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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Jesus. Read the full thread and comments. It’s Soros and the deepstate planning a dirty bomb attack to disrupt Trump’s inauguration. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! The stupidity has reached a point of singularity.
  2. Brisketexan


    And from childhood diseases. Don’t forget that. VACCINES ARE THA DEBIL! Conservatives are the worst people at ROI in human history. Goal: WE MUST PROTECT CHILDREN! Things that they do not care about in that respect that impact huge numbers of kids: gun violence, institutionalized pedophilia in religion, having good public education, free school lunches, vaccines, functioning foster care systems and CPS, WIC programs, readily available prenatal care, readily available OB-GYN care for deliveries of babies….and dear God we can keep going. Things they do care about….which impact a tiny handful of kids: drag shows and hormone therapy for trans kids. If it makes functionally no difference in the well being of children, it’s the most important issue in the world. If it actually matters to the lives of millions upon millions of children…they actively oppose it. Dumbest. Timeline. Ever.
  3. 98% chance that is a Pornhub search that actually exists.
  4. This. For all of the “sightings,” we’d have one that was 1) shot, 2) hit by a car, or 3) captured on camera. We don’t. There are no “black panthers” among mountain lions. There are among jaguars (jaguar is my favorite big cat, because fuck yeah it’s a Texas native). But there haven’t been ANY jaguars in Texas in many decades (last documented jaguar was killed near Kingsville in 1948). The Goldthwaite jaguar of 1903 is a badass story: https://wildtexashistory.com/goldthwaite-jaguar-1903/ Maybe the northernmost encounter with a jaguar ever. I wish they would come back to Texas, but that is almost 100% unlikely. We do have a pair that move across into AZ from time to time form Mexico. Which is cool as hell. They’re one of the most beautiful animals on earth. And the power/musculature are otherworldly.
  5. I use the exact same dish to make my cobbler, which looks damn near identical. But the best cobbler is dewberry cobbler. Peach is a close second. Cobbler is one of the world’s best desserts, up there with bread pudding, chess pie, and creme brûlée.
  6. We are stupid, lightly-furred monkeys, and always have been. This is just the latest iteration of medieval humans seeing a meteor shower and everyone panicking about flying demons and begging the local priest to do something about it.
  7. Bingo. The orange revolution caused this. When Putin lost his puppet, he was going to reassert dominion over Ukraine the easy way (install another puppet) or the hard way (war). That is the rule for Russia. Smart players see that and will always counter with that in mind.
  8. [laughing in Trumpist SCOTUS majority] Alito will just write an opinion that says “sure, Article 1 says Congress shall have the power to establish the post office, but it doesn’t say who has the power to dissolve it. TRUMP WINS AGAIN!” And it goes through 5-4, but only because Roberts hems and haws about the definition of the post office or some shit.
  9. Man, great cut. Of course, my wife is a huge Killers fan and thinks Pressure Machine is one of the more underrated albums of all time, so some bias there. But, bottom line, yeah....we condemned hundreds of thousands of our countrymen to death and millions more to misery in the name of pure profit for a handful of folks. That's as evil as it gets. The question of "Would you kill hundreds of thousands of people in order to enrich yourself?" was answered with an enthusiastic "YES!" by a disturbingly large number of people.
  10. At this point, we are at best a few weeks away from "treated drinking water is woke." I am only about 25% kidding with that prediction.
  11. Maybe the real friends were the billions of dollars we made along the way to selling metric shittons of poison to people, causing untold death and human misery? We are a deeply evil, deeply broken society. Money and profit are not bad. Money and profit, above and at the expense of literally everything else, are very, very bad. Question that, in the slightest, and you're ZOMG A SOCIALIST! It will only get worse. There is no bottom.
  12. FIF reflection of the fucked up system we've created.
  13. I know. She'd been dating you for a while, you'd expect she knew well what a jackass sounded like.
  14. Wait....you mean the candidate for 4th grade class president who promised pizza and ice cream in the cafeteria every day, no more tests, and recess for 4 hours a day.....was LYING? WHO. THE FUCK. COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING????????????????
  15. Yep. It's maybe job 1 of a council member -- be responsive to constituent issues. She was. Many others are not. I took out just the expenditure side. SA includes the general fund transfer the GET from CPS, so to do apples-to-apples, both should include the GFT they receive. And yep, it needs to be a comparison of the same year. Because in the past few years, inflation did a number on ALL budgets, so comparing a 2023 budget to a 2022 budget isn't really accurate.
  16. It's not about accomplishing anything. Rather, it is 100% about indulging in "oppositional defiance disorder" in its most extreme manifestation. We are at a point that if the government issued a statement "Do not drink a quart of hydrochloric acid, it will kill you," half....or more...of the population would respond "oh yeah? Well FUCK YOU, deep state!" then immediately start looking for black market sources of HCl to start guzzling ASAP. Dumbest. Fucking. Timeline. That's all this is.
  18. Correct. And AE is most of that $2.4 billion, at $1.86 billion. San Antonio, on the other hand, does NOT include CPS's total budget in its city budget (it just includes the transfer made to the city by CPS). So, if you want to do an apples-to-apples comparison (both budgets without the expense side of the electric utility, you're closer to the comparison you cite. There are certainly numerous reasons why the Austin budget on a per capita basis is higher than SA's, but that doesn't account for all of it, by far. That is, the per capita budget delta isn't entirely on city government.....but a good chunk of it IS on them. It's not just that Austin hasn't done a great job at managing its budget though (that's a big part of it). Rather, a big takeaway here is that....drumroll....San Antonio is actually one of the best-run cities in the state, probably by far the best run of the large cities. Seriously, lots of folks should look at how SA does things and say "we should do more of that." Nobody's perfect, of course, but SA does things better than most.
  19. Seems relevant: we have a movement taking power that to some degree opposes every one of these: Some of the greatest achievements in human history…and we want to junk them.
  20. Sorry, this thread is for dumbass shit you see on FB, not awesome shit you see on FB.
  21. I don’t know…does the player post on Surly? Because…res ipsa loquitur and such.
  22. Correct. If you back out the AE chunk of the budget (which is at worst revenue neutral, actually a positive to the budget), that budget number gets a lot smaller. $1.86 billion next year, with $125 million going to the city as a general fund transfer.
  23. Dude. That ship has sailed. It will happen, probably within the next year. Too much info out there from the war in Ukraine.
  24. We are literally going to make polio great again. We live in the dumbest timeline in human history. Imagine achieving the greatest things in the history of human health, saving countless millions from death and disfigurement. For all of human history, all of humanity would have wept for joy at these achievements. And now…we’re going to chuck every one of them into the trash because some insane contagious belief that ACTUALLY….these things are a plot by “them” to accomplish…something. We are committing species suicide by stupidity. Fuck it. Bring back smallpox. Ban chlorine from drinking water treatment. Fuck it all.
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