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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. They killed tourists, including Americans.  Again, why?  What are these guys trying to accomplish?  

    The Hamas terrorists? They’re trying to seek revenge.
    The actual nation states who put them up to it and helped them do it? Instability and chaos. And, riling up their own oppressed people to hate a made-up enemy to distract them from their own shitty regimes (seriously…there’s no real historical reason that Iran and Israel should be deadly enemies).
    A lot of Palestinians will die so that Iran’s mullahs can distract their own oppressed people for a while longer.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. Let's go with that point of view.
    Assuming all of that were true and the Palestinians merely wanted a peaceful state of their own, why not use passive mass resistance like Ghandi, MLK, or Mandela?  The world would be very sympathetic like it was with those three.  Taken to an extreme, instead of suicide bombings, why not have someone commit suicide in the town square every day until the "occupation" ends?  The world would be horrified and it would end by next week.
    But it's not really about that.  They don't want their own country.  That's no fun.  Who picks up the trash?  Who makes the trains run on time?  Rather, it's about a pile of dead Jews.  

    The Palestinian cause has a stunning ability to repeatedly shit away their status as the sympathetic party in the local conflict.
    That is largely because they are useful idiots perpetually being played by much larger nation states (over the years, that means Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Qatar) to be the turd in the punch bowl of any potential Middle East peace. Arab and Muslim countries have a strong interest in having a perpetual “evil enemy,” as it helps shitty, oppressive states unite their people. So, “forever war” against Israel is a key to maintaining power. And what better way to wage war than with useful idiots you’ve never actually helped anyway (note how very little, proportionately, of the Arab oil wealth has ever gone to helping Palestinians)?
    Israel regularly does itself no favors. Recent heavy-handedness included. It creates a narrative that makes it much easier for their enemies to foment anger and violent action. And around we go.
    One thing is certain. The lot of the Palestinians in Gaza is about to get much worse. That is the lot of a people who launch a war. That the nation states that urged them to do so will not suffer similarly is the way of the world. It’s a stupid way.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. Forum a June article of the documents Trump kept:
    According to the indictment, documents Trump took “included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for a possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.”
    So Trump was storing and bragging about his info that many presume was related to Israel. Now Israel is being attacked in a method that circumvented many of Israel’s defense?

    I wouldn’t be that shocked if there’s a connection. I would be surprised if it’s ever revealed that there was one (if in fact there was).
    If there was, and Israel discovers it….they won’t touch a former POTUS. Not directly. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see them turn some intelligence efforts to utterly torching him.
    I think all of this is low probability…but the mere fact that it’s not preposterously impossible is mind-blowing. This fucking timeline. It’s truly surreal.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Drool 1
  4. Holy shit so they basically stormed this festival and mowed everyone down. Wild. 

    Yeah….that’s going to create some problems for Hamas. Slaughtering unarmed civilians of multiple western states…will draw attention. And not the good kind.

    We are not a great species. In spite of two previous examples showing the experience to be a massive net negative, we’re doing all we can to have a WWIII. Brilliant.

    Also, we have good friends whose daughter was at a kibbutz, got word today that she was safely evacuated we’ll clear of Gaza. So, a tiny bit of good news.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  5. I can’t come up with what Hamas’s play was here….other than getting manipulated by Iran and Russia into serving their ends (fucking shut up).
    Hamas and Palestinians in Gaza are going to suffer greatly. Which is how Hamas’s “allies” want it. Utterly stupid. But that’s the order of the day.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. That 3rd one just gave me the reason to tap out.

    Oh…you should have held on to see the fourth.

    There’s still 20 minutes left. They’ll score a fifth one.
    • Haha 1
  7. I know a lot of us are pissed off after that shit bucket of a performance, but at least we don't have to endure that 3 hour drive home in the brisketmobile, shrouded in the misery of the loss and corndog farts. 

    Add boudin ball farts to the mix.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  8. They’ve given up on winning elections. It’s all there laid out, the idea is to disenfranchise as many people who may not vote for them as possible, gerrymander state legislatures to ensure a permanent majority, and then appoint POTUS via rhe legislature. That’s the literal plan. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Well that solves the mystery of where my inside source got their super secret info.

    But I can say that cops are still knocking on doors in that area, looking for any surveillance footage.

    I can't find anything about her online, either.  Granted, I'm not an expert creeper nor am I taking a lot of time.  Just odd, all the way around.

  10. 1 minute ago, BrickHorn said:

    Latest rumors I heard: the victim was alive when the fire department arrived; accelerant was detected on the scene; there was a knife near the body but no sign of trauma; the cops suspect the perpetrator knew the victim and picked the neighborhood at random; and the victim was last seen by her family the day before and, at that time, was going to get her phone fixed at the Apple Store. 

