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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 15 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    It must have been starting to break earlier on the way home as the power steering started going wonky.  Once it broke, the computer programming basically shuts down since the alternator is offline.  I made it about 2 blocks after the break (mostly downhill) but it shut down completely as I hit the bottom of the hill and started uphill.  Just annoying 'timing'.  

    Ha.  Yeah, this happened in my 99 F-150.  Ain't no "computer shutdown" function in that ancient beast.   I just drove it without power steering, carefully and slowly, to the mechanic.  That was.....interesting.

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  2. The chronicles of our eldest continue, progress being made slowly.  22 yrs old, just graduated college, figuring out what to do.  Starts a half-time gig helping run the study of Texas German dialects this week, so that's a big step forward.  Talked about her other prospects and plans last night over dinner, just the two of us.

    She has been recruited by Delta -- with her languages, they want her to be a flight attendant.  She'd surely work out of a hub (seems a 99% chance that means Atlanta).  But, the pay is shit, and they want a 4 year commitment.  And she'd be bouncing all over, rarely resting her head in the same place on consecutive nights.  She confessed "dad, I'm tired.  I've loved living all over, and having adventures, but I wouldn't mind a couple of years where I just stay put somewhere."  Thought that was some interesting self-awareness.  She's still going to talk to the Delta gal, to see if there are other positions she might be suited for that don't require a 4 yr commitment.  So, she's getting some traction on the full-time job search.  And she's getting her head around the idea that settling somewhere and working would actually be good for her.

    So, small steps forward.  Still not easy.

    And she's still under our roof -- good for her financially, not so good for our empty nest vision.  But, forward and onward.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Love how McCarthy got on his knees for Trump but Trump wouldn't lift a finger to tweet an endorsement for McCarty in January. Now Trump is enthusiastically endorsing Jordan. Add McCarthy to a long line of people burned by Trump because McCarthy wasn't useful to him. FAFO.

    Pledging your loyalty and life to an individual who is loyal only to himself is just about the dumbest fucking course of action imaginable.  And pathetic GQP bastards after pathetic GQP bastards keep doing it, the living embodiment of


    This is. The dumbest.  Fucking.   Timeline.

    • Hook 'Em 6
    • Haha 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    This is only the latest iteration of the clash between the "North" & the "South". I use quotes because the geographic distinctions aren't necessarily applicable today, but the beliefs of the cult haven't really changed much. It is a white Christian cult that wants power no matter what. Over time, they have adapted the moniker of Democrat, Redeemer, Dixiecrat, Republican, Fiscal Conservative, Tea Party, etc. It doesn't matter. What matters is they tell you what to do, and the rules don't apply to them. Everything else is all bullshit. And engaging in conversations about fiscal conservatism, family values, border security, the economy, is falling for the magic trick. They don't care about any of it. They just want to distract you while they gain more power and redraw the voting maps.  

    So.  Much.  This.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 9 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:
    Well said. And would. 

    The Estonians know how Russia works.  They know that "peace" under Russian occupation isn't "peace" at all.  It's repression, suffering, and death.....just more slowly, by casual and bureaucratic means.
    They made goddamned sure to preserve the Russian way of doing things, as a reminder.  These were your accomadations in "peacetime Estonia" if you were even suspected of not being all-in on the Russian occupation regime (and a couple of pieces of art from their Belarussian compatriots reminding us that nothing has changed about how Russia approaches things):

    • Hook 'Em 6
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    • Rage+1 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Texzilla58 said:

    Few things are as good as a sticky toffee pudding

    The one at the World's End pub in Edinburgh is definitive.  When my daughter went there to check out the university, she landed late.  Dropped her bags.  Headed to the pub for a drink and a sticky toffee pudding.  There was a line to get in, doorman tells her it will be 30 minutes, she says "I don't give a shit, I flew across an ocean for a drink and a sticky toffee pudding, and I'm going to get both tonight."  

    I'm thinking the one in the boy's picture looks too pretty -- I'm guessing that the ladyfriend in the picture brought it over/made it.

  7. Look to your right. Does The Boy wear striped pants?  Not that there’s anything wrong with that if he does. 

    Pretty sure the striped pants with the blue jeweled ring on the hand is a lady friend. No, I don’t know which one, he rarely shares such info with me.
  8. Most Poles he will work with speak English or German. Suggest he learn it for day to day, not for business. The business language will come with time, but being able to talk about sports, the weather, family, etc is a great way to start. 
    I know a lot of people (Americans) who went to study Urdu or Pashto. Well now they have a language skill that does not mean much. 
    Working in the Balkans, SW Asia, and the Middle East the people outside of the market and day to day life spoke English. 
    And watch Romania. They are doing some interesting things. 

