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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 2 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    That's the bonus meatball. Like the extra fries in the bottom of the McDonald's bag.

    Bonus meatball is best meatball.  It's like all the brisket that you eat while slicing it for the crowd.  THEN you make a full plate of cue on top of that.  Cutting board brisket is best brisket.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    The most frustrating part is that the candidate doesn't even need to be pro-life, they just have to pretend to care about it.  Trump has spent his entire adult life being the antithesis of what the pro-life movement represents, but he reads some lines off of a teleprompter and lets a few preachers touch him and suddenly he's a full-fledged evangelical.

    Like I said, it's just checking a box.  Pro-life voters are to blame not just because that's their single issue, they're to blame because they're fucking gullible as hell.  Do they REALLY think that Puppykiller Childrapist is actually pro-life?  Really?  Come on.  He's the guy who shows up in Norman at 9:00 am, tells the crowd "Tuck Fexas!", soaks up the applause, gets on a plane, flies to Austin, and at noon tells the crowd "OU sucks!", soaks up the applause, and counts the votes he's getting from all of the idiots who believed him him Norman and Austin.

    We literally just elected that guy president.  See the "there's a tweet for every occasion."  There's not a single significant policy issue on which he hasn't told one crowd one thing, and another crowd the opposite.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Agreed.  There are a significant number of pro-life Trumpers who ONLY align because of that single issue.  Many of them would otherwise align on immigration or even guns with centrists or even the left.  They willingly admit that they are single-issue voters who have to hold their nose while they case their vote.  It matters that much to them.  

    I've said it before -- the abortion issue has utterly broken the political process in this country.  You have a huge chunk of the population who would vote for Beelzebub Stalin Hitler Puppykiller Childrapist (R), so long as he checked "pro-life" on the candidate information form.  That piece of information gives shitheels free reign within that party -- so long as they are pro-life, they can be ANYTHING else, and it doesn't matter.

    So, Candidate Puppykiller Childrapist grabs 20-30% of the vote just by being pro-life.  But he needs more to win.  Hey, there are some angry old racists over there (sure, there's some overlap with the pro-life crowd, but a good number of them are still there to be plucked).  Maybe if I appeal to racism and xenophobia, I'll build enough of a coalition with the pro-lifers to win!  I mean, if the pro-life crowd wasn't entirely single-issue, and wasn't willing to overlook literally every sin EXCEPT abortion, then I'd need to do something different.  But they're with me no matter what, so I can fill out a coalition with the most loathsome scum imaginable.  And...that's how you get a Trump.  And a Trump 2.0, and 3.0, etc.

    Abortion is how we got Trump.  And it's going to guarantee a parade of Trumps going forward.

    • Like 2
  4. They will vote for whoever Fox News and Rush tell them to and you know it.

    Correct. And that will be a GOP candidate who sounds like Trump. As all GOO candidates will within 4-6 years. All Trumpism. Only Trumpism. They obtained a party, they ain’t giving it back.
  5. I think a significant amount of them would vote for some Trumpian 3rd party candidate or not vote at all. 

    You think they'll vote for a GOP that helped get rid of their dear leader?



    This. When you understand that the current GOP is a simple hate cult, this conclusion becomes obvious.


    They’ll never support anyone who betrayed their God, and they’ll only accept replacements that sound like him (“Mexicans! Mooslems! Wall!”)


    That’s the GOP now. That’s all it is. There’s nothing else left.


    But I disagree that they’ll go third party. Instead, GOP candidates will go full Trump. In 6 years, there will be no vestige of the former party left. It will be full Trumpism, top to bottom.

  6. Exactly, the political consequences of the GOP doing nothing would be more catastrophic for the party


    False. The GOP Congress will do nothing. Zero. Nada. When trump fires rosenstein and Mueller (and he’s gonna fire both). Because...all that matters is their base. The GOP base is 100% Trumpkin now, so GOP officials can’t go against trump. Ever. They’ll be primaried.
  7. 2 minutes ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    Put as much lipstick on the pig as you want.  London and their mayor are a laughing stock.

    Cite an official action where the "mayor of london has banned knives."  Like you said in your OP.

    Otherwise, you are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They are whatever Trump wants them to be. They have no moral compass or defined political views, it’s just whatever The Donald decides. 

    This.  Their only real principles are what Donald tells them they are.  And ultimately, so long as some ragheads or beaners suffer in the end, they're good.


