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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. I grew up in Wiesbaden, I loved it. I keep telling myself I'm gonna go back one day, been gone for 30+ years.

    Was never on my list. But then both kids started taking German and studying abroad. Spent a week in Berlin last year - really liked it.

    First beer.


    Turkish grub.


    DDR legos.


    Remnant line of the wall.


    Dinner with old friends near Potsdam.


    The bridge of spies.


    Turkish market.

  2. I don't have an end game, and I'm the one who started the thread.

    It’s bad enough you’re an archaic racist POS.

    Don’t be a liar too.

    You think you’re clever. It’s sad to watch.
  3. I’m joining this thread the way I frequently posted in the other, from a parking lot with my truck smelling of delicious warm grease.
    Best Stop - Boudin balls and Cracklin. Supper is served. See you bitches back on the West side of the Sabine.

    You’re a holy man. Like a swami, a guru, or a rabbi.
  4. Some folks make sweet deviled eggs.

    Some folks make tart deviled eggs.


    I'm on team "tart deviled eggs."  Use enough mustard and dill pickle relish in your yolk mix.  If you want to dice up some pickled jalapenos to add some zing, I wouldn't criticize you.  And don't be shy with the good paprika on top at the end.  That's it.  Keep it simple -- yolks, mayo, mustard, dill relish and/or jalapenos (use some of the juice/vinegar, too), topped with paprika.

    I can eat about a hunnert of those.

    • Like 6
  5. 18 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Have any arms actually reached Ukranian hands yet?

    Most arms reach the hands.  I mean, it would be funny to have a gap between the arms and the hands.  Like "the case of the mysterious missing wrists" or something.

    You're a weird dude who asks weird questions.

    I like your style.

    • Like 4
  6. 5 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

    Carter Page is going to turn out have a 190 IQ, speak 20 languages, and be the most decorated CIA agent of all time, except his ops are so covert only the Deep State(TM) knows about them.

    That's really the only other option.  He's either Forrest Gump, or the world's most brilliant CIA spy.  There's no in-between here.

  7. 4 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:
    You're back on your strawman.  You do realize for decade over decade ground has been given, then given, then given again on gun regulations, right?  There are literally thousands of existing regulations on the books (no pun intended) right now.  But yeah, let's pile on more and ignore the single biggest consistent factor in each and every one of these shootings - whether it an elementary school, theatre, military base, or college campus:  they are all gun free zones.
    Quotes like this don't engender a lot of sympathy or mutual support:
    “When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.”
    "teenagers who are just a bit sick of having to do active shooter drills as part of their school day, and who REALLY have a problem with seeing their classmates grey matter spattered in cinderblock walls"
    This is hyperbole laced bullshit and you know it....

    Well, it's hyperbole-laced bullshit that echoes words that are actually coming out of the mouths of a shitload of school kids in the past few weeks.  I mean, these are words they are actually saying -- and not just the ones at the marches.  My daughter, her pals, etc.

    Ignore them.  Denigrate them.  Call them fools and tools.  Keep it up.  They're listening.  They hear you loud and clear.  You're right about one thing -- they DO have something to say at the ballot box.  And you're guaranteeing that they're going to be motivated as hell to say it.

  8. 3 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    The NRA isn’t propping up little political human shields ahead of the midterms…but yeah, it’s the same thing.

    If mag bans “could” help, why didn’t it when it was implemented for a full decade? 

    And we can’t fully vet and enforce existing NICS programs RIGHT NOW.  Today.  So reconcile how more robust checks will be effective when we can’t manage the ones we currently have?  And beyond that, what will they find?  This kid was reported to the local LE officials 30+ times.  The FBI multiple times.  What exactly is the trigger here? 

    And mental health?  OK?  Again, what is the trigger?  Being sent to detention?

    Ummm, you DO realize that among the measures being proposed is to fix the NICS program so it's more robust and includes better data?  Hell, one of the things it seeks is to make ATF records digitized and searchable?

    As for the kid being reported to local LEOs and the FBI...you're kind of making the point.  At present, there are few available legal triggers.  Creating some would be a good place to focus some efforts.

