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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Lots of great stuff in here that I can relate to.  One that surprised me last week.  My son is 6.  He's learned to read and spell and we've started working with him more on the computer.  We have it child-protected so he can get on and go to sites like Disney Jr and Nick Jr and play around on them.  Among other random icons on the desktop, we have a couple of pdf pictures of my granddad.  A couple in his WWII uniform.  A couple of random ones from family get togethers.  Had put them together for a family tree type project for my older daughter's school last year.  I was incredibly close to him.  Lost him a couple of years ago but he and my son got close in the few years they knew each other.  I really didn't know how much my son remembered of him since granddad died when he was 4.  He and I were sitting on the couch watching an Astros game one night last week.  Out of the blue, my son turned to me during a commercial and said "daddy, do you know what I really do most of the time when I'm playing on the computer?"  First thought was, ah hell, where's this going?  I said no, can't say I do.  What do you do son?  He looked me straight in the eye and said "What I really like to do is sit there and open the pictures of granddad and talk to him."  I was absolutely floored.  Completely lost it.  Hell, I'm tearing up as I sit here and type this, remembering the conversation.  Kids huh.  I love you granddad.

    That’s fucking awesome. Seriously, gold.

  2. It’s true. We saw Soul Project at 30/90 last night and about ten minutes into their set they announced it. Checked the website and sho nuff it was a fact.

    Watching the band of storms come in now. Trying to decide where to go to ride it out.

    I suggest a dark smoky bar with cheap booze. Maybe you can find one of those in NOLA
    • Like 1
  3. You're not very smart, are you?
    The only reason we have this information is because of social pressure.  Now Starbucks, and the police, will have to answer for it.  
    But your point is valid.  Clearly the CRA prevented it from happening.

    The CRA may give the additional leverage of legal recourse. I like more weapons, not fewer.

    Also, what an echo for me. One of my friends in law school - a prince of a guy, smart as hell, now quite successful - is a black guy who grew up in Philly. I remember him telling me about an occasion the summer before Law school. A friend of his (college grad, traveling for business) was in philly for work. My friend went to his hotel to meet him so they could go grab a beer and dinner. He was sitting in the lobby for 5 mins when the cops came in. They grilled him about whether he was a guest (no, I’m here to meet a friend for dinner). They asked for his ID. They checked for warrants. His friend car down (also a black guy), and they asked if they could leave for dinner. The cops had to confab for a bit before they said sure (as they had no basis to hold him).

    Just a day in the life of a black guy. But, you know, they’re only mad because Soros pays them and stuff.
  4. http://

    An instance of the cover being something transcendently better than the original. That’s just a beautiful piece of music, and all that’s right about the world. And yeah, sometimes, it gets to me too.
  5. The Titanic was much better known than Apollo 13. Nobody died on A13. Scary to the people involved, sure, but not really more than a footnote in history books. Unless you actually took a specialized course in the history of the space program you pretty much learned about Sputnik, first man in space, first American in space, first man on the moon, etc. Your average high school history class just hits the highlights. Even when the Challenger exploded my senior year we talked about it more - and watched it live - in Government class, not History. 
    I was 1 year old when Apollo 13 happened, and I lived in a small farm town in the Midwest until I was 16. So fuck you too.

    I know you think you’re making yourself look better here.

    You should probably stop.
  6. Nice try, but nobody who fell for that bullshit is going to be able to live that down.  Lulz at you telling other people to wake up. 

    This. He demonstrated what he believes reliable sources and sufficient proof is: Cernovich and Pizzagate batshittery. It’s not so much about what you doubt, it’s about what you’ll believe. We’ve seen your idea of reliable sources and sufficient proof. So, you’ll understand if we don’t look to you - ever - as an authority on the subject.
  7. Wetzel rips them a new one:

    The Larry Nassar scandal has been so horrific and so horrible that new shock and outrage didn’t seem possible. Then Kaylee Lorincz stepped to a podium at a Michigan State Board of Trustees meeting on Friday and told a story that ought to lead to a sweeping out of university leadership.

    Lorincz is 18. When she was 13, Nassar, then a doctor in the Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine, began sexually abusing her after she came to him as a patient.

    She said she and her mother were recently on campus to sign up to speak at Friday’s board meeting when they ran into MSU interim president John Engler. Lorincz asked if she could meet with him because she had found many of his comments since assuming office in late January “hurtful.”

    “My hope was if he actually met a survivor he would be more empathetic,” Lorincz said.

    Engler agreed to the impromptu meeting, but rather than listen, Lorincz says, she was told not much could be discussed until civil litigation against the school is complete. Lorincz is one of nearly 200 women suing the university.

