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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. If they outlaw flying drones over Lower Alloways Township.....then only outlaws will fly drones over Lower Alloways Township!!!!! THEY MAY TAKE OUR DRONES, BUT THEY CAN NEVER TAKE OUR
  2. Children with cancer should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Signed, The Pro-Life party
  3. Way to bury the lede -- after the wreck, the cop was okay, and made it home safely to his family. And that's what really matters.
  4. Lewis. Because pretty sure that I'll show him to be a pathetic amateur.
  5. Whatever that tube is.....they're gonna have to get a new one of those.
  6. Being that the race was decided by a few million votes, and I can count....yeah, rurals were KEY in fucking us. Had rurals broken out at the same percentages as non-rural voters, Trump doesn't win in 2016 or 2024. Math. There is no demographic that loves him more. They love him. They want him. They DEMANDED him. Let them eat what they demanded.
  7. Imagine watching the Fifth Element, and being giddy thinking that Zorg is the hero. That's where we are. I'd say we're fucked. But dudes....we blew past "fucked" YEARS ago. Now, "fucked" is looking at us and thinking "man....THAT is truly fucked."
  8. "Not just?" Of course not. Did they make up a material part of his support, because they voted for him at like an 80% clip? You bet your fucking ass. They stood at the counter chanting "SHIT SANDWICH! SHIT SANDWICH!" They ordered it. They fucking DEMANDED it. Now they gotta eat it.
  10. Emphasis for truth. Sorry if we don't believe Republicans when they say "yeah, it's super important for government officials to promote eating healthier food" when they've spent the last 20 years relentlessly attacking any Democrat who even mentioned eating more vegetables. Fuck that shit. We don't believe lying hypocrites because....and follow me here, this is important...one shouldn't believe lying hypocrites.
  11. You are speaking to a collective character, not an individual one. In other words....you're speaking to society as a whole. An individual in Texas, practically speaking, does not have a meaningful personal choice of whether or not to participate in "automobile society." If they want to have meaningful options for earning a decent wage, they pretty much need to drive. An individual in Texas doesn't have a meaningful personal choice of whether or not to be surrounded by people with guns -- he just is. Which gets us back to the choices we've made about healthcare, as a society. We should change our mind/path. But we can't. Because anything BUT a system that maximizes profit-taking and executive compensation at the expense of providing care is ZOMG SOCIALISM. So not only do we not improve, we double-down.
  12. The hat is necessary for the full charro outfit look. I will not denigrate my heritage by mixing fashions. Plus, for those early season games, a good shade-providing hat is important. Pinche gringo.
  13. If you attribute our healthcare outcomes exclusively or almost exclusively to "lifestyle choices," then you're talking about the nature of our character. What you're saying is that the US has worse healthcare outcomes because Americans are of lesser character than the people of literally every other developed nation on earth. And, I mean.....that may be true, I wish I could argue against that conclusion. But it's a silly conclusion nonetheless. It's a complex system, with complex factors. And yes.....lack of education, availability/cost of mental health care, availability/cost of overall health care, poorly designed supplemental food programs/aid, massive wealth inequality and significant poverty, a system that subsidizes and floods the market with terrible food choices, etc. etc., are pretty important f'n factors. Compare those systems with our peer nations, and we look really shitty. The reasons that we have shitty health outcomes at a massively higher price are a lot bigger than "Americans are bad." And that's a lazy, irresponsible answer anyway. Because it absolves all of us of any responsibility -- American person X is unhealthy? Well, that person makes bad choices, fuck them. It absolves me of any role as a member of a society that has designed a system that is incredibly effective at delivering bad food options and the like, and incredibly ineffective at delivering basic physical and mental healthcare. I can and should demand better of the system that I am a voting member of. Naaah, let's just shovel all the blame on poor people living in food deserts and shit, and skip down the road, blissfully obligated to do NOTHING to improve our systems. THAT is the American way!
  14. Well, the sizing....plus the whole "crime" thing....was a big part of the reason I opted against such theft. However, am I interested in having a replica made in a more appropriate size? Hell yes I am.
  15. Damn near stole this form the museum to wear to a football game.
  16. 1) Trying to figure out what that cargo was. Maybe part of the post for a commercial windmill? 2) WHEW. That came close to hitting the West of the Pecos Museum, which is a freaking treasure. Seriously, lots of cool shit in there, definitely worth a stop.
  17. Yep. Right or wrong....those numbers are REAL. A healthy society would examine why 40% of young people are okay with this, and PERHAPS realize that we should fix some truly broken social systems. Fortunately, we're not a healthy society, so what we'll do is increase security for CEOs and give them their own special, reserved 911 system to protect only them. Because otherwise, nothing is wrong...
  18. Pretty sure my wife has the flu, for the first time in 20+ years. Achy all over, to the point that she has a hard time sleeping. She just feels all-over shitty, and has for two full days now. And she rarely gets sick (only member of our house never to have COVID -- tested, and negative this round as well). Forgot how much the plain old flu sucks. Oh well, I guess that's what we get for filling our house with live poultry, drinking only raw milk, and having a doorknob-licking party.
  19. My new favorite part of this timeline is the “conservative Christian nationalists” calling out….the New Testament…as a pejorative/negative trait. We literally have “Christians” shitting on…Christ. This is fucking fantastic. Do go on.
  20. You sound like one do those woke libtards who believes the “scientists” who tell us lies about “gravity.” DO THE RESEARCH, SHEEPLE.
  21. Really? They didn't find anything? OR....they chose not to bring charges? Because those are two different factual statements. See, if they investigated me on suspicion of embezzling money from the South African Government, "they wouldn't find anything." That is, they literally would find zero evidence. Because I have literally never had any dealings with South Africa. If, on the other hand, they investigated me on suspicion of being an ill-behaved debauched cretin when I was a college student....they almost certainly would "choose not to bring charges." That would be for a variety of reasons -- the evidence is spotty, lots of time has passed so witness accounts are unreliable, the limitations period has passed, etc. But I assure you, if they looked into that, the answer would NOT be "they didn't find anything." They'd find lots of evidence of me being an ill-behaved cretin at that time. Substantial evidence. Significant enough that most rational people would say "yeah, I think we can all agree that Brisket was a debauched cretin back then." That looks to be pretty similar to Gaetz's case. There's a giant ocean of difference between "they didn't find anything" and "they found sufficient evidence, of sufficient reliability, to support bringing a case." In that distance, there's a lot of ground covered by "a lot of evidence, to the point where it's clearly more likely than not that he committed act X." You disregard the differences. Which surprises nobody. Your disingenuity is neither novel nor subtle.
  22. I gotta tell ya, that really makes me question Russian construction safety standards. After the war, we probably oughta send some experts over there, to see if we can help 'em tighten those up for safety's sake.
  23. And all of that is true because....that is who we are as a nation. We are super-extra-ultra-shitty.
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