Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. Musk is too powerful, and Trump knows it. Trump depends on Musk and his economic paper, as well as his near-total control of information (money is all that matters). Trump has a billion dollars. Musk has hundreds of billions. Everything they the right supposedly worried about re (((Soros))) has come to pass, with their gleeful assistance. We are a full-on oligarchy now, and there is no going back that doesn’t involve total collapse and massive bloodshed. Remember…it only gets worse, and there is no bottom. Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. Musk is too powerful, and Trump knows it. Trump depends on Musk and his economic paper, as well as his near-total control of information (money is all that matters). Trump has a billion dollars. Musk has hundreds of billions. Everything they the right supposedly worried about re (((Soros))) has come to pass, with their gleeful assistance. We are a full-on oligarchy now, and there is no going back that doesn’t involve total collapse and massive bloodshed. Remember…it only gets worse, and there is no bottom.