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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I want to believe.

    This so so awesome that a country with no navy is doing in Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

    I’m sure there are some US admirals watching with grave concern. There damned sure should be. Not that the BSF compares but there’s some serious asymmetric warfare going on that we could be on the receiving end of if we aren’t careful.

    I sure as shit hope that the Pentagon has a rather robust office of "the study of new shit that could absolutely fuck our shit up."  And presuming they do have such an office....they need to hire a LOT more help to analyze all the new shit that has come to light.  And even new ways of working with/using old shit (tube artillery, land mines).  This war is a real-world display of modern warfare, how much it has evolved, and how fast it is evolving in real-time.

    Creativity and being on the cutting edge of technology....and not being snobby about "new technology," it ain't just the fancy shit the boys in the lab came up with, it's the cheap off-the-shelf shit that can be easily adapted to fuck our shit up...that's the order of the day.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    @Brisketexan You must not have watched the Joel Klatt clip in on this page where he goes off about the metric and amplifies its importance. What I'm saying is commentators/ap poll voters, and not just Joel Klatt, think it's meaningful. However, there's no reason to think it's a meaningful metric, especially when used without any context.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Some future episode of American Pickers is gonna be LIT.

    "Earl, let's see what you've got in that barn over there."

    "That ole barn?  Heck, I haven't put anything back there since that weird thing I found in my field back in '23.  Took some doin' to wheel it over here, damn near wore out my Kubota because the landing gear was shot, but turns out those things drag pretty well."

    "Ummm....what things drag pretty well?"

    [suspenseful music, then a commercial break, THEN the doors open to reveal an F-35]

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    But since they choose to fuck for tokens, I struggle to see why this should be off limits. She just has to convince a majority of voters that she is still the best candidate for the job.

    I will vote for a candidate who fucks their spouse for money over a politician who will fuck over their constituents for money 100% of the time.  Easy choice.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  5. 3 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    All right, I’ll be jumping on a plane in about two hours and touching down in Riga next day. Riga has become kind of a major hub for (real) dissident Russians and also of course a leader on Ukraine and countering Russian influence. 

    Will report back. It’s gonna be a nice feeling to be back close to the action. 

    I hope you get a latvia done.

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  6. 2 hours ago, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    Well, whatever comes of this, I hope Nathan Johnson gets a bump.  Not sure if he's interested in a bigger statewide office. He's a family man. Someday, God willing, he may want to be Governor.

    Nathan is a fantastic guy.  Both he and his wife are old friends from law school, and I can't emphasize enough what outstanding human beings they are.

    TLDR; they are much too good for Texas politics.

  7. 1 hour ago, NorthLoop said:

    Is Marinara + Queso a thing? Because it damn well should be. Though it probably comes out pure liquid on the other end. 


    1 hour ago, deft said:

    Italian Tex mex fusion? Now that’s what I call a taco!

    I bet it tasted like America and freedom and fireworks and landing on the moon and hot go-go dancers from the 60s and rock and roll and jazz and more America and more freedom.

    • Like 2
  8. On 9/14/2023 at 10:05 PM, BearSchlong said:


    I've got a good friend who has serious health issues. One of them is lupus (it's never lupus, but in this case, it is), blood disorders that require regular transfusions, HIV, and just a myriad of chronic health problems. 61, lives alone, and until recently was cutting hair and pretty much-living paycheck to paycheck.


    We became friends in AA, where people who would not ordinarily mix forge close friendships as part of the recovery journey. In our 12-year friendship, I've seen him help countless people get sober. Some of his health problems may be self-inflicted and related to addiction, but for at least 15 years, he has been a responsible, generous, upstanding, helpful person. I say this because he has been a net positive contributor in the world and isn't an entitled shit just looking for charity.


    He has health insurance through the Ryan White Foundation, lives alone in an apartment with his dog, has no significant other, siblings, children, or other relatives. For about 4 months, I've been managing a go-fund-me to help pay his rent and expenses, but it's becoming clear he isn't returning to work anytime soon. And a small group of us are unable to support him financially, long-term.


    I just left from visiting him in the ICU, and he is scared, helpless, and not in his right mind. And he is, for all practical purposes, alone in the world. I'm happy to visit and bring him groceries whenever possible, but Q4 ill be traveling extensively and working long hours.


    Tomorrow I plan on calling a disability lawyer on his behalf and consulting with some social worker friends to explore agencies and programs that might provide sustainable services for his care. And I may end up calling Adult Protective Services at DFPS as he is quickly becoming incapable of making his own decisions.


    I'm posting this here to get input on something I might be missing. Anyone have any ideas?

    You're good people, BS, and I definitely owe you a (non-alcoholic) drink at some point soon.

    Definitely check with the hospital's patient advocacy group, and see if they can connect you to a social worker directly.  They may also have contacts with the city or county.

    I wish I knew better connections.  And I know you already know this, but one of the things that is hardest to make peace with (and you must) is the fact that you can't save everyone.  But I also know you'll move heaven and earth to save this one.  And that fucking matters.  Thanks for that.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    NPR in Dallas had a segment this morning from Collin County where they asked a local R bigwig about what it meant.  She straight out said that the House Rs voting for impeachment from Collin County are going to get primaried.  But the main take away from the article is that only a small number of people are paying attention at all to politics.  So the apathy is a killer.  That's the space that minority tyrants grow in.


    1 hour ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Yeah, if there is a "civil war" in the party, I don't see how the far-right side of the party doesn't come out on top. They are the ones that really care to vote in primaries, get people organized, and get out the vote. I gotta think they are going to be much more enthused than the random guy who likes low taxes and didn't realize until he sees it on the news that today was the day to go vote in the primary.

    And Bingo again.

    We're going to see a GQP civil war.  It will cause some carnage, but mostly, it will solidify the GQP as the party of nutbar christofascism, and the apathy and uneducated nature of the electorate (I gotta vote Republican, I'm a Texan who has guns and I cain't vote for communism and high taxes!) will ensure they are the controlling party for the foreseeable future.

    Imagine how bad it's going to get in Texas.  Nope.  It's going to be a LOT worse than that.

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