    If this was MSU’s opinion, and on a legal basis it had merit, then Engler never should have met with Lorincz in the first place. Such a meeting exposed Michigan State to considerable liability in a case they already have considerable liability. Instead they did meet and Engler had something to say.

    “Mr. Engler then looked directly at me and asked, ‘Right now, if I wrote you a check for $250,000, would you take it?” Lorincz said.

    There were gasps and shouts from the audience of the Board meeting. Lorincz wasn’t with her attorney at the time and the meeting, she said, wasn’t about settling a lawsuit. Engler, sitting directly in front of Lorincz as she spoke at the board meeting on Friday, didn’t dispute her allegation.

    (On a side note, a check for $250,000 is a ridiculous offer in this case. Victims in the somewhat-similar Jerry Sandusky scandal received an average of about $3 million from Penn State. It is possible MSU’s culpability here is actually greater than Penn State’s.)

    5548f457b9ca335d9b85bfad64eb6b24View photos   Larry Nassar, a former team USA Gymnastics doctor who pleaded guilty in November 2017 to sexual assault, listens to victims during his sentencing in the Eaton County Circuit Court in Charlotte, Michigan, U.S., January 31, 2018. (Reuters) More

    Mostly though, it was stupid on Engler’s part. Either don’t meet with Lorincz or make sure her lawyer is present before discussing lowball payoffs. This is abject failure by a CEO.

    Engler is the former three-term governor of Michigan and the way he’s conducted himself since taking the interim job in January is not to gently manage a highly sensitive and troubling scandal. Rather, he’s used the opportunity to engage in some kind of hardball political fight, for old-time’s sake. He likes to pit sides against each other. He likes to stir things up in the media.

    It’s why he was never a fit for the job and shouldn’t hold it for an hour longer.

    “When I explained that it’s not about the money for me and that I just want to help, he said, ‘Well, give me a number,'” Lorincz said.

    Give me a number?

    “He also said that he met with Rachael Denhollander [the first of Nassar’s victims to come forward publicly] and that she gave him a number,” Lorincz said.

    “Give me a number” would be inappropriate but more problematic is that when Lorincz and her mother contacted Denhollander later, Denhollander denied ever meeting with Engler, let alone engaging in settlement negotiations. Denhollander, in a statement to reporter Kate Wells, backed this story up, calling Engler’s assertion “a bald-faced lie.”

    Lorincz wasn’t done.

    “Then President Engler started saying how sad it was that hundreds of good osteopathic doctors at MSU are being judged by one bad doctor,” Lorincz said. “My mom interrupted and said, ‘Well, what about former Dean William Strampel, wasn’t he just arrested?’ (Strampel, Nassar’s boss, was arrested on four counts, including a sexual assault of his own.)

    “President Engler rolled his eyes and tried to fluff it off and said, ‘Oh, that was no big deal, it was just a slap on the butt,'” Lorincz said. “My mom and I were just so shocked.”


    This was now something out of a Hollywood movie. Could Engler have really said such a thing? Could he have really rolled his eyes?

    Well, Engler sat there, however, and disputed nothing. Earlier in Lorincz’s speech he cut her off when she inaccurately called another person in the meeting Engler’s lawyer. On this, however, he was silent. Engler did not make an immediate public comment or defense at any time and did not make himself available to the media after.

    Engler instead went and huddled with his MSU team before, hours later, issuing a brief statement that declared, “our memories and interpretations of the March 28 meeting are different. I am sorry if anything said during the meeting was misunderstood.”

    A MSU spokeswoman who said she was at the Lorincz-Engler meeting told the Lansing State Journal the $250,000 figure wasn’t a direct settlement offer but part of a “philosophical discussion.”

    Why in the world would John Engler think Kaylee Lorincz was a good partner for a philosophical discussion about civil litigation?

    This is all par for the course with Engler, who since taking the job has struck nearly every wrong chord.

    Earlier Friday, he had to express “regret” that the school released confidential information about a MSU student who in a separate lawsuit is alleging rape by three men’s basketball players in 2015. Engler noted the school “provided an unnecessary amount of detail … which has been perceived by some as violating privacy expectations.”

    He’s also stated that Nassar payouts would fall to students and taxpayers, something he alluded to again Friday when he proposed a nearly three-percent tuition increase. He’s tried to battle the media. Upon getting the job, he endorsed the current attorney general in his race for governor. That’s the same AG who is investigating MSU, albeit months or even years after he should have.

    b6146337912bf42fbd5e87c71b59bc64View photos   Larry Nassar victim Kaylee Lorincz accuses MSU of pressuring her to accept a secret payoff. (Getty) More

    None of this has done much to move Michigan State or the community forward.

    Neither did Friday’s meeting when Lorincz was trying to get through her statement in the allotted three minutes. As she detailed the worst of Engler’s alleged behavior, she was, quite incredibly, told to stop talking … by no less than John Engler.

