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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Ackshually, he is a defendant in his individual capacity. 

    Yep, I see that.  My bad.

    Of course, the reason for the ruling is actually perfectly Trump (nevermind that he's represented by counsel, so a party's counsel is the one to give closing arguments):


    Donald Trump won't make his own closing argument in his New York civil business fraud trial after his lawyers objected to the judge's insistence that the former president would stick to “relevant” matters.

    So....when the judge said "cool, you can give a closing argument, but like for everyone else, you can only present argument about matters relevant to the case at hand," Trump said "Fuck that, I want to give a long and rambling speech about how I'm more persecuted than Jesus was when the windmills gave him cancer ree ree ree and also Hunter Biden Burisma, like never before!"

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. Just now, SydneyCarton said:

    He got exactly what he wanted. He never wanted to speak. He wanted to be able to claim he'd been denied his right of free speech by a democratic judge, and to fundraise on it. 

    Yep.  That was absolutely the play.

    He is in asshole manipulating a mass of idiots, it has worked so far and will continue to work.  He is king of the stupids, and he earned that crown.

  3. So TAMQU is essentially a satellite branch of TAMU CS in terms of budget classification. So TAMU is paying for TAMUQ’s operating expenses with money appropriated by the legislature for TAMU and then being reimbursed by the Qatar Foundation?
    Am I misunderstanding this because it sounds fucking crazy considering that the QF has no obligation to reimburse any expenditures in excess of the budget approved by TAMU & QF. 

    Aggy on aggy accounting: “from the inside you can’t explain it, and from the outside you can’t understand it.” Which, I gotta tell ya, is not gonna be the best legal defense.

    Which, as much as listening to Trump incriminate himself would have been, is the right decision under the law and the rules.
    Donald Trump is not on trial - his business enterprise entity is. Non-person entities can only appear through counsel. Closing arguments can only be made by counsel. Trump wants to “testify,” which would be improper in the argument phase, and he already declined the opportunity to testify under oath, where he would be subject to cross examination.
    Trump doesn’t care about any rules, and doesn’t follow any rules. Which is exactly what he can and will be buttfucked. Fuck him. Time to pay the piper.
    • Hook 'Em 5
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    • Drool 1
  5. 3 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Something, something Christ.


    American "Christians" live in a world where:

    1) the Gospel plainly says: “Put away your sword,” Jesus told him. “Those who use the sword will die by the sword."

    2) let's make and wear patches with a sword on them that says "Christ!"

    Like I said, irony was murdered and dismembered in this country long ago.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 54 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Yeah Elmo, they are going to take our homes.  


    Remember, this is a guy who a kajillion folks, including many people on this board, think is a genius.

    He actually thinks that the government is going to use eminent domain to take homes from individuals to serve as....temporary shelters for immigrants or some shit.

    Not only is he not a genius, he has consistently demonstrated that he's one of the dumbest sonsabitches to ever walk the goddamned planet.  I wouldn't put Elmo in charge of a fucking Popeye's franchise.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  7. 9 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    biden fails on the border and immigration for goddamn sure

    Well, how about we look at immigration and border issues from January 2021 to present, and compare the population-adjusted numbers and impacts to those of prior administrations/years/decades.  When you do, you see that we don't actually have much of an OBJECTIVE crisis.  Ignore the noise and shrieking from the nativist crowd who has revived the "great replacement theory" bullshit.

    Generally, our immigration issues are no worse -- but also no better -- than they have been for the past 30+ years.

    3 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    every POTUS and Congress for the last 45 years has failed border and immigration, for goddamn sure

    Yep.  Want to know the last one of those to even make a run at intelligent, effective immigration policy action?  Good old W.  But alas, he was a few years too later -- by his time, the nativist trend on the right had taken control, and the democratic opposition to everything W thought or did trumped any objective consideration of policy.

    We've always had cross-border immigration of brown people, generally to find work.

    We've always had a broad spectrum of asylum seekers or similar types fleeing persecution, failed states, desperate circumstances, etc.  We've had nativist stupidity reactions multiple times....


    ....and it's been utterly stupid each and every time.

    Fuck the Chinese.

    Irish need not apply.

    Those dirty jews bring their communism.

    Damned mexicans will bring us a taco truck on every corner.

    Every fucking time, we've been dead-wrong.  Yet, we keep playing the stupidity hits, because


    Simple measures to manage, control, and monitor immigration are there for the taking.  Again, we don't even need to reinvent the wheel -- we can just dust off various programs and mechanisms we've used in the past and update them (will be even easier now with technology and interconnectivity).  But as we all know, 0% of the current conversation is about the actual issue of immigration.  It is entirely about setting political fires and fanning the flames, using good old fashioned demonization as an (effective) political tool.  It's effective because it works.  As demonstrated by people on this very thread who THINK they're smart, but are just being sheep led down the same old nativist path like their idiotic forebearers were.  ANTI-CHINESE LEAGUE!


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. 55 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I’m surprised he didn’t suggest phrenology as an alternative method.


    53 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    How completely shocking that an apartheid heir would think that black people are inferior 

    Man, y'all just beat me to these two replies.

    All that stuff that we thought we'd left in our Jim Crow past?  It's all back.  It's right out in the open.  And it's fucking CHAMPIONED by the richest man in the world, who is worshipped as a God by a particular side of the political spectrum.

    Elon isn't a piece of shit.  Shit actually contributes to life on earth.  He's worse.

    • Hook 'Em 6
    • Rage+1 1
  9. After a minor hemorrhoidectomy (which I got from chemo induced constipation) a year ago, I went home and couldn’t pee.  Ended up back at the City of Hope ER and had to get the catheter.  Had to have that fucker for a week.  Lots of fun emptying out your pee bag several times a day.  Do not ever want that again.

