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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 2 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Cohen’s suggestions for special master came in last night around midnight. All are private practice and none are judges/retired judges. #1 suggestion is a guy who used to work under Rudy Giuliani... maybe not the most neutral option 

    And....THAT is how you get your list tossed in the trash by the judge.  Seriously, she asked for a serious list of competent, objective neutrals.  You gave her a list of your pals and such?  Nope.

  2. 10 hours ago, softlynow said:

    Rick Perry or Danny Goeb would be better, so that's not saying much. Hell, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Leslie Cochran's corpse would be better.

    Kasich would be the only of any of these who would show actual competence.


    10 hours ago, F250 said:

    Shit, Ron Jeremy would be a better POTUS.


    9 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    sobering thoughts are sobering. 


    And I'm not kidding, not even a little bit.  I'd be THRILLED to have a president who I simply disagreed with on policy grounds.  Or who might be in over his head, but would likely seek counsel and advice to do his job.

    Ron Jeremy is actually a perfect example.  If he was suddenly thrust into the office of President, he'd immediately realize "holy fuck, I'm president -- I better get some help."

    Trump, on the other hand, is the smartest guy in the room, and knows more than everyone else in the world about everything.

    Fuck it, Ron Jeremy for president.  HEDGEHOG 2020!

  3. 2 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    The point junior bird man is missing is that pilots’ value isn’t about the average flying day. The gee whiz stuff makes flying pretty easy these days though the multi tasking in the terminal environment can be a load. The value is when an uncontained engine failure damages the wing, causes a loss cabin pressurization leading to passengers nearly being sucked out and an immediate and likely over weight, single engine divert. 

    Or sim boy can continue to devalue the profession he’s barely dipped his toes into. 

    That's it.  Anyone with a modicum of training can take off, fly, and land a fully-functioning plane in bluebird weather.

    That ain't what I want to pay my pilot for.  I want the SOB with icewater in his (or her) veins, who can make split-second decisions in a crisis, keep their cool the whole time, do complex math in their head while flying the plane so as to evaluate alternatives, and knows how to fly anything from a busted cropduster to a state-of-the-art Boeing.  In short, give me someone with military training, in most cases.

    Give me this gal.  Give me Sully.  Give me the pilot of United 232 in Sioux City.

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    This is peculiar:

    Prosecutors Say Cohen Under Investigation, Rebut Privilege Claims

    We know today that Cohen brought in no clients for SPB.  So who paid that $500k and for what ?  SPB? An SPB client?  SPB reportedly has offices in Moscow and Kiev and is one of the firms representing Cambridge Analytica and Gazprom.  Perhaps there's a normal explanation, I'm just failing to see it in the wake of the abrupt dissolution of Cohen's office from the SPB office space in NY.

    Ummm...that's a really good question.  What in the FUCK did SPB pay him half a million for?  They don't just do that for shits and giggles.

  5. Just now, hobbes2702 said:

    I’d prefer we not be immediately thrown into a constitutional crisis. If he does though, that will just about do it for the republic.

    Brisket, hope you got the scotch ready.

    All bottles have been opened, ready for pouring.  I'd hate to have someone wonder whether it's worth breaking the seal on one, when we need to focus on having a good seat to watch the Republic burn to ashes.

    And again, y'all think I'm kidding.  I'm not.  The Republic survives.  Until it doesn't.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Pods said:

    That is the worst Lizard People Human Suit I've ever seen. He's going to give them away at this rate. 

    Doesn't matter if he does.  Enough of this country would choose loyalty to lizard people overlords over protecting humanity.  Because hurr durr, libtears!

  7. 22 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    That concept completely depends on what the congress thinks about it.

    I already told you, even if the House flips, it doesn't matter.

    House will impeach.

    No matter what the evidence reveals, the Senate will acquit.  They will say that there are "many troubling things," but they'll acquit.  Because the GOP has chosen its side.  And it's not the side of the Rule of Law or the United States of America.  The Vichy French had more honor and patriotism than these sacks of shit.


  8. 6 minutes ago, staboner said:

    my "solution" is a revolution, which I believe will eventually happen. Hopefully internally versus externally (getting our asses kicked in a war)

    I'm coming to believe that this is our destiny.  It's inevitable.  Just imagine the following:

    Trump fires Mueller.

    Mueller's work/report is suppressed by Trump's hand-picked replacements in the FBI.

    Some of that report gets out, is leaked, etc.  It reveals that Trump and the RNC are compromised, have consistently acted to conceal their wrongdoing and obstructed justice, and are utterly getting away with it because the GOP Senate refuses to do anything, even if presented articles of impeachment from the House.

