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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Fucking Boomers.  The generation of "nope, no, no fucking way we can let go of anything and pass the torch."  They're the fucking worst.

    And yeah, this is a shitload more than a FN to her legacy.  It's an entire chapter, and it's a really, really bad one.  You ran for re-election for a 6 year term when you were EIGHTY FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD.  No.  Just, NO.  LET.  THE FUCK.  GO.

    At 85, I assure you that I will not be taking on a new 6-year project.  I'll be focused on popping a little blue pill and having a fun weekend with my 35 yr old mistress and my 85 year old wife, because I sure as shit don't know if I'll live to see the next weekend.  But if I DO live until that next weekend....gonna do the pill and mistress thing again.  Because you should enjoy your golden years.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. 1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

    Betty, "Take this to remember these by..."

    Armybrat, "I won't ever forget you...or them." 

    (48 hours later) 

    Mrs. Armybrat, "You wanna explain why the hell I found this bra in your travel bag?"

    Armybrat, "I have no idea!"

    Mrs. Armybrat, "Don't play that 'I'm too old, I forget' bullshit card."

    Armybrat, "Fine, it's Betty White's." 

    Mrs. Armybrat, "Good to know you still got it.  Put it in the memory box with the others.  Get dressed, we're going to Enchiladas y Mas" 

    You just described a pretty damned nice little weekend.  I'm in.

    • Haha 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    How do you not know the reaction you’re going to get to that and how do you not have X in a prime spot on your Home Screen as it’s ceo?

    Because the entire operation is a half-assed shitshow dumpster fire.  Seriously, it's the explanation for everything.  Imagine putting a sociopathic toddler with ADD in charge of a multibillion dollar enterprise.  This is exactly the result that you'd get.

    3 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I've lived in Texas my entire life and have been to the border multiple times in multiple places.  I have never once worn a cowboy hat.

    Well, sure....because you're not EXTREME HARDCORE.  X.  X IS COOL.  Duh.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Yeah. He’s got a wandering dick and unlimited ambition, but he isn’t stupid. 

    40 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    "Wandering Dick and Unlimited Ambition" are headlining a Bluegrass jam band festival summer 2024. 

    Whereas "Meandering Dick and Meager Ambition" was my academic plan when I was on the 40 acres.  I accomplished my plan.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This whole shutdown is literally because Gaetz hates McCarthy.  

    And because McCarthy is too much of a chickenshit MAGA to try to build anything resembling a coalition with Dems.  The GQP is, AT BEST, a spineless hostage of low-IQ, zero-integrity grifting terrorists, or -- and I think this is more accurate -- a terrorist movement from top to bottom, with some of the terrorists being breathtakingly stupid and others being breathtaking cowards in suits.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. I, personally, have the higher ground where I live, with an easy shot up to 300-500 yards from most all directions of attack so bring it on dorks.

    More accurately bring on the drone strikes when they attempt the next coup; they've been shittting all over military brass. They lost the Civil War, they lost thier guerilla war via the KKK, They lost on Jan 6, and they will lose next time too.

    .300 WBY Mag sighted in at 300 yards. I’m getting really close to wishing some deluded motherfuckers would. If they’re dumb enough to think that every gun owning American is on their side, then they’re dumb enough to give me a clear shot as they violently attack my country.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. This.
    I typically have the stitching facing away from me and rip from left to right.  Worked in a seed company in high school/ college.  Used the sewing machines on the bags almost every day.  It only works in one direction to unlace it.
    Protip- if you fuckup the knot on the start of your pull, just snip the knot off with scissors or pocket knife and it should pull right out.

    I have found that my success rate on pulling a stitched bag top the right way is about the same as my success rate in putting a USB stick into a port right side up. Close to 0%.
    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Is DalTx being deliberately obtuse -- or is he just refusing to take the L on this? A Trump-tard in sheep's clothing?

    2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    He's a profoundly stupid person.

    It's one of these.  He's flat-out wrong on how Summary Judgment works, but here's the thing: THAT'S OK.  It's a specific legal mechanism, and if you're not a lawyer, not knowing the specifics is not anything to be ashamed of.

    Now, once it is explained to you how it works, in plain layman's language (as has been done several times on this thread in different ways), STICKING WITH your incorrect understanding....THAT'S the problem.  So, we're back to "DalTx is one of these" conclusion.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  9. IMG_3502.thumb.jpeg.beafc3d285a00c2fb6d1a74e32a46b7c.jpeg

    Fucking hell. Reminds me of the phone I found on the ground walking to Q2 - it was locked. I figured someone would get smart and call the number, so I could answer and tell them where to meet up to get it. Nope. Never happened. Her friends sent it like 5,000 texts…which I couldn’t respond to (locked screen). NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM CALLED THE PHONE, WHICH I COULD HAVE ANSWERED. I eventually just handed it to lost and found, because fuck it and fuck stupid people.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Rage+1 1
  10. "As Badalian removed his suit jacket, his tie, his belt and his shoelaces under the close watch of two marshals, he proclaimed that "this is what you get for defending the Capitol building" and questioned the loyalty of one of the law enforcement officers taking him into custody. "How do you feel about this?" he asked. "You feel like this is right?"  Just before he was handcuffed and led out of the courtroom, Badalian told the marshal that he had the duty to resist unconstitutional orders."

