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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Seems like the AUS direct options are down to SWA, Frontier, and Spirit. So....SWA.
  2. Wrong. Easy marks. Really fucking stupid. BY GAWD, THAT'S OUR MUSIC!
  3. But, I mean....Threads has already figured out that it should show me the "do you guys like hot middle aged mom bods?" posters along with the people and topics I follow. And I appreciate that.
  4. As for something I just can't get right....it's a whiskey sauce for bread pudding. Bread pudding is easy. But the whiskey sauce is really needed and important. And when I've tried to make it, either the sugar stays grainy, or I overcook it to get the sugar melted and now the sauce is like a caramel or something. It frustrates the hell out of me. And yeah, like many of y'all, baking is not my thing. Too much science and precision.
  5. We don't use the Instant Pot for a lot -- I'm just not a big "lazy, throw it in the crockpot" guy for the most part. BUT....when we saw the recommendation for hardboiled eggs that are easy to peel, we did it. Game changer. Whenever we want hardboiled eggs, that's our go-to. We just follow the online recipe, and end up with a batch of eggs that we can peel in minutes. My whole life, I struggled to find the perfect way to make easy-to-peel hardboiled eggs, and finally found it.
  6. I mean......I pretty much don't use a straw for anything BUT 1) a shake or 2) a to-go drink that I'll drink in the car. How the fuck does Jesse drink a shake? And why in the blue fuck is he so obsessed about men drinking out of straws? It's as if his brain is on a constant cycle of "don't think about sucking cock, don't think about sucking cock, don't think about sucking cock, don't think about sucking cock....DAMMIT, I can't stop thinking about sucking cock." These people and their movement are the epitome of weird and pathetic. Always, 100% of the time. And, yes, he's a fucking psycho stalker who should not be allowed within 100 feet of any human females.
  7. This. Is he alive, and not a perforated meat sack punched full of .50-wide holes? Then he should be fucking GRATEFUL.
  8. For his legal defenses. You are adorable. Trump's plan has only two options. 1) Win the White House, and end the Republic and the rule of law, so there's no need for anyone on team MAGA to have a "legal defense." Their defense will be "I'm MAGA," and that will be all it takes. Banana Republic plan. Or option 2)....wire every last one of those dollars to an offshore account and flee the country. I am genuinely becoming more and more convinced that if he loses the election in anything close to a convincing fashion, he hauls ass to someplace with no extradition treaty.
  9. Sane people: "Hey.....the positions I've taken and beliefs I hold are identical to those of our enemy, who wants to see our country fail and collapse. Knowing that, I should probably reconsider those positions." These fucks and their cult of followers: "FAKE NEWS! RUSSIA HOAX! WE ARE PATRIOTS!" We have to find a way to convince these idiots that there's nothing more patriotic than drinking a gallon of hemlock.
  10. Let's assume that all of these influencers and their followers were "duped." Here is the BEST CASE SCENARIO of how you explain where you are: 1) There is an entity that openly hates the United States of America, and wants to see us so divided that we are a non-functional, impotent, failing nation state. 2) I hold views and take positions that are so consistent with that entity's goals and vision that the entity will pay tens of millions of dollars to boost those views. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU, YOU TREASONOUS FUCKWEASELS???? YOU FUCKING TAKE POSITIONS THAT ARE EXACTLY THOSE OF OUR FUCKING ENEMIES. THAT SHOULD JAR YOU THE FUCK AWAKE, INSTEAD, YOU DOUBLE DOWN. NOBODY ON THE RIGHT SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO USE THE WORD "PATRIOT" EVER AGAIN. You side with our enemy. KNOWING that, you CONTINUE to side with our enemy. Either burn in hell, or go join our enemy - move to Russia, join the Russian military, and actually put your fucking ass on the line for the "values" you hold so fucking dear.
  11. They will never, ever leave. Cults are like "blood in, blood out" gangs. The only exit plan is death. That's why COVID really let us down. It was a fatal disease, the idiot cultists did all the right things to get taken out by it at a higher rate....it just didn't have a high enough fatality rate. Give us a plague with a 30% fatality rate, have the cultists react to it the same way they reacted to COVID, and we'll finally make some progress. Yes, that's morbid hyperbole....but it's also true. You cannot reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. They are lost. MAGA Americans are lost. They are an enemy 5th column entrenched in our society, and they are never going away. Our best strategy is to isolate them as much as possible, shame, humiliate, and shove them back into their holes where they can grumble but do less damage, and wait for them to die.
  12. My resume page is nearly identical to that. Except I'm sitting on the shitter, not a leather seat on a private jet. But pretty much the same.
  13. Immamac took care of that concern -- the posts that connected his name and his handle were moved/altered.
  14. And the Trumpers will never, ever stop or admit they’ve been played. They’ve been turned. Totally, and completely. Russian manipulation of the dumbest and the greediest among us has helped create a fifth column that will never go away. What it comes down to is the fact that we need to be waging real war against Russia. Ukraine gives us more than a little opportunity, but we are way underutilizing it. Ukraine should have B-1s and Tomahawks in their arsenal. And we should be killing hostile Russian assets wherever we find them. Not sanctioning them, or arresting them, but killing them.
  15. Back in trumps presidency, that was one of the things that pissed me off the most, and that I thought was exceptionally cruel: Trump telling all of them that “he’s gonna bring back their coal jobs.” No. He wasn’t. Ever. Those jobs went away because of market forces. But he kept them holding onto hope for something that was never going to happen, instead of telling them “hey, I found your coal jobs! They’re now construction jobs in other states!” He doesn’t care about people suffering. He only cares about how he can gain. And the suckers keep buying what he’s selling.
