in the corner and are just cordial to on holidays and such), they are the DOMINANT force in the coalition.  And they don't listen to logic.  They don't listen to reason.  They will never fade back into the corner.

    The outcome is that the GOP is the Trumpkin party.  It's not going to die.  It's going to survive.  And in response, the Dems are going to push back too hard the other direction.  You'll have your choice of a chunky shit sandwich, or a runny shit sandwich, but make no mistake -- once one of the major parties decided to go full-on shit sandwich, it is our destiny to be served shit sandwiches 24/7.

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