    How does that end?  How can that possibly end without DC on actual fire?

    There is the side of the rule of law, and loyalty to the United States, and there is the side of doing anything possible to hold and keep hold of power.  The GOP has chosen, rather definitively, against the rule of law and the United States.  The fallout from that decision is inevitable.

    You think I'm kidding.  If you have a son of fighting age (mine is almost there), you would be smart to keep an eye on this process.  There's a not immaterial chance that it ends in bloodshed.  No, not a guarantee, but any chance over .0000something is much more than is acceptable.  I'll never forgive the GOP for the choices they have made in the past few months, and are continuing to make.

  9. 58 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Dude in the sketch looks hot but not Tom Brady hot. 

    Dude...that's clearly not a sketch of Brad.  We know what a sketch of Brady looks like.


    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Party_Taco said:

    Perhaps the staggering amount of money funneled to the RNC via the NRA that has Russian fingerprints all over it? Naw, I'm sure that's not a problem... after all, it's TOTALLY legal, so why would anyone have an issue with a foreign actor influencing our elections?

    And I'm thinking there may well be real fire to that smoke.

    Imagine the following scenario:

    "Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence" gets huge slugs of cash from, say, China.  And of course, they know exactly where it's coming from (because you KNOW where big chunks of cash are coming from).

    The DNC, which works closely with Moms Demand Action, and knows exactly where the cash came from, solicits BIG donations from Moms Demand Action.  Big dollars flow from Moms Demand Action to either the DNC or Democrat candidates for office (president and congress).

    How do you NOT have a clean, clear money-laundering operation to conceal illegal foreign campaign contributions?  I mean, seriously, it's about the most basic form that this activity could take.

    We may have the mirror of it here.  And if we do...that's really bad shit.  I mean that.  If it happened, it needs to come out, and it needs to be cleaned up and those responsible need to pay.  But it would be awful for the country to have that revealed.  In a way, that seems to be the GOP approach these days -- engage in shit so awful that it's better for the country if we just don't ever know about it.

  11. McConnell is going to have a special fucking place in the history books.  He's a flat-out evil motherfucker who has betrayed his country in the name of transitory political power.  When he is dead and buried, I may make a special trip just to piss on his grave.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    He's an outsider who hijacked a party infrastructure. 


    2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    That's why we end up with a parasite like Trump living off the GOP host

    Really good points and analogy.

    Trump really is a virus infencting the GOP, and not just as an expression -- also as a real-deal metaphor. A virus tricks the body's cells into creating and spreading copies of the virus....sometimes, until the host is hopelessly and fatally infected.  The GOP caught a case of Trumpism.  And instead of trying to rid itself of the virus, it has happily submitted to the virus's plan, creating and spreading Trumpism throughout the system.  It's amazing to me how quickly and easily the GOP became the party of Trumpism.  85% support for Trumpism among the GOP.  There's no saving the host.

    The smart move is to isolate the host so that it can't kill everyone else.

  13. 2 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    It sort of depends on your definition of "his attorney".  If a guy who never sent you a bill and that you never paid and has never represented you in any civil or criminal proceeding is considered "your lawyer" then maybe so.  But only maybe, I am not sure it is relevant for a talking head radio show guy.  Can no one in journalism not have sources that they are friendly with?

    People ask the lawyers on here to answer legal questions all of the time.  Does that make them "your lawyer"?

    Cohen thought it was enough.  So much so, he made that representation to a Federal judge.

  14. Hey, y'all ever noticed that Sheeit 1) has great concern, about a great many things, 2) says he has real-deal principles, thinks hypocrisy and such stuff is really bad, and he has no love for Trump or any Trumpkin, yet 3) not once has he actually concluded that Trump or any of the band of Trumpkins has ever done anything even remotely wrong?

    Yeah.  That's kinda funny.

    Pathetic-funny, but funny.

    If a "reporter" is covering a story that intimately involves THAT REPORTER'S OWN ATTORNEY, a relationship that is deemed, as a matter of law, a "special relationship," and doesn't reveal that relationship, then yes, that reporter is a bonafide piece of shit with zero candor, transparency, objectivity, or credibility.  Again, see the Texas Tribune, which openly discloses EVERY time one of its stories even touches on an entity that is a sponsor of the Tribune.  Shit, CNN discloses the ownership relationship every time it has a story on Time Warner.

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  15. Figuring out how to calculate losses in terms of "lost goodwill," not to mention making sure you have the current rate for converting rubles to dollars, well, those things take time.

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