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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 9 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:


    Will you watch the movie?  Do you remember Chappaquidick?  How did you view it then?  What about now?

    I thought then and I think now, that there are few acts by a politician that I consider more disqualifying than what Kennedy did.  I was stunned and disgusted that he continued to have a political career.

    I wasn't around when it happened, but I too was stunned that Ted Kennedy continued to have a career after that.

    And now, we have Trump, so none of this shit matters.

    It's all water under the bridge.

    With a girl drowning under it.  Or something.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Brisket, can you please not pollute another board with your faux apocalyptic bullshit?  


    1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Without going all Brisket on you, I don't have that much faith.  I think the populace in general is numb and it will be difficult to generate that "wave".


    48 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I think there will be a mildly furious premature ejaculation of "we cannot abide this" and then 2/3 of those people will stay home on election day.



    I hate to break it to you....but you ARE going "all Brisket" on this.  I'm just more direct about it.  You're saying exactly what I'm saying.  Congress can't/won't save us.  The people can't/won't save us.

    Unless you've got some sort of inside info about the Superfriends coming to the rescue...that means we're fucked.


    Form of....an ICE IMPEACHMENT!

    Form of....an owl or some other useless fucking bird!

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Gonna have to disagree here. 

    I don't think Trump is going to fire Mueller although he will try to interfere , undermine, and discredit as much as possible via the media and his minions. 



    Trump is not dumb.  Well, he IS, but he's not completely dumb.

    There are three elements of any analysis that goes on in Trump's brain:

    1- do I want to do it?

    2- can I get away with it?

    3-THEN DO IT!

    When the answer to element 2, for pretty much every possible action imaginable, is "YES!", then we're fucked.

    There are no checks on the executive.  Just the judiciary and the press, and the judiciary is limited in its power, and he's doing his best to destroy the press.  Congress is a non-factor.

  4. Just now, Pods said:


    Yup, I've been saying that since the day Rosenstein appointed Mueller. I'm surprised it's taken Trump this long. As bad as his White House people have been, they've kept Trump from being far worse. Now that Trump has taken over, I expect he'll surround himself with enough YES men to do whatever he tells them. 

    The Republic hangs on the 2018 and 2020 elections. 

    The Republic is already dead.  You're just mistaking the body still twitching for a sign of life.

  5. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    The goal is to get Trump to answer some questions that Mueller already knows the answers to and that Trump is very likely to lie about.

    And as dumb as DOTUS is, I don't think he takes the bait.  He isn't going to sit down with Mueller.

    He's going to fire him.

    And Congress will act with all of the vertebrae they possess -- ZERO.  They will do nothing.

    That's when you can put a fork in the Republic.

  6. 14 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Not sell as much soy. Duh.

    And bankrupt some soy farmers, per the head of their industry group speaking this morning.

    So, nothing much.  Just cornholing some more DOTUS voters who will respond with "thank you sir!  May I have another?!"


  7. 17 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Mueller never was going to indict a sitting president. The plan always was to prepare a report, supported by evidence, regarding whether a crime was committed. It will be up to Congress to act on any conclusions. 


    Which is why Mueller continues to be a by-the-book, respect for the rule of law and due process guy, all-in-all.

    And it's also why nothing is going to happen.  Mueller could produce a video of Trump giving Putin a list of all of our foreign operatives to kill, and "up to Congress to act" would mean....nothing happens.

  8. 1 minute ago, F250 said:


    Here is an informative article from The Economist that addresses your questions. Basically, the United States has a legitimate gripe against China and so does Europe, Japan, South Korea, etc... However, rather than address our problems pragmatically with the assistance of a multilateral approach, Trump has dissed our partners, burned the WTO (how these issues are addressed) and decided to just take a last resort option (tarrifs) and go after China alone.

    Essentially Trump has ripped out all of the safety features and is going full speed ahead with this confrontation with China.



    And yet again, for the billionth time, the Economist nails it.

    Trump spots an issue (trade imbalance/other trade problem with China)....and approaches it like he does everything - as a bloviating dick-measuring contest.

    Congrats for realizing that there's a fire, DOTUS.  But your plan to yell at the fire while you throw gasoline on it is pretty fucking stupid.

  9. Just now, TheFlyingBoat said:

    Mfw anyone thinks that Oracle can accomplish anything competently 


    5 minutes ago, Washpark said:

    Oracle can't meet the specs / requirements to win the contract.

    Y'all think any of that matters?

    Did you not get the "Literally NOTHING FUCKING MATTERS ANYMORE" memo?  I could have sworn y'all's names were on the routing sheet....

  10. That's something I love.  It transcends all races, cultures, and borders.  It is the essence of what it is to be human.

    And that thing is "dudes messing with their friends."  I'm confident that a group of goatherders in Afghanistan fucking prank each other.  

