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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. not just at tribfest. And they are taking it both nationally and more importantly from the local grass roots level, and seem genuinely surprised and caught flat footed. Republicans have won so much in Texas that they are like the late Mack Brown Longhorns - they've insulated themselves with the systems they trust to work that they don't have a lot of awareness of what happens outside those systems. As a result, there's a gulf opening between the very inside world of GOP political types and the outside world of relatively normal GOP general election voters. Texas Democrats could exploit that if they weren't organized to lose and massively protarded.

    Counterpoint: it’s not really an outlier. One of the tools of an authoritarian movement is showing, audaciously, how far above the law the movement is. It’s the “see, NOTHING can stop us - you are powerless, so yield to our power” move. It’s what they have been doing since Trump won in 2016. They are not stopping. Ever. The GQP criticism, to the extent there really is any, will end, and soon. Because this is their play now.
  2. I believe Plan II is a separate app. My eldest is a 2nd year and loves it. They offer about 170 students and there is no wait list. They offer a certain number of applicants, and those who accept make up that year’s class. The essay is very important, maybe the most important part of the app. 

    Man…old Plan II major here…I suspect I’d have no shot of getting in today. Back in the day? I got in, and got a full ride. It’s so much harder today.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. This para is the summary of that story, and the crappy place where we are these days:

    “There’s been an increase in the ‘every-man-for-himself mentality,’ ” says Dr. Craig Bryan, who studies military and rural suicide at the University of Utah. “There doesn’t seem to be as strong a sense of ‘We’re all in this together.’ It’s much more ‘Hey, don’t infringe upon me. You’re on your own, and let me do my own thing.’ ”

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. What in the world could possibly take over that Louis Shanks building?  The world’s most uncomfortable coworking space?

    It’s like you haven’t even heard of Brisketexan’s FreedomEagleJesusGun School for Freedom and Liberty and Jesus that will happily accept the soon-to-come vouchers the Lege will be handing out.
    I sent an application package to your kiddos, I’m disappointed that y’all haven’t filled it out yet.
    Our Louis Shanks campus is going to be our crown jewel.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Friday night, sitting on the couch. My wife’s feet propped up on my lap.
    Don Williams. John Denver. Bellamy Brothers. Gordon Lightfoot. Redbone. Hall and Oates. Johnny Nash. Cat Stevens. Chicago. ABBA. Three Dog Night. Gerry Rafferty. Marshall Tucker Band. Billy Joel (played Scenes from an Italian Restaurant; first time we kissed was while he was playing that song at a concert at the Erwin Center, 1990).
    Just being in the moment, feeling it all.
    It’s a helluva world, people.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  6. Just now, RDCanecutter said:

    I'll kick you back 20% for every kid you get to sign up for Dr. Canecutter's Miracle Brain Ancient Caucasian Leadership Domination Seminar Cartoon Story Hour. $10,000 a year and you can't afford NOT to have your child enrolled in this because their rivals including the brat kid of that bitch Becky at the school board are already unlocking our course's secrets.

    It's thinking like this that has a seat on our Board of Trustees reserved just for you.

    • Haha 1
    • Drool 1
  7. ^^^ 


    That said....once vouchers pass the legislature (they WILL pass, eventually)....don't let my comments discourage you from sending little Johnny to Brisketexan's EagleFreedomJesusGun Academy.  Our $20k per student tuition is GUARANTEED to provide you at least $5k of education quality, and $15k of sound administration by said Brisketexan, all while just playing PragerU videos or some shit for the entire class day.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 8 minutes ago, deft said:


    User name checks out

    I too am investing in buttplug futures


    At this point, I'm looking at becoming a contraband smuggler to future Texas to supply all the things that are banned/will be banned.  Porn.  Books.  Women's clothing that doesn't come from the LDS sister-wives catalog.  You know, really anything that doesn't make an appearance in A Handmaid's Tale.

  9. 8 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:


    This would be my feedback - it's essentially non-functional on mobile. 

    BUT - Im not complaining because it's basically indefensible that I'm not a Treefiddy member. 

    Yeah....this.  I keep telling myself "yeah, gotta do that sometime."  And never do.  Because I'm a shitheel at heart.

    7 hours ago, txhorns said:

    We just need to start an OnlyFans page that features Surly members.

    You asked for it, you got it....my preview page....


    • Haha 1
  10. Last time I was there, a client took me to Carnitas Queretaro, it was top-notch.




    L&J is an institution, you probably should check it out.  And I dig Chico's -- it's an EP thing, a real piece of local anthropology and history.

    I usually stay at the Indigo downtown, but that's because my work obligations are usually in the area.  I really dig EP, it's a pretty and underrated city (I love the high desert, not everyone does).

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 2 minutes ago, G650 said:

    There's no question, and I appreciate the extroverts for this. I've had great times with random people who started conversations with me at the bar.


    On the plane though you motherfuckers can fuck right off.

    Well, on a plane (or anywhere else, for that matter), the key is "read the room."  If the person next to me wants to be chatty, I'll chat.  If not, I work/read etc.  Have had some great conversations on planes, have had plenty more flights where I don't say anything other than my drink order to the FA.

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    He must be like those embezzlers who just take a little at first and then can't stop themselves. I guess this guy thought he was bulletproof or was confused about the notion of double jeopardy. 

    It's orange coveralls for you, you disgrace. Seems like a perfect cellmate for Trump.

    I actually fucking love that idea.  "America's Bi-Partisan Gitmo for Crooked Fucks."  I'd send in $1000 extra tax dollars to see that exact prison 1) constructed and 2) used for the stated purpose.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  13. 19 minutes ago, axiom of foundation said:

    I’m one of the relatively rare extroverts who are willing to admit it on the internet.  I have to travel for work a fair amount, and I cannot stand to either eat alone or sit alone in a hotel.  I will strike up conversations with practically anyone while traveling and often go have drinks or dinner with people I just met. 

    Yeah, I'm closer to this.  Some of the coolest experiences I've had have been with random connections over a drink or dinner or whatnot.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  14. 4 hours ago, C-Man said:

    I can only imagine the histrionics that would be coming from the GOP if Menendez was one of their own.

    3 hours ago, Bookman said:

    Why is Biden weaponizing the DOJ against a Democrat?

    48 minutes ago, Satchel said:

    Does this mean his poll numbers will go up?

    Bullseye on every one of these.  Now, imagine that Menendez was MAGA:


    And yes, if he was MAGA, this would make him MORE popular with the MAGAs, not less.  

    Everyone here -- including you lurking Republicans -- knows that this is 100% true.  And we KNOW you know....yet you are still happy living in and keeping up that ecosystem.  It's fucking destructive as hell, but that's what modern Republicans do.  Laws for thee, not for me.

    As for me?  Hang the fucker.  He's a crook.  A pretty audacious one, from what it looks like.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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