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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 11 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The best people, no chaos, well oiled machine, winning.

    Imagine a business run this way.  It would probably end up in bankruptcy several times.


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  2. 3 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    This is some inception style brilliance. Tortillception. 

    I concur.  It’s like a riff on when you make a taco of your cheese enchiladas (which is  a solid move, BTW).  Respek.

  3. 1 hour ago, plimon said:

    Meh, part of the fence replacement project in San Diego. I don't think this is the wall DOTUS is asking for.


    And....something 99% of folks have no problem with.  Limited physical barriers in places where they make sense - which we’ve been doing for DECADES - makes sense, and is good policy.  A “big beautiful wall” for the sake of making a stupid statement....not so much.  Same reason I have burglar alarm sensors on my external doors and ground level windows.  But not on the ones 30 feet off the ground,  or my internal doors.  Intelligent use of resources and whatnot.  Also, a lot easier to live with (I’d hate it if I had to punch in an alarm code to open the bathroom door in the middle of the night.)

    TL;DR version: walls aren’t necessarily stupid.  Trump’s idea of a wall is.

  4. 2 hours ago, Amobie said:

    Sucks that your kid is sick and I hope he gets better.

    Now that's out of the way..  What the actual fuck were you thinking traveling with someone who has had a cough for 2+ weeks?  Did you fly to Mexico?  I'm sure all those other people on the plane really appreciate being exposed to whooping cough.  Did you used to take him to the playground when he had a runny nose and was running a temperature too?

    Fair question. It started out like a cold - frequent cough.  It has all but died out - he’d cough maybe 2-3 times a day, but when he did, it himdered his breath.  I thought it was effectively gone, and certainly past anything being contagious (and it was - the doc so informed us this week).  Honestly, it didn’t even OCCUR to me that it was anything more than a bit of leftover cough from the cold he’d had 2-3 weeks before (that’s happened to me plenty of times - I was over the cold, but just a lingering cough every now and then).   I wish it had occurred to me that he was really sick - I’d have gotten him to the doctor a lot sooner.

  5. 26 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    He got it in Mexico.  Not sayin.  Just sayin.

    He had it two weeks before we went to Mexico.  When we headed out, I hoped that the trip would help him get better.  It didn't.  Of course, I told him "no way you have whooping cough."  He's enjoyed the "I told you so."

    A shitload of the cases of vaccine-preventable illnesses being transmitted among the general population make their way through unvaccinated folks.  Just noting the odds here.

    Anti-vaxers are bad at math.  And sometimes, it sickens and even kills other people.

  6. A good portion of the posters in the politics board remind me of Stormy Daniels, because they happily bend over and let Trump raw-dog them.

    I mean, I guess she's an actress, not a "character."  I could say that they remind me of Stormy Daniels' character in "Pump my Rump," but I gotta be honest -- I haven't seen that one, I'd just be going off of the reviews.

  7. 26 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    I wore a rut in the sidewalk between Posse East and Crown and Anchor.

    As did I, between the Posse and my shitty efficiency apartment in law school.  I honestly spent more of my waking hours at the Posse than I did at my apartment.

    If heaven doesn't involve drinking cheap beer at a picnic table with your friends, I don't wanna go.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    Thujone-esque lawyer-tweeting there (minus the dicks, of course).

    He's doing his best "Warriors!  Come out and PLAAAYAY!" routine on team Trump.  They'll eventually take the whole bait, which is what he wants.

  9. When I figure out how/where to upload images (I'm used to doing it via my phone on Tapa), I'll share my breakfast this morning:

    A slice of cold sausage, pepperoni, mushroom and anchovies pizza (with lots of red pepper) and a hot cuppa Holiday Inn coffee in my hotel room as I worked.  Who's winning?  This guy.  Who can't get a pic here yet?  Also this guy.

    Also, who had the two cholas at the bar, as he picked up the pizza, admire said pizza and tell him they'd go home with him if he shared his pizza with them?  Also this guy.  Who declined?  Definitely this guy.  Cuz I ain't Vic.  And, you know, I'm married and stuff.

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