Stories like that are why some of us really, really, really believe in The Rule of Law. It's much better than the alternative. We -- meaning the people in power, who are most likely to be among the victims of such violence -- should do all we can to make sure that we have a system that provides some measure of justice and a non-violent means of redress of grievances for everyone, so that "Rule of the Gun" doesn't become our substitute system.
You think I'm championing populist violence. Far from it. I'd much, much, much prefer that we opted into and built a system so that we could honestly say "violence is never justified, you have plenty of peaceful means to obtain a just outcome." I'm just pointing out that we have opted into the opposite of that. That was stupid. We shouldn't have done that. We should dramatically change course.
But I know that we won't. We are pot-committed to our current path (remember, it only gets worse, and there is no bottom). So, we've opted for a system where violence is inevitable. Knowing that we've opted into that, it's hard to have sympathy for a society that is now crying "oh no, the inevitable consequences of my own actions."