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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. And it truly isn’t any more complicated than that. When Americans are treated strictly as a commodity from whom wealth can be extracted vs human capital meriting investment for long-term growth, this is exactly what you get. And if I can source that commodity from a penny less elsewhere, the current source gets jettisoned. Welcome to reality, MAGA. Your heroes and saviors have never seen you as anything other than a source of wealth to be extracted, and votes to be given out of stupidity.
  2. A nice side benefit of this is how MAGA is completely dropping the veil of "oh, no, we only have a problem with ILLEGAL immigration!" That was always a lie. And now, they are openly telling you "yep, that was a lie. We don't want ANY immigrants. At all." Whereas Elon just says "look, so long as I can have functional slaves, I don't care where they come from."
  3. Honestly, if there's anyone in the world who has PhD-level expertise in how utterly fucking stupid MAGAs are....it's MTG.
  4. It's only a torrent de Pussy if it's from the Pussy region of France. Otherwise, it's just a torrent of sparkling vagina.
  5. So, obviously, the solution to that is the 1-2 punch of 1) completely destroy primary and secondary public education in this country, and 2) ensure that higher education remains and becomes even more cost-prohibitive and inaccessible to Americans. WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA AND FREEDOM AND EAGLES AND GUNS, YOU LIBTARD???????
  6. Fair dinkum. I had to navigate a family Christmas video call on Xmas day that was half in German. I repeatedly explained that my German was mostly related to ordering food and beer, and finding the entrance and exits of airports and train stations. I could follow about 10% of the conversation, which is about the same hit rate as when I hear my wife chatting with her gal pals in English, so that's not bad. And I'm actually usually pretty good with an accent. I've ordered stuff in German, and the locals immediately launch into a conversation, and I have to beg off - they then say "oh, your accent was so good, we thought you really spoke German." Yeah. Nope.
  7. Dude. They will never complain about Trump and MAGA. Trump could personally come into their house, shoot their dog and rape their daughter, and they'd blame the "goddamned communist Demoncrats!"
  8. Huh. When we were on Skye a few months ago, drove by the signs for your school, I think -- yeah, it's the primary university for gaelic, from what I understand. Seemed cool. I picked up functionally zero gaelic while we were there. And even if I had, I'd do what I do with all other languages, which my daughter mocks me for: "Dad...your German/French/Swedish is terrible....and you're speaking it in a Texas-mexican accent." Well, I'm a fucking Texan mexican, wadda ya want for a nickel?
  9. This is accurate - the Dems need to quit being pussies, and they need to choose violence, consistently and repeatedly. Sow discord and destruction, attack, and then when you are done attacking, attack some more. Use lies, deception, and whatever else fires up the audience’s lizard brain.
  10. This is the plan… But it relies on Imma coming through, and not being passed out on a lawn somewhere. Like that’s a thing that happens.
  11. This is really the play. The motivation of the incoming administration is one concept - "what's in it for me (Trump)?" Lay out a scenario where keeping up the fight benefits Trump, and he'll go with it full-force. Leave it as-is, with there being more in it for Trump if he sucks Putin's dick and cups his balls, and Ukraine is fucked.
  12. WHAT? You mean the unholy alliance between populist nativist fascists and evil oligarchs turned out to be....an unholy alliance? Well, shock and surprise.
  13. That....is a lot. Being that I don't have a desktop at home. HOWEVER, we do have a VPN for the office, which I think routes me through our home office. I'll check on how that will work. If that works, great. If not, Immamac has offered me a workaround, will talk about that with him some more. Really hope I can make it work, as I even bought some Longhorn gear for our German friends, and told them I'm hoping to introduce them to a American tradition -- watching a bowl game on New Year's day.
  14. Dude. Love that place. Haven't been since the folks left Houston 5-6 years ago.
  15. Yep, a lot like the United crash in Iowa, where they'd lost all hydraulics and thus use of control surfaces, so adjusted EVERYTHING using the engines. They almost pulled off the landing, and still saved half the people on the plane, a lot like this flight.
  16. Last night, after my dad left and we were mellowing out at home, Maverick was on, and I switched over to it. My wife kind of rolled her eyes, and then confessed that she still hasn’t seen it. I said we’ll fix that. She rolled her eyes the whole movie. She laughed at every callback to the original (crushing down the street with the girl on the back of the motorcycle, the beach sports scene, all of it). They lay out the mission parameters with the canyon and such - “so…this is just Star Wars.” I said not true, the target here is THREE meters wide, not two. Climactic escape sequence at the end…all is lost for Maverick and Rooster, wife says “Hangman will show up to save the day…yep, there he is.” Movie wraps up, I’m grinning, she says “I’m so glad I never paid to see that in the theater. That was like a Hallmark movie made for 14 year old boys.” So….yeah.
  17. Yep, I share your confession. And to be clear, that’s not because I think I’m particularly great. I’m kinda shitty, think and do lots of stupid shit, etc. It’s just that the vast majority of people are REALLY shitty, and REALLY stupid. So, “better” is very much a relative term.
  18. Koblenz, Mainz, and Munich. Visiting kids and friends mostly.
  19. Our kids have informed us that one night next week in Germany, we’re going to an all-you-can-eat flammkuchen deal. Seems cool, we dig flammkuchen. Where does the nutmeg figure in?
  20. And…a German charcuterie tree:
  21. Then…pain for everyone it shall be. They want to burn it all down, and our only solace will be to point and laugh at them as their burnt skin drapes from their seared flesh, as they triumphantly belt “see, WINNING!” Ha ha, yes, winners you are. There is no good outcome. So, learn to enjoy pain and suffering like they do.
  22. Kids are having Christmas in Germany with adopted family this year. Christmas Eve dinner: “Our menu: salad, red cabbage, gulasch, semmelknödel, Spätzle and Tiramisu.” I love rotkhol (the red cabbage), and the semmelknodle sounds really good too.
  23. See, “trickle down” and “letting people have/keep more money” ONLY works - and 100% of the time, it works every time - if those people are rich. So, massive tax cuts for the rich, corporate bailouts, and corporate welfare? Those are good, right, and Americans patriotism at work. Paying functional wage-slaves $4 per hour more? That will be the end of America. Did you not get the memo from Freedomeaglegunflagjesus monthly? Coulda sworn you were on the mailing list.
  24. Oh, when I’m a regular at a hotel for work, I tip the hell outta all of em. And as a result, they take great care of me.
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