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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. We're getting smallpox back, aren't we? I mean, I'm looking at this timeline, and it's pretty much a fucking stone-cold lock, right?
  2. It's just the two of us. My wife bought an 18-pack like 10 days ago as a backup. I feel like she bought a winning lottery ticket or some shit.
  3. Sure. Why the fuck not. This stupid, fucking abysmally idiotic timeline. Of course. Why WOULDN'T we hear from Candace fucking Owens on this?
  4. They didn't "refuse their people back." They refused to receive a flight on which their people were subjected to inhumane treatment. Get your news from sources other than Fox/the right wing social media ecosystem. That would be a great starting point for you.
  5. Yep. "So, dude, it seems like you really want this?" Yeah, I do. "You think it's a good policy, and what a state should do for its citizens?" Yep, for sure. "You know that policy already exists, right?" Head cocked, puzzled. "Mass, Vermont, Penn, California - they all already have that policy. If you want to live somewhere with that policy, you can move to a state where they support it. You know that Texas doesn't support it, and has no interest in supporting it. You're in charge of your life and your household, right? So, take charge and do what's best for you. Move."
  6. Gosh, is there nothing that private equity doesn’t make loads better?
  7. I've seen this bullying bullshit happen. The Torchy's folks, for example, claim to own the phrase "damned good" in relation to functionally anything related to food. Have some "damned good" chips you want to sell? Maybe some "damned good" Danish kringle? Or some "damned good" barbecue? Fuck off, Torchy's and its private equity-funded legal team are going to sue you into oblivion. Trademark bullying lawsuits are definitely one of those things where I think a "loser pays" mechanism would be really fucking helpful, because otherwise, it's just a system of "Goliath always wins, David always loses."
  8. This. He is a malevolent force. Stop supporting him in any way. That means "stop giving him money," which is the sole foundation of his power. And as for the bolded....the truly sad thing we've seen in this recent timeline is that most people who matter.....would rather live as cowards, being simps playing up to Elmo so they can be in the "in group" rather than having any honor, or sense of duty, decency, and humanity. We need people of conviction and courage. It seems that the number of such people is approaching zero.
  9. Last week, I had to pick up a prescription in Walgreens. They had store brand froot loops on sale for $1.88 a box. I grabbed a box, because when it comes to breakfast cereal, I have the tastes of a cartoon-addled six year old. NO RAGRETS.
  10. At first I read “homophobic,” and was trying to figure out what that would look like, exactly.
  11. Disagree, strongly. Their regular breakfast tacos are the archetypes for what a breakfast taco should be. Their refried beans are among the best I’ve ever had anywhere, not just in Austin. Salsa is spot-on.
  12. You and I have talked about Chavez’s anthem performance. It was incredibly meaningful and a bit of a turning point for me. The anthem and flag belong to ALL OF US. Fuck those people who say it belongs to just them.
  13. I’d like that to be the Sicilians. Using some of their particular communication “style.”
  14. Oh, it’s much worse than that. There’s a sizable movement that says it doesn’t exist at all. Because the rebellious southern states didn’t freely ratify it. So, it’s simply…not a thing. At least 3-4 of our current SCOTUS justices would agree. ACB may be the person to decide whether we even HAVE a 14th amendment.
  15. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    Sure as hell hope so. Be a waste of talent otherwise. Of course, if this team actually had enough talent to waste…that would be a huge leap forward in any case.
  16. Brisketexan

    Austin FC

    One thing that causes me concern is that I don’t see much discussion of a place for Gallagher. Y’all remember, our all-star? I feel he’s been very underutilized, he’s one of our 2-3 fastest players, and he can help create opportunities…if there’s a place for him to see the pitch.
  17. Look, you need to get past the fact that Trump has a gun to the head of your child while demanding that we choose between going out for Chinese or Italian tonight, saying he'll blow her fucking brains out if we choose wrong. What's important is that we need to have a discussion about whether Chinese or Italian food is better. You're just getting distracted by the real-time threat of murder by a man holding a gun to the head of your kid. Focus, people.
  18. I was set up on a date with Salma Hayek, but I I don’t like boobs or curves, so I spent the whole date staring at her earlobes. They’re fine, I guess.
  19. I mean…you HAVE noticed how stupid the average limey is, right?
  20. You should. He texted us seconds before Vardy did his thing.
  21. The sad thing is, that makes perfect sense in MAGA idiot land. Just like a picture of a full Toledo Bend would be used to show “there’s no drought in Midland! Look at this huge lake in Texas that isn’t even being used!” The dumbest people on earth. Truly, I don’t know how they maintain breathing.
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