    What is also transcendent is that "chicks don't get it."  "That's your friend -- why would you mess with him like that?"

    Because it's fucking funny, that's why.  Full stop.

    • Like 1
  11. It's difficult to tuck a bitcoin or credit card in a stripper's g-string.  And it's even harder to keep your wife from finding out about those transactions when she reviews your monthly statement.

    Cash will survive if for no reason other than that.

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    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    It's not just Trump it's the whole party over country and at this point party over self mentality that Rush, Fox News, etc have created.

    I saw an interview yesterday with a teacher from Oklahoma who was protesting for raises and increased funding for students etc. He said that he has worked at Subway and Braums and as a cashier in addition to his teaching job to send his kid to college. When asked what his message is to lawmakers he replied "they need to work something out because midterms are coming and it they don't fix this they could run a fencepost with an R after their name and I would vote for them" 


    They've successfully created tribes that have nothing to do with facts, issues, or independent thinking.

    You are a member of a tribe.  You are loyal to that tribe.  What that tribe actually does or stands for doesn't mean anything.  You vote for the tribe.  If the tribe is for fiscal restraint, you're for fiscal restraint.  If tomorrow, they are against fiscal restraint, you're against fiscal restraint.  All that matters is your tribe. 

    Oh, and that you hate the "other."  Gotta hate the "other."  They've done a great job of lumping groups into the "other" -- evil mexicans (CRIME!), black folks (BLACK LIVES MATTERS IS TERRORISTS!), and liberals (literally everyone who doesn't pledge 100% loyalty to Donald Trump).  Funny thing is, when you add up all the folks included in the "other" group, you end up with something like 2/3 of the population.  But for that 1/3 they've got locked down, they are LOCKED DOWN.  That's why Trump's approval rating will never go below 35%.  There's literally nothing he can do to lose the loyalty of the tribe.

  13. 2 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    You didn't vote for Trump? Somebody give this man a cookie, uh donut.

    Its not about who you voted for. Its about the fact that you keep talking about how you are Republican, yet the current Republican party is the exact opposite of the reasons you claim to be a Republican.

    You know how mad you get when you see a woman stay with a serial wife-beater?  He keeps breaking his promise to "never hit you again," every single week.  And she says "but this is my home.  And I can change him!"  So she stays there.  And gets beaten.  Again and again.  And even worse, she keeps the kids there.  And they get beaten too.  And she says, every single time, "I know that him hitting me is wrong, but in his heart, he's a good man!" 

    Tahoe's that woman.

    Except he's a racist old fuck from Alabama.

    It's stupid enough that he's getting beaten like a rented mule, and just takes it.  What's worse is, his enabling of this bullshittery (by continuous electoral support) means that the rest of us are getting beaten, too.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  14. Just now, atomheartbevo said:

    Oil industry in Oklahoma - it's like gun control in a way - give up a little now to try and fix things/correct the course, or do nothing and then something else bad happens, and somebody will then come along and take a whole lot, all the while placing the blame on you.

    And unfortunately for the oil industry (and Republicans) in Oklahoma, unlike Texas, Oklahoma doesn't have a large enough and diverse enough economy to cover this up.  People in Oklahoma know what was done for the O&G industry, while watching the schools go downhill at the same time.

    And on top of all of that, we now have Trump's little trade war.  Oklahoma has manufacturing and aerospace industries that could very well be hurt, and those are well-paying jobs (compared to many other jobs in Oklahoma).  That's not getting into the farmers getting screwed over hard.

    Mix education into that - many rural Oklahomans want decent schools, because they want their kids to do better, and they've watched way too many out-of-staters coming in for the better jobs.

    Too many of the politicians are older and/or not thinking long-term - they are thinking an election or two from now, rather than 20 years from now, and just wanting to satisfy their masters.

    Your last sentence summarizes our entire political thinking in this country.  The only thing that matters is being re-elected TOMORROW, not what happens in a decade.  We are doing the equivalent of eating our seed stock -- nifty if you want lots of bread today, shitty if you want to have crops next growing season.  Zero long-term thinking or deferred gratification or sacrifice.

  15. 15 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Just for clarification, I think the title of the thread is misleading.  I've never argued that the Black Civil Rights Movement didn't effect change.  It absolutely did and is a large part of why I feel the Civil Rights Act was unnecessary, and likely counter productive.

    The entirety of my argument can be summed up in the idea that the combination of societal, judicial, and economic pressure is a more effective means of effecting civil change, then legislation.

    For me, this applies to all areas, not just race relations.

    Do evolving social and economic trends produce a better end-product of "civil change" than legislation?  Probably.

    Of course, none of that matters when your ass is in the barrel right now.