    That’s all 3rd or 4th hand, so apply generous salt. 

    KXAN reported the same, and they are generally better about not posting rumors, so that's likely from APD.


  11. 1 minute ago, longhornmatt said:

    Ok, some of you get way too cavalier (repeatedly) about being ready to kill people for real in a civil war.  Internet bravado is nice and all, but you’d think the news reports from Ukraine would provide a little more grounded realism and understanding that we do not, in fact, want an actual war.  MAGA people piss me off, too, but maybe our comfortable lives are JUST A LITTLE better than watching your family get raped and murdered right in front of you.

    Not a single one of us wants it.

    Just like Ukraine didn't want to be invaded by Russia.

    Sometimes, a breathtakingly stupid and evil party on the other side makes the decision for you.  That's what we're facing.  The MAGA stochastic terrorism is only going to get worse, and coalesce into actual movements.  They are going to commit more acts of violence.  Not a one of us WANTS that.  But here's the thing....if/when those assholes DO start that shit, I hope they get SHOT.  FUCKING.  DEAD.  And right soon.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  12. 15 minutes ago, Kennythetiger said:

    Are the dates poured over that cake, and then is it sitting on a custard?  The recipes I’ve researched have the dates mixed in the cake, and then the cake is topped with toffee and ice cream or whipped cream. Thanks for the new idea. 

    Ain't got no clue.  Got clarity -- the girl (a local) made the pudding.  And that's her cold Desperados on the screen.  It's a tequila-flavored beer.  No thanks:


    Man....college kids will drink freaking ANYTHING.  I remember that well.


  13. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    How do they enforce a 4 yr commitment? 

    I had the same query.  I imagine it's along the lines of "we'll be a shitty reference for you if you quit early."  In the end, doesn't matter because she's a hard "NO" on it.

    1 hour ago, BeardIP said:

    I've never heard of anything but utter horror stories about being a flight attendant. The stories and tell-alls are online to read for yourself. Sounds like a miserable way to work, at extremely low pay for a college graduate with ambitions and aspirations in her major.

    In fact, most people that do the flight attendant jobs are the ones who will sacrifice decent pay and lifestyle because they have wanderlust and want to travel and see the world under the guise that the job will let them do that, when in fact it's rarely the case and they've been sold a dream that isn't reality.

    Definitely this.  And she gets that (it's not like you have to dig deep to get the accurate scoop on the gig).  It's not the right path for her.

  14. 5 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    The bloodshed is only getting started and I hope we can be the bigger, more forgiving people, in the equation. 

    Yeah.  Count me out on that.  When it comes to people who happily participated in the attempted murder of my country solely to further their personal ambition.....I will not be the bigger person.  I will not be forgiving.

    I hate them.  All of them.  And I want them to suffer, and then die.  


    4 hours ago, Macanudo said:

    You know what would have prevented this?  Maybe not support and/or work for cretins like Meadows or Trump? 

    I'm not saying they deserve to die but being a member of the Leopards Ate My Face Party is a personal choice.  No one forced them to join.

    Bingo.  They knew what they were doing.  They need to end up like Jake.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  15. 15 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    It must have been starting to break earlier on the way home as the power steering started going wonky.  Once it broke, the computer programming basically shuts down since the alternator is offline.  I made it about 2 blocks after the break (mostly downhill) but it shut down completely as I hit the bottom of the hill and started uphill.  Just annoying 'timing'.  

    Ha.  Yeah, this happened in my 99 F-150.  Ain't no "computer shutdown" function in that ancient beast.   I just drove it without power steering, carefully and slowly, to the mechanic.  That was.....interesting.

    • Like 1
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  16. The chronicles of our eldest continue, progress being made slowly.  22 yrs old, just graduated college, figuring out what to do.  Starts a half-time gig helping run the study of Texas German dialects this week, so that's a big step forward.  Talked about her other prospects and plans last night over dinner, just the two of us.

    She has been recruited by Delta -- with her languages, they want her to be a flight attendant.  She'd surely work out of a hub (seems a 99% chance that means Atlanta).  But, the pay is shit, and they want a 4 year commitment.  And she'd be bouncing all over, rarely resting her head in the same place on consecutive nights.  She confessed "dad, I'm tired.  I've loved living all over, and having adventures, but I wouldn't mind a couple of years where I just stay put somewhere."  Thought that was some interesting self-awareness.  She's still going to talk to the Delta gal, to see if there are other positions she might be suited for that don't require a 4 yr commitment.  So, she's getting some traction on the full-time job search.  And she's getting her head around the idea that settling somewhere and working would actually be good for her.

    So, small steps forward.  Still not easy.

    And she's still under our roof -- good for her financially, not so good for our empty nest vision.  But, forward and onward.

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