    Well, he’s already got the English and German down, so there’s that. And there’s also Polish girls…
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 25 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Poland will continue to provide aid but that the countries may become future rivals within the EU.

    My crystal ball (which is really just a snowglobe with a hula dancer in it) tells me that there's a good chance that the eastern parts of central europe have a chance of becoming a new center of gravity in Europe's economic future.  There is some real untapped potential in Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics.  Maybe even Romania and Bulgaria (nowhere to go but up, dudes).  Hungary?  Dunno.  Former Yugoslavian states?  Maybe some of them.  Once the war is over, they could be some real lands of opportunity.

    I will say that in talking to some folks planning ahead, several of them told my son (international relations major) "it'd be a great idea to learn Polish."

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 18 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yes, and if it was closer to trial, one of them might.  Note that his lawyers are withdrawing from a Smartmatic suit, a Dominion suit, a Coomer suit, and one other.

    And....note that the defendant in the captioned case is "My Pillow, Inc."  A corporation generally CANNOT appear pro se (so, Mike Lindell can't just say "I'll represent myself," because MPI isn't "myself" -- it's a separate entity).  So....the corporation doesn't have counsel.  And it NEEDS counsel, or else it will end up defaulting.

    Which ultimately, may not make a shit, as it seems MPI is outta money and headed for bankruptcy sooner rather than later.  So, get the judgment....you'll never collect on it from MPI.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Lindell is obviously very mentally ill.  I feel bad for the guy.  I don't think he's a horrible person, he just needs a ton of psychiatric help.  His family should be ashamed for not getting him help. 

    Counterpoint: I'm sick of the empowered and weaponized mentally ill being allowed - fuck, being EMPOWERED AND ENABLED BY THE MAGA MOVEMENT - to fuck over our country. 

    If he was on the corner yelling at clouds, I'd feel bad for him.  He's made millions, and has spent it trying to destroy our democracy.  Suffering is too good for him.  Hell is too good for him.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  12. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I'm amazed that any lawyer would take cases from any of the MAGA crew and not require 100% of estimated fees upfront. Maybe 150%.

    This.  It's the only rational course.  Except the bottom line should be 200% of the estimated fees.  Paid, with all transfers having cleared, before I do a .1 entry of work on the file.

  13. 1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Put yourself in his shoes, just for a moment.

    He owes millions in legal fees he cannot pay.  He owes someone $5 million for a "Prove Mike Wrong" election challenge that he lost, was ordered to pay, and is now appealing that.  He has lawsuits from 2 election companies that are slowly moving forward.  His company, while not bankrupt yet, will be soon, and aside from MAGA folks, there is no market for his goods.  He can't even get his product placed in brick and mortar stores because of his lunacy.  Now, having said all that, I couldn't care less what happens to him, because all of this is his own doing.  But shit, imagine having all this hang over your head, day to day.  

    Ah well, back to the entertainment.  Oh, and fuck him.  Reap what you sow, bitch.








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    In a March interview with Newsweek, Lindell said he'd been forced to borrow $10 million to pay for his legal fees.

    In April, an arbitration panel ordered Lindell to pay $5 million for losing his “Prove Mike Wrong” 2020 election challenge, in which participants were asked to find proof that his cyber data was not valid data from the November 2020 election, as he’d contended it was.

    “For the people who find the evidence, 5 million is their reward,” the contest said.

    Software developer Robert Zeidman won the challenge, but Lindell refused to pay. Lindell is now challenging the arbitration panel's ruling.

    On Thursday, Lindell told NBC that despite the financial strains on him and his company, he plans to keep pushing his stolen election claims.

    "I will never stop trying to secure our elections," he said.

    Lindell is not the only Trump ally facing an action on unpaid legal fees tied to false claims about the 2020 election.

    Last month, longtime Rudy Giuliani attorney Robert Costello and his firm sued the former New York City mayor for $1.4 million in unpaid fees.

    Giuliani, who's also being sued by Smartmatic, Dominion and Coomer, has been found liable for defaming two Georgia election workers, and is facing related criminal charges in Fulton County. He's pleaded not guilty to the Georgia election interference charges.

    Trump held a fundraiser in September in support of Giuliani's legal defense fund.