    “Kaylee, your time is up,” Engler said. “Your time is up.”

    Time’s up? It was said without irony or awareness. This is what John Engler wanted to say to Kaylee Lorincz, who as an injured 13-year-old came to MSU to see a MSU doctor for treatment and wound up repeatedly raped?

    Time’s up? That was his first thought? That’s how he thought to help Michigan State? This is who MSU wants as its leader?

    Lorincz and her family have been front and center on this case, attending even rudimentary Nassar hearing. She, like so many others, has carried herself as an inspirational hero far beyond her years, not some shattered victim.

    If nothing else, Engler should have known this was not a woman to be combative with. She is small, petite and youthful. She is also fierce, smart and confident. Whatever power he thinks he has (or once had as governor) is meaningless at this point.

    He was going to lose this fight. He will every time against Kaylee Lorincz.

    “Let her speak, let her speak,” the crowd began chanting.

    Kaylee decided her time was not up.

    “I’m not don’t yet.”

    “You are out of time, I’m sorry,” Engler said.

    Lorincz barreled through.

    “President Engler, you wanted to talk about money,” Lorincz said. “I wanted to talk about helping and healing. You tried to make us feel like we were the problem and MSU was the victim because of the civil suits. This is how it works. When you protect and promote a sexual predator and foster a culture of lies and cover-ups, you are responsible.”

    Engler kept trying to interrupted her.

    “I have like four sentences left,” she pleaded.

    “Finish your four sentences,” she was told. “You are done.”

    “You are so rude,” someone shouted from the crowd.

    “If you could turn back the hands of time and take Larry Nassar’s fingers out my 13-year-old vagina we wouldn’t be here today,” Lorincz said. “The fact is you can’t … You are the ones who care about the money, and I just want my life back. Now I am done. Thank you.”

    The room erupted in applause. Engler tried to continue the meeting.

    In January, Lou Anna K. Simon was forced into resignation because she was incapable of handling the Nassar fallout. Somehow, someway, John Engler has proven even worse at the job.

    If Friday’s meeting isn’t the last thing he does for that school, every one of the many right-minded alums, professors, staff members and students ought to storm the place.

    Someone’s time is up and it sure isn’t Kaylee Lorincz.


    The depravity of these institutions and their leaders continues to make my jaw drop. MSU. PSU. Baylor. The institutions are beyond redemption.
  8. I just get this shitty feeling that this is exactly what Russia wants. They're going to say we killed some of them, escalate the conflict with us, and all the while we have our President getting charged for a series of things. The West will not know how to organize as well without us having competent leadership to drive a strategy.  This will allow Russia to dictate terms far better than with someone else at the helm. 

    The part about our allies being in a shitty situation is key.

    We just did something that’s based on moral authority. But at the very top, with the very person who ordered this action, we have none. The citizens of our allies are not going to be enthusiastic about throwing in their lot with the United States of Trump.
  9. Looks like our tax dollars were used to blow up a Damascan apartment complex tonight. 

    Odds that a Trump pal owns a rival apartment complex, and now the rent’s going up?

    I kid, I kid...kind of.
    Oh, good. We're going to war.

    I’m very much afraid of this.

    It’s all fun and games till a US destroyer in the Gulf gets sunk.
  10. i tend to agree, especially from a multilateral standpoint. i do not have to like trump, as a matter of fact, i loathe that he is our president. however, there is a certain line i feel, when it comes to gassing women and children, that MUST be answered.
    about the only criticism i can muster is that it took so long, but coordinating with the UK and france, as well as getting assets in place could take some time.
    it's a strike also against russia and russian interests, which is a first for this administration, outside of twitter threats. which were stupid as fuck.

    I used to feel that way.

    I also used to believe this country had some moral authority.

    I used to think a lot of things that experience and reality have cured me of. Evil people gonna do evil shit. We can’t stop them. Especially when we have no strategy, no end game.

    More people will die. Nothing good will come of this.

    Flags will be waved. lather, rinse, repeat.
  11. Man, I hate all this shit. I don't want to be there, I don't want to be lobbing cruise missiles into the scene. But I have a hard time holding that line against much resistance when we are talking about this motherfucker using chemical weapons on his own people. 

    I feel you. I do.

    But remember when we were told that we had to vote against Hillary because she’d just attack folks Willy nilly? It was a good criticism. I think we should follow the constitution.
  12. Yes. Bringing both the bush and Clinton dynasties to an end has to be worthy of at least some modicum of credit.

    He did what a planet-killing asteroid could do, or what a plague that kills all humans could do.

    That’s the club he’s a member of. And at this point, he may be the most irredeemable member of that club.
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