    FUCK that enrages me.  Four years, and this lunacy will be out again.

    Correct. He needs to be hanged. That’s what you do with traitors who wage war against our country. It’s what every other sane country would do.
    • Hook 'Em 6
    • Rage+1 1
  11. 2 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:


    I mean, on the one hand....he's absolutely being hoist on his own petard.

    But on the other hand, he's not wrong.  But the reason he's not wrong is....ummmm.....bad.  He probably COULD get an outlandish price for MAL.  Why?  Because what he said was true: Saudi Arabia stands ready to bribe him by paying 100X the actual market value of any property in order to own his ass.  So, his defense of "I can get a bribe laundered as a purchase price for whatever I want," while true....is not exactly exculpatory.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  12. 22 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I do - it ends with the middle/upper middle class opting for trade school/military/Community College + specialized vocational training, which is GOOD. Turning the 4 year university degree in liberal arts into the new high school diploma has been an unmitigated disaster for the American middle class and for the quality of education within those degrees.  

    Oh, you know I'm a HUGE fan of CCs.  Great bang for the buck, and such an effective point of entry for middle class and below to a college degree.  Shit, the way AISD partners with ACC so kids can graduate high school with an Associate's Degree in hand is BRILLIANT.  I wish more kids took advantage of it.

    7 minutes ago, someguy said:

    I'm reading this thread with great interest - thank you to all who have taken the time to contribute.  My kids are in middle school, so this is coming up quick and I'm absorbing as much as I can.

    One variable I am curious about, and would love to hear y'all's opinions on - what do you make of the upcoming demographic decline in the number of children (especially in the 2008-2014 years) and the overall decline in college enrollment post COVID?  I'm guessing demand at top notch schools will always be there, but it seems at some point the lack of numbers in the overall pipeline has to have some cascading effects.

    I'll hang up and listen.

    College is too expensive.

    But we actually do need a good pipeline of kids going to college -- the lifetime earnings advantage remains plenty real.

    That creates a conundrum.  Yeah, there will always be a logjam for admissions to the top schools.  But a lot of the other schools need to get comfortable with their niche of "providing a good enough and affordable 4- year degree to capable students."  Say what you will about the SFAs of the world, but having a degree from SFA is generally going to give you more opportunities than just sticking with a high school diploma.  Make sure it's affordable, and it's a winner.

    And yes, we need more focus on trade and technical schools, but that's nothing new.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. 35 minutes ago, gsoda3 said:



    how did you prepare your kids for the PSAT?  kaplan?  other courses?

    We did the "Love the SAT" prep over on Spicewood springs.  It helped both kids (daughter focused on ACT, boy on SAT).  For the PSAT...I THINK we did the same prep, but can't recall for sure.  But because there are still plenty of schools that figure standardized scores into things, I think it's still worth doing.  It's not that much money in the grand scheme.  Of course, if the daughter had gotten ONE additional point on the ACT, she would have gotten a scholarship to McGill.  So, that was disappointing.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 7 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    The way this is trending, by the time my 6 year old is ready for college, the thread will be “if my kid can’t get into UH or Texas State, should we be looking at SFA, SHSU, or UTD?” 🤮 I guess it’s never too early for SAT prep. 

    Honestly, I don't know WHERE this college game is going.  A shitload of schools are dropping their SAT/standardized test component (thank GOD they waited to do that until after I made my way through the process for me).  So...it's going to be a lot of class rank and essays, I guess?  Interestingly, many foreign schools (our experience with both Canada and the UK) was pretty much the opposite: to avoid any bias, they went with objective numbers only.  McGill: all that mattered was her ACT score and her AP scores.  Glasgow: same for the boy.  Even high school grades didn't matter much (may have related to their international status, but I THINK it was that way for locals too), and essays were a non-thing.

    Will be interesting to see where American college admissions are in 10 years or so, because they're changing a lot.

    Oh, and another thing that may get interesting, per conversations we've had with a friend who is president of a private Catholic university (a reasonably well-known one)....BOYS are a hot commodity for admissions now.  Unis are well-aware that they are admitting women over men at a 60-40 clip, so if you have a male applicant who is competitive, his odds are increasing.  I wouldn't be surprised to see some weighting in admissions, especially in private schools, in the coming years.

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