    Giuliani’s son, Andrew Giuliani, who worked in the Trump White House, touted the fundraiser in an interview on WABC radio of New York City in the hours before the fundraiser, saying that while they'd raised over $1 million for this event alone,” it “won’t be enough to get through this.


    So, we're well into the "finding out" portion of our program.  Let's see what happens next.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  14. 1 hour ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    I can feel all the shit in my teeth from eating that just looking at the picture. 

    That's why you have the whiskey.  Great for a good rinse.  Still got some butterfinger in your teeth?  Pour another glass.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Native Horn said:

    I served on a Travis Co DWI jury trial last week.  Defendant found not guilty due to lack of evidence (didn't collect breath or blood, even though defendant said he would offer them - field sobriety tests seemed OK according to video).  After trial was over, I did some research on the defendant.  It appears that 18 days after his DWI stop in Austin (this was in 2021), he had another incident in his hometown (not near Austin) where he was driving drunk and two of his passengers died.  Furk.  Hated to see that, but the jury I was on still made the right call in his Travis Co case.

    That's one of the under-considered pieces of fallout from police work that has contempt for the law, evidence, and due process: they do shitty policing when it comes to guilty people as well as innocent people, so guilty people end up going free.

    When the cops' approach to matters is "fuck it, he's guilty because we SAY he's guilty," that's a recipe for any jury worth its salt saying "I mean....maybe not?"

    Bad policing hurts EVERYONE.  It hurts the "law and order!" types as much as it hurts the hardcore civil libertarians.

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  16. 1 minute ago, tx ind said:

    we're getting closer to OnlyFans once she loses her seat


    But what is a certainty is that her career path as a $5k+ per night escort is coming along nicely.  It's a sales pitch that writes itself: "Fuck a former congresswoman for $5k."  Her calendar will be full the moment she starts accepting bookings.

  17. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Since when has APD ever been heavy-handed? I've never gotten the sense that police brutality or abuse of power was a big issue within Travis County. 

    They enforced the shit out of some DWIs back in the day - I'll give them that. 

    Since always.  Many of us didn't experience much of it because we were college types....not the types being targeted.  That said, when you got in their crosshairs, they were HAPPY to bodyslam you, lie on the arrest affidavit, all that shit.  I've seen it both first and secondhand.

    And the DWI enforcement was one of their worst things -- if they pulled you over for DWI, you were going to get charged, even if you were sober as a judge.  And if you dared question them, you were going to get ANOTHER charge (for contempt of cop).  If you were NEARBY and questioned what they were doing, you'd get charged with something.  They've been heavy-handed as shit, for a long damned time.  Comfy white Austin didn't experience it as much, so assumed it wasn't a problem.  They were wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  18. 20 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    There's the other side of the coin.  The Karen / Cancel culture where they blame cops for anything and everything.  Again, doing your job correctly leads to an internal investigation for police brutality because some dumbass thinks they shouldn't have been pulled over for doing 20 over in a school zone.  The inherent lack of respect for authority paired with the customer's always right mindset leads to crap like this. 


    I know there are lazy / corrupt / bad cops, but I don't believe the entire APD force is conspiring to defraud the city of Austin for political carte blanche to bring about Marshall Law.


    Clearly what minorities have been telling society as a whole for decades, and that we can see in incident after incident after incident (camera phones are a cop's worst enemy)....well, those were lies.  And cops don't abuse citizens.  Bullshit.  I'm a pretty model citizen, from a pretty model family -- honest, hardworking parents, the whole deal.  But I've had a family member get the shit beaten out of him and tossed in jail (and not allowed to contact anyone...he literally had to bribe a jailer to make a call), and I've had a cop flat-out LIE on a citation to me, so GTFO with that bullshit.

    Sure, there are citizens who bitch when it's their own damned fault, but decades upon decades of letting cops get away with whatever the fuck they want leads to a culture that sees itself as completely above the law and accountable to nobody.  You don't have to believe that, that doesn't make it any less true.

    Cops in this country have made it clear that they want three things: 1) high pay (I don't fault them for that), 2) lots of military toys and tech, and 3) zero accountability or consequences for anything they do.  

    Nobody is saying it's not a hard job.  Lots of jobs are hard.  And a lot of jobs are way more dangerous. 

    You seem to subscribe to the "there's just a couple of bad apples in law enforcement" theory, and not the "the culture of law enforcement is broken" truth.  It's broken.  It's utterly and completely broken.  That doesn't mean that bad guys are also shitty, and that people complain about cops doing stuff that shouldn't be complained about.  Both things are true.  What the cops are doing in Austin is an open secret.  They're proud of it.

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