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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Lol.  It’s beneath him.  He only wants to be King.  He tried to make himself one last time.  And he will try again if he wins.  But the only way is through the Presidency.  

    Dude. The answer is “both.” He wants to hold both. At the same time. What’s that, you think he can’t? [laughs in Alito]
    What R is going to vote against him publicly? 

    The entire party fears their base.
    The speakership is Trump’s if he wants it.
  2. Add a few songs by the ladies... nice change of pace.  So many ways to go on others.
    Hank Williams Jr, Dwight Yoakam.
    Damn I remember a great roadtrip where we had Frampton, and Boston fuckin' cranked up in the Hill Country of Texas and we were lost as hell.  No problem, just stop and buy more beer.  Can't believe we survived that night.
    (Not advocating drinking and driving -- we were young and stupid, just out to raise hell and have fun. )

    Boston is a solid call. Maybe some Zeppelin. Johnny Nash always makes me smile. Does Blue Swede make the list? Maybe on the drive back…
    And I love me some lady singers. Maybe some Crystal Gayle, Dolly, Linda Ronstadt (one of the sexiest women who ever lived? Maybe).
    • Like 1
  3. Y’all who seem to think that Trump won’t be speaker because “he doesn’t know how to do the job and doesn’t want to do the job”…dudes. He felt the same way about the presidency, and he was happy to hold that office for 4 years and wants it to be 4 more. Because it’s not about the office or the job. It’s about the ego, the worship, the cult, playing to the crowd, being a reality Tv star, etc.
    His tenure as speaker will be just like his tenure as POTUS: zero leadership or accomplishments, just 20 new outrageous statements, ideas, etc per day.
    It’s going to happen. And y’all know it is.

    • Rage+1 1
  4. Your story about getting a CD as a joke also applies to me with "Moe & Joe".
    Always gotta add this song to a roadtrip...

    Love me some Moe and Joe.

    Ok, so here’s the deal….@MissingInAction is in. So we’ve got us a road trip. We have room for 2 more as well. You might not wanna miss out on this.

    Looking for suggestions for a playlist on the way up. Don is on it (lotsa Don). Moe and Joe will probably make it. Bellamy brothers. Maybe some Eddie Rabbit. Some Kansas. ZZ Top. Maybe some Steve Miller Band. What else?
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. What's your favorite Don Williams song [mention=593]Brisketexan[/mention] ??
    I saw him perform live in Austin while I was in college... smaller venue so pretty damn awesome.  

    See full response below.
    My wife and I went and saw Don two different times at the Paramount. Both were absolutely perfect shows. He died maybe two years after the last one.
    I’ll pick you up if we can listen to Boomer Sooner the whole way up. 

    I mean…I know you’re a cop. So it’s a really serious thing if I kill you.
    So obviously, you see the conundrum you’ve put me in.
    It's damn hard to pick a Don Williams favorite.  Great variety of songs...  

    This is the only correct answer.
    Good Ole Boys Like Me is pure southern poetry, and goddamn does “those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me, Hank and Tennessee” speak to me.
    It Must Be Love is one of my all time favorite songs to sing.
    You’re My Best Friend was beautiful live. At a couple of points, Don just let the crowd sing, and that many voices saying those words, and meaning them…goddamn, it was great.
    Lord I Hope This Day is Good is maybe my favorite prayer (and yep, it’s a prayer).
    If Hollywood Don’t Need You.

    One of my dreams is to spend some of my retirement in Scotland. I meet some dudes who just like to play music. We get our favorite pub to let us put on a show of old American country standards on Sunday afternoons. Heavy on the Don Williams. Some Merle, some Willie. We play and sing for fun. And maybe a pint.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 44 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Other Surly Driver, "Say Brisket, another 80 miles to go.  What do you want man?"

    Brisket, "I want to get off the ledge.  I want people to start thinking for themselves and quit accepting the bullshit they're fed by the media and our elected leaders.  I want them to work to improve society.  To lift all peoples regardless of color or creed.  I want to stop pretending like this is all normal.  I want Texas to actually be the wonderful place we lie to ourselves in the mirror about to get through the day.  I want us to rise to our best version of ourselves."

    Other Surly Driver, "Dude, 80 miles.  We're in West.  I meant what do you want from the Czech Kolache store, man?"    

    Briskey, "Oh.  Shit man, sorry.  Two sausage and cheese.  And a quart of High Life."  

    I mean....you're not wrong.

    Except my traditional order is a sausage kraut and cheese, and a pan sausage jalapeno cheese.  

    And, yeah.... a quart of High Life.  You know, that's the champagne of beers.

  7. Just now, 956 Worldwide said:

    Who the fuck would want this job. You are basically looking for someone to walk in the building and agree to be the terrorists new hostage and do your negotiating from the position of “gun to head.” There’s no moderate out there that can control the GOP caucus. 

    Bingo.  There are only two options when dealing with terrorists: 1) give in to their demands, and put them in charge, or 2) shoot them all.

    Which option do you think the cowardly, craven, spineless GQP will pick?  Gosh, it's a mystery.

    The GQP long ago put all their chips on the table on the MAGA bet.  There's no backing out now.   It's the old bit about allowing a drop of poison into the punch bowl.  Now it's no longer punch, it's just a big bowl of poison.  They invited the poison in.  Now, that's all they are.  They'll own it, and soon enough, fully embrace it.  This only gets worse for now, not any better.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. 6 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    I think you are partially right, in that there are really two Russia's, Moscow,St. Pete and Novosibirsk (to a lesser extent), and everywhere else.  Perhaps in the other Russia, he can shit on them for as long as he needs (but remember, those human resources are finite) without any real repercussion of fear for himself.  If he gets into the population of western acclimatized Russia he's gonna have problems.  