  16. What’s awesome about that FBI tweet is all the MAGAs/Trumpers attacking the FBI for not doing its job. No, you fucknuts, they did exactly the job they are ALLOWED to do. Limited by the steadfast refusal of your guys to allow any laws that would allow the authorities to act on such threats (eg, red flag laws). The answer is often “yeah, we all knew this person would eventually go on a spree, but the law gives us no tools to stop them before they actually go out there and shoot up a school.” Indeed, if the authorities TRIED to take action, these exact same people would be screaming about the 2nd amendment and “muh freedoms.” Fuck all those people to hell.
  17. Oh, I've known that particular demographic is a lost cause of dumbassery. But I've always known that. Lots to love about S. Louisiana folks. Their politics and intellect ain't among them (Carville is still funny as shit, though). Hey, 59% of us! We're better than white folks (only 44% support for Kamala, 49% for Trump)! Small victories. "Hispanics: slightly less shitty than white folks" isn't the bumper sticker I was looking for.
  18. Lemme fix that: Have you noticed that there are school shootings fucking everywhere, all the fucking time? Swing states, not swing states, before elections, after elections, on salisbury steak day, on not salisbury steak day.... That's the fucking problem, you hideous fucking ghoul. Why in the fuck did this country choose to elevate the literal worst fucking people among us? Why? Why is the GQP doing this? Their "thought leaders" is a band of about 1,000 people who would be unwelcome in my home for a goddamned neighborhood potluck. Loathsome creatures, all of them.
  19. Bolded for actual legal accuracy. As I've mentioned before, read Bruen. Thomas wrote a decision that says in considering a law regulating firearms, if a functionally identical law didn't exist in 1789, then the law violates the 2nd amendment. Lower courts have followed that reasoning, striking down any number of gun laws that people long thought were just fine (age limits on gun ownership? NOPE, unconstitutional. Banning someone with a live domestic violence order from possessing a gun? NOPE, unconstitutional.) There can be no new gun laws. None. Zero. Zilch. And in fact, probably 80% of our EXISTING gun laws can and will be struck down following the reasoning of Bruen. The funny thing is, the SCOTUS recently had the chance to apply Bruen, and had to say "yeah, we know what it says, but that's clearly not what we actually meant" (meaning they had to ignore the plain language of their own precedent when the ink was hardly dry on that precedent)....but to top it off, it was an 8-1 decision with Clarence saying "the fuck I DIDN'T mean what I said -- I meant EXACTLY THAT." Bruen is the most wide-reaching, indefensible, awful SCOTUS decision of my lifetime, and yes, I'm aware of Dobbs. Bruen is indefensible under any modality of constitutional interpretation -- it's fucking idiotic and nonsensical to an extreme that would be embarrassing from a district court. And here we are, with it enshrined as a SCOTUS decision. This fucking timeline.
  20. God....I hate us....so, so, so, so much. 31% of us are full on voting for the leopards to eat our faces. We are SO. FUCKING. STUPID.
  21. Wasn't me. If you are getting lots of emails offering those butt plugs with the furry animal tail attachment, though.....THAT was me.
  22. When you understand that we've made the choice to treat Americans as op-ex, not cap-ex, it all makes sense. We SHOULD have a perspective that our people are our greatest resource, and we should invest in them. Instead....they are seen only as a source of revenue for certain enterprises and individuals. And if all you are is a source of revenue, then the revenue number per head damned well better beat the expense number per head. Otherwise, you need to be axed.
  23. Got it. And I love Tim Pool's self-defense: "Russia didn't tell me what to post! Instead, they like the fact that my stuff was SO pro-Russia and SO divisive to Americans that they paid me to KEEP posting it!" Yeah....that's not the stirring defense you think it is, Tim. You were already committing so much fucking treason that they just paid you to keep doing what you were already doing isn't any real moral high ground.
  24. Fucking. Seriously. "Russia didn't encourage me to create insanely pro-Russian propaganda. Instead, I created propaganda that was ALREADY so insanely pro-Russian that they paid me to KEEP DOING WHAT I WAS DOING." Super strong vindication there, Tim. You fucking anti-American stooge.
  25. What's crazy and paranoid about what I said? Seriously, what fact is wrong? Bibi and Likud said these things (some externally, some internally). I didn't make them up. Likud pretty plainly stated and followed a "divide and conquer" path to ensure that the PA never got any power or legitimacy. I never said the PA was "on track" to becoming a state -- indeed, the efforts of the Israeli right helped ensure that they would never, ever, even get on that track. Likud much preferred feeding the militant Palestinian beast and starving/crippling the potentially functionally governing Palestinian beast because the Israeli right 1) needed a monster to be the protectors against, and 2) needed to ensure that Palestinian statehood never, ever happened (a militant Palestinian governing entity, like Hamas, was never going to be able to garner enough support globally to give birth to a Palestinian state). These are strategies that Likud and their hardline pals have made little secret of. And again, no excusing the shitbaggery of Hamas. It just, ummm, might have been nice for Israeli leadership to have spent the effort they took to boost Hamas to instead boost the PA in the WB. But they were never, ever going to do that because they want to take the entire WB, and they sure as shit never want a Palestinian state. The Israeli right has gotten what it wanted. It only cost stacks of dead Israelis and now even bigger stacks of dead Palestinians. Hamas played exactly the role that they needed to play, because they are stupid, bloodthirsty shitheads: the role of the monster.
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