    Same with mental health.  We swung the pendulum from "way too easy to institutionalize someone" to "you can't be committed unless you're threatening to kill yourself or someone else this exact moment."  There's a shitload of research, effort, and proposals on potential middle ground out there.  Let's tackle that.

    The strident opposition to ANY additional gun regulations -- even though we already have several, and a libtard like Scalia said they are fine -- baffles me.  

    The NRA isn't propping up human shields.  Instead, it's doing what it did for the 8 years of Obama -- "Y'all BETTER FREAK OUT!!! THEY'RE GONNA BAN ALL YOUR GUNS!"  Rudimentary and time-honored scare tactics, coupled with complete demonization of "the enemy" (which in this case, is teenagers who are just a bit sick of having to do active shooter drills as part of their school day, and who REALLY have a problem with seeing their classmates grey matter spattered in cinderblock walls).  It's fascinating that you think that angry kids are well-orchestrated manipulation by (who?  Soros?), but folks sitting on your side, well, they are in NO WAY influenced by the literally MILLIONS of dollars in propaganda disseminated by the NRA.  Truly, the psychology is fascinating.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    What it speaks to me is that Mueller knows he and his team are responsible for uncovering the greatest political conspiracy in American history and they know damn well that they have to get it right.

    I tend to lean this way, and that's because it's EXACTLY what I would do in his shoes.

    You're an attorney-investigator.  You've been handed a case that doesn't involve the fate of a defendant, or the fate of a drug ring, or something like that.  It involves perhaps the fate of the entire Republic.  You have to get it right.  More than anything you've done in your life, or will ever do again, you have to get this right.  By the book.  Every step.  Don't fail to turn over ANY stone.  Put together the COMPLETE AND TOTAL story.  And do so with regard for only one thing: the integrity of the investigation and the rule of law that it seeks to follow and preserve.

    Yes, we're all guessing at this point.  But knowing guys like Mueller....I think that's a pretty good guess.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Me?  Angry?  You've got the wrong guy, Mr Anger.


    My prejudice is against people who hurt our economy, not any particular group.  I like people in any group who are big contributors to our economy.

    Then re-write the Constitution to reflect your prejudice.  Otherwise, stick with the one we've got.  Read it.  I'm sure there's someone in Alabama -- or perhaps an adjoining state -- who can read it to you.

  11. 5 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Dude, it's the Internet.  This is the place for that.  In real life I'm happy and serve doughnuts.  Actually I get a kick out of this too.  But sadly I am old.  I don't know how to deal with that.  Suggestions?

    Same suggestion I have for all you Boomers.


  12. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:
    If capacity size was relevant then a decades worth of data between 1994 and 2004 when the ban was implemented would have seen that validated.  It didn't.  Because it's not. 
    As for your daughter, what do you think will do more to protect her?  A ban similar to what was implemented in 1994 that was a complete and utter statistical failure?  More regulatory layers?  We saw complete and total failures at both the state and federal levels in Parkland. 
    Or what we saw in Maryland just week later, where an armed guard put a kid in a box before he could proceed his little spree? 
    Now tell me, what do you think the odds another shooter will even step foot in that area code any time soon?  Or do you also think it an anomaly that all these copy-cat occurrences take place in the same manner?  Why not malls?  Airports?  Congested banks with people packed in like cattle?   Gun free zones....game preserves for the deranged.  And they know it. 
    And yes, these children are being 100% manipulated.  Further, giving these children moral imprimatur is dangerous.  Putting them forth conveniently before the midterms the left are so desperate to regain....in an attempt to make these ideas above criticism and a dangerous amount of credulity.

    And again, the NRA-lovers are NOT being manipulated.  

    FASCINATING take.  The inability to see outside of one's bubble always amazes me.

    Also, the false-dichotomy mutual-exclusivity straw man repeatedly evident in your posts is likewise fascinating.  I don't see or agree with the either-or strawmen that you seem so eager to set up and knock down.

    I think a different high-cap mag ban (and one allowed to remain in place) could HELP.  Not 100% CURE, but HELP.  William Ruger agrees with me.

    I also think having an armed and trained resource officer at schools is an EXCELLENT idea.  It helped in Maryland.  I think it's a good policy.

    I think streamlining and making the background check process more broadly-applicable will help.

