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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I'm an independent (socially liberal, fiscally conservative, but not a libertarian) who would consider voting for a moderate Republican, if such a thing existed, and if the entire GOP hadn't permanently stained itself from 2015 to today.  So, in practice, I guess I'm a Democrat for the next 40 years.  Good job, GOP.

    This.  For the time being...and for a long time to come, I suspect, I'm a single-issue voter: pro-continuing the Republic, anti-violent insurrection to install an authoritarian state (that's the national manifestation...the state version has signed on for the same approach, but they don't need the insurrection, as they've snowed enough voters).

    I mean, maybe beyond that, I'm a secondary issue voter: I'm anti-cruelty for the sake of cruelty.  I understand that in any policy debate, some eggs will get broken, there are often only "bad choices."  But I'll never vote for a political party or movement that revels in and celebrates their cruelty.

    So, for now, that means I am a 100% Dem voter.  I've never been a 100% one party voter in my life until the last 7-8 years.  And I suspect I'll only vote for Dems for the rest of my life, because the opposition party is only going further down the crazytown trail.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. Whenever we go anywhere in my wife's SUV, we have drama over locking the doors when we get out.

    It's a newer vehicle, so no key - just the proximity keyfob.  Which she keeps in her purse at all times.  Even when I'm driving.  So, I drive.  We get to our destination and get out - I get out on the driver's side, she gets out on the passenger side (and of course, I have to wait while she gets out, because for some reason, she has to get all her stuff together because she was totally caught off guard by the fact that we were actually heading to a destination).  I cannot lock the doors, because I don't have the fob.  I can't press the button (obviously).  But you can also just press the little button on the door handle to lock the doors....if you have the fob on you, right next to the door.  Which I do not.  So, we get out, and I ask her to lock the doors, and she gets exasperated with me EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Often "you can just press the button on the door, you know."  No, I can't.  Because you got out and immediately walked away from the car.

    But if I ask her to give me her keys before we leave the house, she gets annoyed because she has to dig them out of her purse (which has 479 "secret compartment pockets," and the key is in the 234th one).

    So, bottom line, whenever I drive her car anywhere, she's going to be annoyed with me not being able to lock the door even though she is solely responsible for the fact that I am unable to lock the door.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. 15 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    Not me. I don't want to get shot nor do I want to shoot anybody. 

    Tough.  Those are going to be your choices.  They've already decided for you that this is how it's gonna be.  It's stupid, destructive, and awful...but it's the path they've chosen.  It's what they want, and they aren't deviating from that course.

    • Rage+1 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, yoladu said:

    yeah, not exactly Fall now, is it?  ..mid 90s for highs, low 70s for lows.


    This coming week is going to feel more like July back in the 1970s


    In New Texas, mid-90s IS fall weather.  Coulda sworn you got the memo.  You were on the routing sheet.

  5. I wish the one on the right had the proclivity for lingerie-as-top wardrobe taste as the one on the left.  But solid showing nonetheless.  As for Verde's display.  I stayed up as late as I could watching and thought they had it in the bag for 3 points.  Only to wake up this morning and see 3-3.  Hole to climb up to 8/9 isn't that bad.  But lotta traffic between ATX and those spots as well.  Not Loop 360 kinda traffic, but shitty.  
    Good news is long-term forecast has our home finale match at only 90* at kickoff.  

    Srsly. I went to bed LATE, up 3-1, with like 5 mins left. And we end up w a draw? F that.
  6. What kind of truck? You may want to get it to a body shop as soon as possible if it's a GM or Dodge product 

    Seriously. If you have a hail damaged car, get it into the repair shop when they open tomorrow. The backlog is gonna be bad.
  7. These gals bailed when we did.

    I’m sure they’re bummed. I could tell they were VERY focused on the upcoming match, and not the 1,955 selfies they took.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. We bailed (we live not that far from Q2, NW hills). Pouring like hell, but so far, looks like we’ll miss any major hail. Stadium may be getting some small hail.

  9. Looks like a cell coming from the north with a shit load of lightening. 

    Yeah…sigh. The question is whether we wait it out (and hope it’s just a glancing blow), or if we scoot to get the car to our casa.
  10. You haven't really lived until you've experienced a lap dance from a fair lass with a homemade C section.  Afterwards, you may not want to either, but the sun rises.  

    For Texas I will.

    Also, some of y’all really don’t get the city we’re taking about. NOLA is simultaneously the greatest, and the worst, city on earth. The fact that my mother, a great cook and real beauty who took no shit from anyone and also was sketchy as shit, was from NOLA, has perhaps a little influence on my assessment.
    So, we must save it. And we must let nature trash it. Both things will happen. As they always have.
    • Like 1
  11. Last time I looked I10 ran East and West pretty much through the middle of Houston, so I'm not sure that anything on it would be considered north Houston.  Besides none of the good wiggly establishments are on I10 anywhere.

    Oh…I didn’t say they were any of the good ones.
    That’s the charm of that stretch of…businesses. If you’d like a dance from a gal with a stabbing scar, you have lots of options.
  12. Lotta signs for Diego.

    Also, the two bleacher bunnies in front of us have spent the last 10 minutes taking serial selfies. I’m in most of them. Thinking of asking them to tag me - my handle is “creepyoldguy69.”

  13. 13 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I don't necessarily want to watch a lot of close-up footage of Russians being hunted by drones with grenades and mortar shells, but watching/listening to that cruise missile thud into the naval headquarters in Sevastopol has a certain ASMR vibe to it.

    I dunno, man....screams of agony and gurgling death rattles from fuckers who are proudly on a mission of genocide has a sweet melody to me.  But I confess to have eclectic musical tastes.

    Oh, and I also have a burning hatred for genocidal fuckholes.  That's a key thing here.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. This is the blessing and the curse of being a wastewater operator.  The field is recession-proof because as long as people eat, they shit and will need you on the job.  But in case of a hurricane or massive killer ice storm, they don't stop eating and shitting, so you still have to be on the job, even when everyone else is bugging out or home and warm.
    Anyway, thank you all for the great career.

    Some of us are clearly thanked more than others.

    You’re welcome.
    • Haha 1
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