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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 11 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I too have a presentation at that timeframe.  I have turned off all alerts, but will set a vibrating alarm at 1320 hours-CDT.  Will glance down at my phone, place it back down, exhale, and take on a grimace expression.  I know exactly with whom to make eye contact as I shout, "As you can see from your mobile alerts, the civil war has begun.  Everyone get to your vehicles and load your weapons and open fire on anyone who look suspicious!"  I can probably, just for shits 'n giggles, get a half dozen murders done by end of lunch break without lifting a finger.  I honestly used to think getting people to kill themselves or one another was this really hard thing reserved for Satan himself.  Truth is once you notch your first one, it's just fucking gravy after that...

    Wait, I thought it was gonna turn us into zombies?  I was gonna go downstairs at 4:01 and stagger around Congress avenue with my arms out, all old movie-zombie-like.

    • Haha 3
  2. 5am? Good luck with that. I live in FW and I'm backing out of the driveway no later than 7am.

    I’ve done it before. No traffic, and I haul ass (1 stop in West to piss, get a cup of coffee and a klobasnek), and am parking outside the fair by 8:00. Gives me plenty of time for a corn dog and wax cup beer second breakfast. I’m not an amateur here, man.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 21 minutes ago, Lidig8r said:

    uh.. no mention of grass or ass? What the hell?


    Well, I'll be eating at least one of said klobasneks on the road, so there's a distinct chance that my traveling companions will have to smelly the emanations from my ass.  That covers the "gas" and "ass" portions.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Fuck--Optimistic Brisket is Worst Brisket.

    I need Brisket on that Wall Ledge.

    I didn't say I was optimistic.  I said I was going.  I said what my record is.  But know that for almost all of those games, I didn't like our chances, but went anyway.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Explosion Reaction GIF


    I'm laughing because....duh.   This is the play.  This has always been the play.  Pick up the "How to become a fascist authoritarian state: a beginner's guide" manual.  I think this move is on page 14.  It's not a complicated manual.  Every play in it has been run before.

    • Rage+1 1
  6. Well, that might not be all that strange for a light MG, which is also not designed to be hip fired, but sometimes is, in exigent circumstances.
    But in this case, that is essentially a sniper rifle.  Mostly for sniping vehicles, but same principle.  There's no real occasion to shoot a rifle like that from the hip.  It's a precision rifle built for accuracy, not laying down fire.

    But…and work with me here….what if you’re a pathetic loser who wants to play gun gun bang bang?
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 3
  7. I couldn't find the video, and didn't realize they made an automatic, but the only Barrett I've ever fired was a semi-automatic and only had like a 10-round magazine, which is kind of what that one looks like.  Also, it's a fucking precision rifle, but he's hip firing the fucking thing.
    If he somehow has access to an automatic, I'd bet that rather than deal with the paperwork, he just went to a range that had one or knows somebody with one.
    I did find these divorced dad gems
    [/url] But how many hours does he sleep?
    That explains everything, especially the raves.

    This. Hip firing a fucking long-distance rifle is not the flex he thinks it is. It’s just stupid. It’s like having a quick-draw contest with a scoped Weatherby Mark V in 30/06…I mean…why? It’s the kind of idiotic thing that someone who wants to flex, but understands zero about firearms….ohhhhh, I get it.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. I'm digging the Republican civil war that is happening at the state and national levels.  When they should be worried about Biden and trying to keep control of the House, and trying to find a candidate that could win against Biden, instead they are applying purity tests to one another and straight-up threatening to oust Republicans they don't like.
    If George Soros was secretly funding Republicans to fight one another, his money is extremely well spent.

    It’s a weak-ass civil war. They should treat each other like they treated our Capitol: start beating the fuck out of each other.
    Do it, you cowardly pussies. You’re the ones who say you want to kill for your beliefs, so fucking do it.
    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 1
    • Drool 1
  9. Do you malt vinegar it?

    I doubt it, but will inquire.

    The Scots…LOVE to fry stuff, I know that. I’ve had fried haggis and fried sausage, on top of the usual chippy options. And there’s a lot more.

    From our last trip:

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  10. Highlights from September's search history on his school computer. 

    You really need to save these for inclusion and preservation in Doomlet’s future presidential library.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. Gizzards I can do, and with gusto. Hearts and livers, not so much.
    I'm a picky bitch.

    I can get the dislike of liver, definite specific taste and texture. Chicken hearts, though…they come out a lot like beef. Try ‘em.
  12. SIAP:

    The actual.
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single male wearing boots and fucking cutoff daisy dukes at a UT football game. Women? Yes, plenty (thank the lord, by the way). But men? Not a one.
    Every accusation is a confession: aggy can’t stop ranting about how UT is all steers and queers, as their student body dresses like the male crowd at a Village People show (NTTAWWT- fly your freak flag, people…just don’t be hypocrites).
    Contrast this with another observation I locked in yesterday that puts Texas light years ahead of aggy: there were lots of beautiful girls and women at the game, dressed in their Texas finest (mostly accessorized with boots), and they were a rainbow coalition of Texas beauty: white, black, Hispanic, Asian, south Asian, you name it, they were there. And looking amazing. Hell, plenty of them had fantastic outfits that reflected unique cultural or ethnic flair, and it was awesome. Aggy can keep their white bread plain women in jerseys. Nobody else wants em.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. That lineup looked like something I would roll out in the second half of my kids U10 game.  I know we have injuries and a sub-par roster build at this point, but that is the look of a team that doesn't give a fuck. 
     Exactly what did we get out of trading Diego for Memo?  From what I have seen so far, Memo does a lot of the things Diego did for us just not as well and is less productive and doesn't even start. What the fuck?

    Pretty sure this team is a project in the demolition phase of the “rebuilding” project. New GM has ideas.
    That’s gonna be a challenge when our coach and style of play remain awful. The Berhalter curse.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. Just sitting down after the game.
    Frustrated by offense shooting itself in the dick in the red zone…but it worked out.

    On a random game day atmosphere note….the stadium DJ went full-on Hispanic heritage month to mix in with regular stuff, and the crowd was JUMPIN. Lovely young ladies around us had their dance on. It really was a great sound. I approve. Woulda loved some mariachi mixed in, and maybe a grito from someone, but it was plenty great.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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