    Think of it this way: the best way to manage a fire in a wooded area, even a neighborhood, is to let nature take its course.  Burn what needs to be burned, and eventually, rain will put the fire out.

    That's all well and good....unless the fire is raging towards YOUR HOUSE.  Then, you want a fire crew to take care of business.

    An appropriate blend of the two -- natural fire management, and fire fighting where necessary to protect lives and property -- is the right path.  That's what the Civil Rights Movement (natural change brought about by social and economic pressure) and the Civil Rights Act (legal intervention where necessary to protect basic rights) did.  Together.

    Shit, your argument against the Civil Rights Act (that it forced change, and/or forced it beyond its natural timeline) is the same damned argument folks used against the Civil Rights Movement.  Have you read Letter from Birmingham Jail?  Lemme share a bit with you:


    We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was "well timed" in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word "Wait!" It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied."


    I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." 

    Imagine that I am a black man in the 1960s.  I cannot freely and safely travel through the region of my birth, the South.  In some places, I cannot even vote.  I can be discriminated against in hiring decisions, so that I never even have a chance for good employment, even if I am educated and qualified.

    You tell ME "wait for social change."  

    My answer to you is probably much less measured and kind than Dr. King's.  It involves a hale and hearty "FUCK YOU."  The time for MY freedom, and MY rights, is now.

    A country that has to be dragged kicking and screaming to that conclusion, by force of legislative act....well, that country should STFU about what's "good for me" and what's not.  200+ years of telling the black man what his place is didn't work out so well for the black man.  You'll forgive him when he doesn't defer to your sage decrees now.

  16. 12 minutes ago, retread said:

    Kate Jackson


    For the record, Kate Jackson/Sabrina was one place where I bucked convention.  While everyone else was fawning all over Farrah, I was head over heels for Kate.



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  17. Oh hell yes dude, hit me with that good "slavery was actually good for the blacks, so YOU'RE WELCOME!" shit.
    Hell yeah let's say blacks are better off in America than they are in Africa because colonialism isn't a thing and apartheid didn't exist and white supremacy didn't completely fuck over that entire continent for centuries. Come on, Ben Shaprio and Daily Stormer, pump that white supremacy right into my veins.
    Are you applying for Chief Goal Post mover?  Colonialism happened...white supremacy exists in the USA,, and apartheid happened in South Africa, where there was no Atlantic slave trade so don't pull that crap.  The world is what it is... 
    So answer the question, it's really simple...if you were black, would you rather be born in the US or sub-Saharan Africa?
    Yes, really, answer the question. If the Industrial Revolution was bound to free the slaves, why was it not done in the American South? Why did the American South find slavery so vital to their lives that they literally seceded and started a war to protect it? What movement towards freeing the slaves was already underway in the American South before the Civil War started? Please educate me.
    In America, the Industrial Revolution began in the Northern states...specifically in 1793 at a cotton mill in Pawtucket, RI.  By 1821, all Northern states were slave free.  With the abolition of slavery in the North came the abolitionists.  Weird how that happened.
    But progress doesn't always move at the pace you'd like it to, so the South lagged behind due to simple economics.  Slavery was profitable for the Southerners.  However, it would have happened in time...likely before 1888 when Brazil, the last of the Atlantic Slave Trade countries, formally abolished slavery.  So, while it may have taken about 20 years more to happen, it would have happened because it would have become unsustainable.  Not only would customers been demanding a change, but the costs associated with slave ownership would have eventually made slavery more costly than the alternative.  Econ 101.
    And so not unlike what the US did to cause the collapse of the USSR, had the Northerners (and anti-slave countries such as the UK, Spain, France, etc.) used economic pressure instead of bullying and brute force, we probably could have avoided the Civil War, just as every other country that abolished slavery had done.
    That in turn would have probably lessened the rift between North and South that still exists today.
    Yes, that's obvious. So why did you say that "giving legal protections to minorities has been the worst thing that's happened to them"? You're contradicting yourself.
    I'm not contradicting myself.  I still believe that giving any group special status does more harm than good, because it not only perpetuates stereotypes, but also increases any existing animosity...it becomes us against them.
    I'm a finance person.  I don't give a shit about color or creed...I see everything in economic terms...purely dollars and cents.  It may seem insensitive, but I don't let emotions get in the way of data.  I have plenty of empathy, but not a lot of sympathy.
    Anyway, I'm sure everyone else is as tired of this discussion as we are, so if you feel like following up, let's do it via direct message.

    Man. Been watching this shitshow....and wow.

    I’m curious how banning slavery of ANY person gives black folks “special status.” And how banning discrimination based on race - any race - gives black folks “special status.”

    It’s really easy to say such stupidity when you are remote from be reality that existed - remote either by race, or by time. It’s embarrassing, but easy.
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