    I think that imposing some checks involving mental health will help.

    I also know that shooting sprees like this saw an increase after the advent of the modern high-capacity rifle boom, which started around 35-40 years ago.

    "Giving these children moral imprimatur is dangerous."  Wow.  I'm just gonna leave that out there, to shine in all its glory.  Wow.  How dare the sheep lined up for slaughter speak up.

  13. 9 minutes ago, DanRydell said:


    There’s no debate. The law is clear that when the Constitution says person, it means persons and when it says citizens, it means citizens.


    Well, sure.  But perhaps you didn't get the memo about mexicans and Tahoe and old angry white dudes like him being REALLY pissed about the browns.  I coulda sworn you got that memo.

  14. 2 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Ya moron, the policies aren't content neutral.  I have repeatedly referenced the NYC policy.  They clearly supported this and had a policy which was not their normal policy.

    That is entirely unclear from the article you posted.  What is the dividing line under the REGULAR NYC policy for when a student is "cutting class," versus being "absent?"  Is that information provided in the statement?  Is it a bright-line policy -- e.g., if you're late over 10 minutes, you're absent?  OR, is the policy what I suspect it is -- how to mark a student who is late for class is a matter of teacher and administration discretion, and the District is trying to create a circumstance of consistency when they know that a lot of students will be doing the same thing at the same time?

    Nevermind that there's no indication that this treatment in this type of circumstance would be different if another political cause, of similar participating numbers of students, was at issue.

    You assume a lot.  Provide some facts.  Otherwise, you're just the same donut-fetching spineless old man that you always have been.

    • Like 1
  15. 40 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

    So, we now know that coyotes can use the spiral staircase and climb through a second story window with no alarm triggered.  No wonder you got problems. Pony up and buy more sensors.


  16. 42 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Capacity is irrelevant.  Again, and I am trying not to condescend, but have you ever fire any weapon platform that took magazines of any kind?  Do you know why the decade-long ban on high capacity mags was repealed?  Because it's worthless.  Smaller spoons.  That is what you are advocating for.

    My prissy little wife who shoots about twice a year can drop and swap a fresh mag in about 2-3 seconds.  That's it.  I can do it half that time.  Anyone that can for a mirror and has spent even a small amount of time at a range can do the same

    Capacity is relevant. It has proven to be in numerous cases where the shooter was overpowered during a mag change.  2-3 seconds is a fucking eternity when your life is on the line.  And also, many of these shooters are NOT experts.  Shit, I'm a pretty experienced shooter, and I've fumbled more than one mag change.  And I wasn't nervous as shit in the midst of committing a heinous crime.  Mag size does matter.

    34 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:
    100%  And to expand on that.  This isn't about guns.  Not really.  This is about midterms.  And anyone with an IQ above room temp can see that.  Funny how about of kids suddenly were regurgitating identical talking points as major networks and celebrity figures.  Coordinated and costing millions upon millions to orchestrate.  But it's organic....sure.....these poor kids are being used.  Plain and simple.  They are political human shields.  And then they'll be discarded.  Maybe a few can spin this into something.  But not most.  These Tide pod eating idiots are now experts on the issue?  I don't think so. 
    And of course the bewildered media has the audacity to question "why have NRA donations suddenly increased?"

    Your last sentence is fascinating.  Folks who are upset about kids (kids like them, or kids like they have at home) getting splattered over their school walls are just regurgitating MSM and celebrity talking points, and are not motivated individually, for any internal or individual reasons.

    Yet those folks who have jumped up and donated to the NRA...well, THEY aren't being manipulated at all.  THEY are free-thinkers, by God.  No lobbying money or massive PR blitz by the NRA has influenced them, no way.

    My daughter is a high school junior.  She doesn't consume network news (hint: few people under the age of 45 do).  She's a gun-owner and regular shooter herself.  She asked for and got for Christmas a few years ago....a 10/22.  She loves it, she enjoys shooting it.  But she also sees a circumstance where her peers got blown away during Algebra.  And she sees that it keeps happening, time and time again.  And she's motivated by (1) self-preservation and (2) giving a shit about her fellow human beings to conclude that something need be done.  So, she's on board with it.