    It’s amazing how these two things are at opposite extremes for “things you want to do:”

    1 - shove a tube into your dick.
    2 - shove your dick into a tube.
    • Haha 5
  10. Shame the taxpayers don’t realize they will be paying for the poors’ medical care when they show up to hospitals seeking treatments that could have been handled in a doctor’s office and paid for through federal medical programs, because they will pay a lot more for them using the ER to treat mild issues.

    What I’ve never understood about the whole GQP strident opposition to accepting federal dollars for Medicare expansion is….why? It’s there for the taking. It will improve the health and productivity of your citizens. Is it just the steadfast unyielding position that anything that even remotely sniffs of “Obama” must be opposed?

    I mean…I know that’s the answer. It’s just so. Fucking. Stupid.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    It turns out MITs handbook doesn’t mention Wikipedia 


    "Yes, sure, the penal code says it's a crime to take property from someone, but it does not even MENTION Neonmoon by name, so that means that clearly there's no law against me taking whatever I want from Neonmoon.  QED.  Ipso Facto.  E Pluribus Unum, and therefore, I did nothing wrong!"

    • Like 1
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  12. 6 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    The sound of inevitability 


    What I love is that these morons love to cite "many scholars," and just breeze right past US v. Wong Kim Ark, which makes pretty damned plain that if you are a US Citizen at birth...you are a "natural born citizen."  And that's exactly what that psychopath piece of shit does:


    Now, the vast majority of legal scholarship offering an opinion to the contrary will cite the seminal Supreme Court decision, Wong Kim Ark.  However, there, the relevant issue was not whether someone whose natural born citizenship was in question might serve in the highest office of the land, but rather, whether such a person was entitled to the bare minimums of American citizenship.  Thus, the legal issues are completely different. 

    Yes, the "vast majority of legal scholarship" says just that.  Because it's correct.  And his attempt at "distinguishing" the reasoning is laughably bad.  "I know that Case X says that a contract is formed when you have offer and acceptance, but THAT case was about whether it's a breach if you fail to pay for goods provided under a contract, NOT a case like this one, where the seller failed to provide the goods in the first place.  THE LEGAL ISSUES ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, SO YOU CAN'T CITE CASE X FOR THE PROPOSITION THAT A CONTRACT IS FORMED WHEN YOU HAVE OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE!"

    These.  People.  Are.  So.  Fucking.  Stupid.

    If they weren't a real threat to actually run our country, I would find this a lot funnier.

    • Like 1
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  13. 15 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Came across this.  Would like for Abbott supporters to explain how these moves (or lack thereof) make any sense other than trying to score political points by increasing chaos.  I imagine the responses would be along the lines of "Texas doesn't get time to prepare, neither should you."  Which is of course bullshit.

    This man cannot believe in an afterlife where he might have to pay for some of this, can he?  I mean this stuff is borderline psychopathic.  Prime example of how Texas Reds operate.   Don't take advantage of a bad situation by showing how you can work with others to make it better, but make that bad situation even worse to win votes from the dumbs.  

    How Texas officials stymied nonprofits' efforts to help migrants they bused to northern cities

    By Manuel Bojorquez, Chrissy Hallowell

    Updated on: January 9, 2024 / 8:55 AM EST / CBS News




    Blah blah blah.  The cruelty is the point.  It's the only point.  It's literally the only thing the modern GQP stands for.  Whatever other values may have once existed there, they have all been crowded out by that singular purpose -- plain fucking cruelty.

    It's a party of shitty assholes who take joy in doing shitty asshole things.

    Imagine this: you can send a child in shitty shoes with no coat to Chicago, where he will be met by someone who will kindly provide the child with shoes and a coat, OR, you can send a child in shitty shoes with no coat to Chicago, and you can instead do everything you can to make sure he is dumped on the freezing streets with nobody there to help, nobody to provide those basic needs.  You have that choice.  AND YOU CHOOSE THE SECOND OPTION.

    You are an evil piece of shit.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200 -- go straight to fucking hell.  Oh, and the cherry on top?  These fucking ASSHOLES shout as often and as loudly as they can "WE'RE CHRISTIANS!"  This fucking timeline, man.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  14. 4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Happy Feeling Good GIF

    Sane people: "Huh.  So....just what we said all along -- walls are only as effective as your ability to back them up with manpower all along the wall.  Meaning that a hundreds of mile long wall in the middle of ass-nowhere isn't going to do shit but be a futile and expensive gesture."

    MAGAs: "This proves we need to build even MORE wall!  BUILD THE WALL!  BUILD THE WALL!"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. The irony of her posting "where under Elonmusk, free speech is not only protected, it is celebrated" on the same fucking day that Elon shuts down multiple journalists' accounts for daring to post critical analysis of one of his billionaire buddies....well, chef's kiss perfection right there.

    Irony was murdered several years ago, dismembered, and the body parts scattered so far and wide that we can't even prove it once existed.

    • Hook 'Em 8
  16. 14 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    He's an Elon sycophant, and for all his daily and persistent efforts to ingratiate himself with Elon, it has not changed his material circumstances. He is still an incel festering away in a developing nation.

    ....with an outsized amplified voice on Twitter and in the conservosphere because.....he eagerly posts simpering fanboi shit about the absolute worst of conservatives and their positions.  Let's not forget, he's also a goofy-assed looking Malaysian....who regularly spouts white-supremacist and nazi rhetoric, with zero self-awareness.  The modern conservative social media ecosystem has manufactured a stack of these fucking loons, and elevated them to "thought leaders."  It's fucking insanity, which is why Elon is all-in on it.

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