    I think we're going to find out.

    My hypothesis is that you can take the Russian out of the wretched poverty and squalor for a generation or two....but you can't take the wretched poverty, squalor, despair, and nihilism out of the Russian.  It's the essence of their being.  Without "and then it got worse," there is nothing to the Russian identity (save and except alcoholism and some beautiful poetry, dance, and such).

    • Haha 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Maybe they should read the part of the Bible where it talks about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.

    Yeah....the problem is, they run it through the "racist moron" filter, and by their reckoning, that passage means "everything in this world is the fault of woke Antifa Soros and all those dirty mexicans."  American Christian Nationalists actually grasping a single accurate theological point from the Bible is something that will never, ever happen.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    who in their right mind would try and step up and lead this group of republicans? 

    is the most likely outcome here that the dems + a handful of moderate republicans pick the next speaker?

    That would be the sane and rational path.  So.....

    2 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Lol, aint no republican gonna ever try and meet dems anywhere in the middle. It'd be career suicide. Let it stay open. Don't do shit. Shut it all down. Fuck you kevin and fuck you maga. 


    Option 1: the cowards in the remaining GQP cave to the MAGA bunch and install Donald Trump as speaker.

    Option 2: moderate GQPers and Dems combine to pick a speaker.


    The difference between those is that Option 1 actually has a decent chance of happening.  Option 2 will happen immediately after my three way with Sela Ward and Susanna Hoffs, while I'm waving around a note of approval from my wife.  Also, the three way happens on Mars. Outdoors.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  11. Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Well this shit is fun to watch. GOP eating itself live on TV for all to see. They cant even agree on the most common success criteria. 


    I presume that success is measured in some combination of brown people beaten senseless, Fox News appearances by members of Congress, and dollars grifted from rubes.  I'm right, aren't I?

  12. 24 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    And brisket was never seen again, along with a bus and the 59.95 of three dozen mourning longhorn fans.

    Seriously, I'd be in just for the Don Williams, but I'll be road-tripping up myself taking the family.  We're leaving in the wee hours because we have to finish a Friday night high school football game here at home first.  

    Fair reason to leave late.  I've done this routine before (5 am start), it's been fun (did it back when we won 38-3, and again in 2005....that was a long, glorious day.  Buddy and I had to nap on a picnic table at the fair to sleep off the in-game whiskey so we could then drive home.  Made us get a MUCH later start home than planned.  Who cares, beat OU on the way to a national title).

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    aaaand here's someone trying to blame the DEMOCRATS for this crisis. that was fast:


    "This is a Democrat strategy to throw the Republican party into chaos"

    Yeah....so "getting out of the way as the GQP repeatedly shoots itself in the dick while yelling 'WINNING' over and over" is....well, I guess that IS a strategy.  It's a smart one.  The Dems literally need to do....nothing except get out of the way and watch the GQP do this to itself.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  14. 6 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    The fact that October 4th is also National Taco Day along with Mexicans taking our jabs/jobs and all of Texas turning into a zombie dystopia is just too perfect even for this simulation.  Serious question.  I know no actual October 4 conspiracy buff is going to out themselves on here, but statistically speaking-we have to have at least a couple dozen on here.  What do y'all tell yourselves when nothing happens?  Time and time again, your stupidity fails to deliver.  None of what you say ever happens.  Is it like how I feel after I make a vow to eat better or meditate more?  Like when some big milestone date passes, I just kinda "reset" my goals.  And move on like nothing happened.  Or do you get genuinely depressed or legit bummed out?  Do you hit your loved ones outta shame?  Do you buy more ammo?  How does the reset work?  And what's the next big landmark event?  How do you keep the ruse up?  More importantly, how can I make money off of it?  

    This nation has just seconds to live...

    This is so fucking stupid.

    EVERY day is "National Taco Day," because tacos are fucking awesome.  Declaring that it's one day would be like declaring "Today is the day that Sela Ward is hot day."  Fuck that.  She's a babe every day.  And if you don't think so.....man, I can't help ya.

    Tacos and Sela Ward.  That's my platform.  No idea what I'm running for, but that's my platform.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  15. Just now, bernorange said:

    I'm watching the debate before the vote in the background and I'm fairly surprised to hear a lot of folks sounding thoughtful and rational.




    Their party hitched their wagon to Batshit Crazy.  They did so knowingly, cravenly, while telling the lie to themselves and their constituents that they could control the inherently uncontrollable.

    LET. THEM. FUCKING. CRASH. AND. DIE.  The country is going to take a massive hit because of this.  So be it.  It's been coming for a long, long time.  Time to start taking the brutal chemo.  It's the only fucking shot we have of killing the cancer.

    When all is said and done, a lot of people are going to experience a lot of pain and suffering.  Plenty of us have been warning against that for a long-ass time.  Nobody cares.  Well, here it comes.  What everyone always wanted -- the inevitable consequences of an insanely stupid course of action.  And this is but one act in what is going to be a marathon play of suffering and ghoulishness.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  16. 2 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    You may be joking, but that’s the risk. It may work out great for the Democrats, and I get the calls for the Democrats to be much more aggressive than they’ve been. I’ve been banging that drum for awhile now too. 

    I'm not joking.  When it comes to worst-case scenarios, I'm never joking -- you know this about me.

    This is the right play for the Dems.  It carries risk, but it's worth the risk.  You have to take risks to make any real gains and start to fix shit.  There are no safe plays.  Just know that the risk is literally making Trump the Speaker of the House. 

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