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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Well did take a loss and pissed. Breaker blew on my outdoor outlet that powers the pond pump and I put in a heater. It is far back in the yard and did not check it. Frozen solid and the fish are now fishicles. Wife is pissed since she loved to sit out next to it. I insulated around the outlet but guess not enough.
    Things to learn. RIP Goldfish.

    Befriend a carnie, you’ll end up with a crapload of new goldfish.
    • Haha 3
  2. Yeah, why is the most disturbing thing about that he clearly pauses to collect his thoughts and declares that we’ve had television stars on our planet for one million years?   

    It’s like you never even watched the famous documentary “The Flintstones.”
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. Mine is on the north facing exterior wall. It is inside the house but the pipe still freezes in the wall. I just need to drip it. I knew this from the last time so it is my fault for not coming up with a plan. Odd thing is it didn't freeze till day 3 the last time. I thought if I kept running laundry through it I could keep it from freezing. No dice.

    I wonder if heat tape wrapped around the pipe inside (not the kind on a thermostat, but the kind that is on when you plug it in) would warm the pipe enough via conduction to keep it open?
  4. 1e45c286d13d54306df7f1ece99dc299.jpg

    Is phrenology? Yes. But even worse…it’s extra-stupid phrenology. Because riddle me this: baby A grows in the womb, and will be delivered vaginally. Baby B grows in the womb, and will be delivered by C-section. Or wait…maybe it’s the other way around… So…how does one baby know “hey, I’m gonna pop out of a vagina, so I better keep my brain case small,” and the other baby knows “woohoo! I’ma be a C-section baby…grow, braincase, grow!”
    I mean…how. Fucking. Stupid. Can one man. BE?
    He’s so fucking stupid. Absolutely stupid. Perfectly so.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Once again our waterline that feeds the washing machine has frozen. I ran some laundry late last night and went to run another first thing this morning, frozen. We will see if it survives this time like it did during snowpocalipse. If it survives, I am going the jury rig an tee with a valve at the outlet that can be turned on to drip down the drain when it is this cold. Old ass copper pipes are fun.

    My old man has his laundry room in the garage. He rigged up a 100w work lamp to shine on that pipe, it worked in 2021.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. Is it PEX?

    Yeah, at least there’s that. All the new pipe we put in was PEX. But still…now that I’m looking back, since it runs through the ceiling of a poorly insulated covered patio, 1) we should have better insulated that area, and 2) we should have insulated the HELL outta that pipe. Because from now on, we’re gonna have to drip the faucet with both hot and cold water running through it whenever we get a good freeze.
    I ran the hot water on the interior taps that draw on that heater, they ran fine and hot. I’m thinking that if I do that again, and get some heat onto the pipe here at the sink (I have an extra length of heat tape I can wrap around the inside pipe to warm it up), I can get hot water running there again. Gonna be a project.
  7. Sigh. Shit, one of our hot water lines is frozen. When we did a kitchen remodel this year, it ran a line from the hot water downstairs up to the kitchen upstairs. Along the NW corner of the house. Didn’t think to drip that one.

    Am gonna go downstairs and run the hot water for some taps down there, see what happens. If I have to shut it off, then that’s what I’ll do. Thankfully, it runs over open patio, so even if it bursts, damage should be minimal.

    And now we know about that.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    According to the Real ID Document Checklist, a valid US passport works

    Do you have all the documents listed below?

    • An original or certified copy of a Birth Certificate issued by a State Bureau of Vital Statistics or equivalent Agency from a U.S. State, U.S. Territory, the District of Columbia or an unexpired U.S. Passport Book or Card
    • Social Security Card (actual card)
    • Current Texas Vehicle Registration or Title (If you own a vehicle)
    • Current automobile insurance policy, statement, or card (If you own a vehicle)
    • If your name changed, legal documents showing proof of name change from your birth name



    I don't even know where my birth certificate is.  My parents probably have it in a safety deposit box somewhere.

    Oh, you wanna know the super fun part?  Some time back, the DPS changed my name.  My middle name is spanish.  Think "Jorge."  For some reason, they changed it to "George."  The only place in the world my name is recorded as "George" is on my TDL....because they decided to gringo-fy my name.  SO, when I last went in to renew, I brought all my paperwork -- you know, the stacks of official GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS that have my name as "Jorge."  And I asked them to fix their fuckup.  They said nope.  My name is now "George."  And if I want to change it (back), I need to go to court.

    Your State of Texas, folks.  These are the people who Elon thinks are heroes who will protect us from RAMPANT ELECTION FRAUD!  Their job is to 1) be lazy and 2) fuck people over, especially if those people might vote the wrong way according to the powers that be.  That's it.  Elon's a fucking moronic piece of shit.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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    • Rage+1 2
  9. We were promised that the private market would ensure that there would always be enough electricity. The other promise was that prices would remain low because of competition.
    Can someone remind me again of the benefits of our electricity system?

    Sure. Donors to the controlling political party have gotten absurdly rich. That’s the benefit. By design.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  10. It can very much be in person, and especially if you’ve never presented your birth certificate.
    “I’m a man, I’ve had a TX DL for forty years, what do you mean birth certificate?!”

    And a fucking valid US passport…which you can’t get WITHOUT a birth certificate…isn’t enough.
    It’s stupidity that’s purportedly to address voter fraud (which is so minimal as to hardly bear mentioning) but REALLY intended to exclude poor people and minorities from voting. The designers of the voting and ID laws have openly said so, you don’t need to take my word for it.
    And Elon…he fucking bites on it. He’s a total fucking dumbass.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. In the words of the candidate favored by evangelical Christians in Iowa, get over it.

    QF pathetic, head shaking truth.
    For fucking real. Educators are literally laying down their lives for their students. And what is the response of the GQP? 1) “Get over it.” And 2) “let’s cut the fuck out of their funding.”
    It’s just fucking evil and indefensible…and half the country approves of it.
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  12. Have a fire burning in the fireplace, and goddammit, we’ve got one of this split oak logs that JUST WON’T BURN. Have flipped it and turned it every which way, it’ll burn a little bit, then it’s just hard as iron and needs to be turned again.
    Then again, messing with the fire is one of the top 10 things a man can do, so I’m torn here.

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Haha 2
  13. There is no bottom. Every republican you know endorses and loves this recent incident. They want more dead brown people, not bc it keeps the teeming hordes out of the US but because it makes them cum to see vulnerable minorities drown/burn/get shot/die of dehydration. 

    This. Stop extrapolating critical political thinking. It’s almost all this: the GQP takes intense pleasure in the suffering and deaths of all they deem to be “others.” And here’s the stupid secret a shitload of those GQPers don’t get: when it comes down to it, the rest of the GQP sees you as “others” too. Leopards eating people’s faces and all that.
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