    And the more that folks like you call her stupid and immature and just a manipulated tool, the more you are guaranteeing that she -- and tens of millions of kids like her -- will NEVER stand on your side of the aisle.

    You think that folks supporting the NRA are pure-motivated unmanipulated free-thinkers, and folks who think we need to make policy changes because schoolkids are regularly being shot to pieces are manipulated tools.  That dichotomy of thinking is not going to serve you well.

    16 minutes ago, scottsins said:


    Ok. Excused absence if kids do not leave school property. Unexcused if they do.

    There’s my policy.


    And this.  Yet again.  Because the OP's question was stupid.  Content-neutral rules for acts of speech and civil disobedience.  You know, like how the Constitution works.

  17. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    Do you really not understand the distinction between semi-auto rifles, and "assault weapons"?  Can you even tell me what an "assault weapon" is?  Can you tell me the difference between my old Ruger-14 ranch rifle and my AR?  Or my 10/22?  Honestly, do you not see the distinction?

    Did you eat nothing but paint chips as a child?

    You're arguing against me....when I just said I agree with you.

  18. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    If you can back this up I'll change my position.  I want to know about Alabama or Illinois in 1820 as a test.  I don't want to know about some Indian working on a plantation in suburban Boston.


    Here's a start:


    Your test is stupid and irrelevant.  You would use the analogy to differentiate between citizens and non-citizens.  When in reality, the distinction between Indians living IN society and those living OUTSIDE society was that of residents vs. non-residents.  Which is exactly the distinction in the Constitution -- residents are counted.  Non-residents are not.  Citizenship is not mentioned, and citizenship and residence are indeed separate concepts.

    You think you're being clever, yet again.

    You're not.

  19. 1 minute ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    There have to be consequences. That's the point. That's the power of protest and civil disobedience. People sacrificing their own well being for a cause by calling on a greater moral urgency. 

    I led a student walkout in 1991, knowing full well we were going to get in deep shit potentially. If there hadn't been the potential for deep shit, there would have been no leverage on the school district to rehire the teachers they let go and focus cost-cutting efforts elsewhere. 

    When my daughter and her fellow students were planning their walkout, she asked for my advice and I told her that the most important thing they could do was not rely on the school district or the public or their parents for permission- to let the people participating in the protest  know the risks and consequences in advance, and proceed with eyes wide open.

    EXACTLY.  Same conversation we had with our kids.  There are consequences to civil disobedience. If you believe that the cause is worth the consequences, then act accordingly.  And accept the consequences.

  20. Just now, BabaYaga said:
    Nice strawman.  No.  That is not the intent, not the point - but rather a fairly simple illustration to illustrate how worthless this "ban" would be.  It could and would be circumvented as easily as making cups and spoons smaller.  You'd "feel good" about it, which seems primarily the point.  But in terms of efficacy, it's absurd. 
    As is this false equivalency between explosives....and semi-automatic rifles.  Because in the end, that is your argument.  We are not outlawing "assault weapons", you are proposing far greater reach to all semi-auto platforms.  You'll ignore that rifles represent a statistical minority in terms of usage in crime (less than 2%), and pat yourselves on the back.  As seeing as tried this before in 1994, it will produce the same failed results.

    "you are proposing far greater reach to all semi-auto platforms."  Huh?  I'm proposing that?  Citation, please.

    Interestingly -- if you'd bothered to think it through -- the students' platform has multiple planks.  An "assault weapons ban" is actually the one plank that I firmly oppose, for exactly the reasons you point out (and more so -- the real point is that any concern with respect to the weapon should be about CAPACITY, not firing mechanism).

  21. Most schools treated the walkout over gun control as an unexcused absence.  There WERE consequences.  The consequences were content-neutral.  The way that laws relating to speech are supposed to be.

    They should enforce the policy the same way if students walked out for any other political purpose.

    I repeat, the OP is stupid, and is exactly what I'd expect from the poster who started it.  An idiot so bent out of shape over durned kids and libruls thinking differently than he does that he has to set up fake battles so he can then claim a fake victory.  I don't care.  If Tahoe's grandson walks out to protest the fact that he has a moron for a grandfather, it should be treated the same as any other protest.  Although I would definitely sympathize with his poor grandson.

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