  9. 9 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I think this privileged communications is the real play.  If they get something then they get something big.  I don't think a warrant here is indicative that something is DEFINITELY there.  I think that this is more of a fishing expedition that will uncover more.  For instance, if the payment to Daniels is questionable, then send it to the boys in NY.  They will get to comb through all of the client privileged info and can potentially send a recommendation back.  Mueller is going to get anything he wants in an investigation this large but maybe asking for all communication is off limits unless he has someone filter the info first.  If USDA comes back and says "we have some interesting bank records here that you should see" then Mueller will have a recommendation from a 3rd party and his own weight to get the OK from a judge to view the communications.  That covers his ass a ton.

    I'm not saying that's IMPOSSIBLE -- you and I don't know what went on in the warrant process.

    But I WILL say that's HIGHLY unlikely.  A magistrate is not going to sign off on a "fishing expedition" into privileged information.  They take that shit very seriously.  Nobody will be allowed to "comb through all of the client privileged info." And if they are allowed to do so, mark it down -- I will raise holy hell, as will (I expect) the New York bar association and the ABA.

    If a warrant is granted that opens the door to ANY privileged info, it is a very narrowly open door.  They don't get to just walk in and "look at all the shit you want."  In this case, a warrant is pretty close to an indication that something is "DEFINITELY there."  That's the bar that has to be cleared for getting access to privileged information -- it's a high bar, and it should be.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Nick Diaz said:

    Attempted murder nbd "I'm sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"


    1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    We don't know because trump failed to extricate himself from his foreign and domestic emoluments. And he's failed to release his tax returns. So given that we know that deutsche bank loaned him 640m that he went tits up on and no domestic banks would give him a loan, and he's been doing a shitload of business abroad before and during his presidency, then his capital has to be coming from somewhere, and it certainly isn't self-funded.

    I'm becoming convinced that the only thing Trump has a billion of is "bad decisions."

  11. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    Also not a lawyer but I agree. These raids were no knock raids indicating they expected evidence to be destroyed or concealed if they had any notice. And a federal judge agreed with them enough to sign off on a warrant. We're definitely in uncharted waters but I think in any situation the president's personal lawyer getting popped like this is real fuckin notable

    Very notable.  And I share the other attorneys' discomfort with this.

    If it's bad enough for a lawyer's office to get raided...it's bad.  Or it damned well better be.

    Shit, my phone can be a portal to client information.  My simple plan, if any law enforcement tries to confiscate it and demands access is "good luck.  Try the passcode till you brick it, I'll buy a new phone."  That's also why I don't enable biometric access (fingerprint).  Numeric code only.  They can't compel you to give that up.

    And let's be clear, I'm not doing anything worth hiding - It's just that we lawyer types generally take that "keep client info confidential" requirement seriously.

    As for Cohen...who the hell knows what all he got into. It's telling that his only client of any significant appears to be DOTUS.  That tells you he's less of an attorney, and more of an idiot on retainer.  But we'll see what comes out.

  12. One time, playing summer league softball with some friends, I spilled like half my beer.

    It was a hot day, and the beer was really cold and delicious.  But I spilled half of it, and after that, I didn't have as much beer as I did before.

    • Like 3
  13. 21 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm still flummoxed every time I see her around town.  I guess they have a kid who plays sports, because I've seen her at a couple of MS/HS football games and track meets.  She doesn't doll up, either -- she just puts on her soccer mom clothes with no makeup and hangs out.

    ....and looks absolutely enchanting doing it.

    And yeah, bump into both Bruce and Kelly from time to time (our kids are almost exactly the same ages -well, at least our two and their first two).  They're just casual, friendly enough for a chat, good folks.


    And if you don't wanna just up and run away with this....well, I can't help ya.


  14. 8 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    This guy understands its all a numbers game.

    ...A game in which you only count hits, not at-bats.  Once you come to that realization, your entire outlook changes.  You start swinging at pitches you never would have tried for before.  Because you get an infinite number of strikes....and you only remember the pitches you drive out of the park.

    • Like 2
  15. 10 minutes ago, Dr Fear said:

    She wants the Senate rules changed so she can bring the baby to votes.  No word on the breastfeeding policy.

    The building's already full of people who suck on the public tit all day and only pause to shit themselves.  Don't see any need for a new policy to let a baby on the floor.

    • Like 3

    3 minutes ago, XR4ticlone said:

    So the correct answer is...throw endless money at it?

    I agree that the system is too big and too unaccountable for success.  

    That's why it has no business being Gov run.  Because nothing is bigger or more unaccountable than Gov. 

    Well, wherever you went to school, that money was wasted.

    59 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Throwing money blindly at schools isn't a good answer.

    Neither is starving them.  Which is what OK and others are trying to do.


  17. If this doesn't just reach inside you and crush you every single damned time you hear it, I don't want to know you.  I mean that.  If this doesn't reach you that way, you probably aren't someone worth knowing.




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