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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. And you can get a 200 square foot place for the low low price of $3.9 million.
  2. 1) Pretty sure the "Salt Typhoon" is an appetizer at a Guy Fieri joint. 2) If Chinese hackers are subjected to reading the private communications of Surly posters......that is how America wins. As their eyes melt, and their brains short circuit, and they try to understand why "muledick" is the answer, no matter what the question is....we will have taken down the Chinese cyberwarriors without firing a shot. You're welcome, America.
  3. Some of us are recreational hit men. Some tasks are just more gratifying when they are for pleasure instead of profit.
  4. Yep. It's fucking huge. And of course, instead of the response to lower birth rates and lower romantic success by men being "huh...maybe we should endeavor to make ourselves more enticing candidates for romance, and maybe we should provide better mechanisms of support for women having children," they go with the functional equivalent of "squash them, deny them agency, and order them to fuck us/make sure they have no meaningful alternative BUT to seek out a man so she can have a decent place in this world." Men have a real problem. Most of that problem is.....men. S. Korea is the most glaring and disturbing example, but it's far from an outlier.
  5. Well, now you've just got me humming Jose Feliciano, so that's alright. I also regularly wish people "feliz merry holidays," just to mix shit up.
  6. I dunno. I think there's a dead-even tie in the level of pathetic assholery between 1) people who get annoyed/feel "force fed" when someone says "happy holidays," and 2) people who get bent out of shape when someone says the more exclusive "merry Christmas" instead of the general "happy holidays." When I call your office or pick up my coffee, if you say happy holidays or merry Christmas, both are pleasant and fine, and IDGAF. I'm not offended by either choice. Not even the littlest bit. It's all a social artifice anyway. You might as well be a barista in Chicago asking me "how bout them Bears?" It's just social space-filler.
  7. We can't stop it. And that is a huge part of the point - the power dynamic. You know how psychologists explain how a significant number of rapes aren't about sex, they are about power? That's what the GQP is about. "We can totally assfuck you." "Oh, is it that you want to assfuck me?" "No, it's not so much that we want to, it's really because we know you don't want to be assfucked by us, but there's nothing you can do to stop us. We can do whatever we want to you, with impunity. And that gets us off." It's the exercise of power to cause pain as a display of dominance. That's it.
  8. Brisketexan


    Just an update in how this country is fucking broken-brained: https://www.kvue.com/article/news/nation-world/transgender-rights-case-lands-at-supreme-court/507-66df7fb5-b113-4a67-a5f1-80e7e982f3f5 Bottom line, what is NOT ok, and what the government can flat-out ban: Medical treatment for a minor to treat a gender disorder, with FULL permission from the parents. Government trumps parental choice, 100%. And what is OK, in that the government must absolutely stay out of it, and let the parents' choice stand: Parental refusal to obtain lifesaving medical care (like a blood transfusion) for a minor, resulting in the minor child's death. Parental choice to HAVE THEIR CHILD DIE trump's the state's interest in life. It's okay to have a parent kill their child as a "medical choice of conscience," but it is NOT okay to have a parent allow hormone treatment of their child as an "informed medical decision with the full support of a treating physician." This country is so fucking stupid.
  9. I just say "fuck off, I hate you, I love only myself" Seems to capture the American holiday spirit the best, I think. Plus, it helps cut off the annoying chitchat from the barista. And isn't THAT what the season is all about, really?
  10. It seems that there is little sympathy for someone who reaped enormous profits from causing other people tremendous pain and suffering. Huh. Surprising. When you build an enterprise that 1) is depended on by most everyone for the most basic/essential of things: your health and life, but 2) the enterprise is solely about making profits at the expense of the thing people depend on it for....people don't like it. That comes as a big surprise. But I'll still go with there being a higher chance that this is entirely personal -- banging someone's wife, cheated a specific person on a business deal, etc.
  11. He hates cops. He hates Israel. He loves Putin. Fella's got a LOT going on in that noggin of his, and it ain't all consistent. However, his "FUCK EVERYBODY" sticker? I feel ya, man.
  12. Dude…does it present an opportunity to “own tha libz?” That’s all that matters. It may not pass this session, but I’m resigned to them presenting it each session going forward, and once they run out of other bullshit issues to pass legislation on, they’ll pass this. Because “fuck you” is our only governing political philosophy now.
  13. Looks like we need to get the Syrian rebels some of those Ukrainian naval drones. The Black Sea should hog all the sunken Russian warship artificial reefs. And the Med is a much better diving destination, so that's just courtesy right there - create more reefs, create more tourist opportunities.
  14. Let’s be fair…he was nominated by Trump, so odds are also high that he beat/raped at least one woman. That’s kind of a minimum qualification.
  15. Decades too late. He should have been killed by one of his victims defending herself. Also, he’s not an outlier. Cops using their power to inflict sexual violence on the vulnerable/voiceless is so common that it might as well be taught as a class at the academy.
  16. I dunno, but whoever it was, I hope they got the paint job right....
  17. 100% these. A reminder of the 13th Amendment: That carve out is super important. And it's the reason why the builders and mega-ag entities that funnel billions to Trump will not lose a second of cheap labor. Here's how it works. 1) Juan is undocumented, and works for Perry Homes, making $25 per hour. 2) Juan is arrested, and charged with the crime of illegal entry. Juan pleads guilty/is quickly convicted. 3) Juan's home country won't accept him, or Juan has a big fine to work off, or is sentenced to a significant chunk of time. SO, Juan is sent to The Donald J. Trump Camp for Wayward Wetbacks to serve out his time, perhaps indefinitely (if his home country won't take him). 4) The DJTCFWW has a contract deal with Perry Homes. It sends busses of laborers, including Juan, to Perry Homes job sites at a rate -- to be paid to DJTCFWW, a private corporation, majority owned and controlled by DJT enterprises -- of $20 per hour. $.50 of that hourly rate is paid to Juan, in the DJTCFWW commissary account, which he can use to buy things like soap at $5 a bar. 5) RESULT: Perry Homes gets all the labor it wants, at a SAVINGS of $5 per hour, and DJT enterprises banks $19.50 per hour for the labor it provides to Perry Homes. Now, bidness is bidness, and of the $152 per day that DJT enterprises makes on Juan's labor, it spends $50 per day in transport, infrastructure, and mayo sammich costs. Meaning that DJT makes a measly profit of just over $100 per day per prisoner. DJT Enterprises wins, bigly. Perry Homes wins, bigly. Juan....gets assfucked. But, 13th Amendment bitches, so suck it! We have a cadre of leadership in this country that remains pissed off that we got rid of Jim Crow laws, which created a pool of nearly free labor from black Americans. So, we're gonna replace them with brown people. PROBLEM SOLVED, AND AMERICA WORKING LIKE IT ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE!
  18. Read things like this: Translation: in the areas that are most likely to vote lockstep GQP because "get a job, get the gubmint outta my business!"......the LARGE majority of people are on....government funded healthcare. Translation: Texas has an easy path to improving access to prenatal care, and insuring the people who need it. But the people who need it most....consistently vote against it. And then bitch about how society is leaving them to suffer in declining rural communities. For fuck's sake, we're filled with people who repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot and then get angry about why their feet are full of holes. And one thing is for certain: the Legislature won't do jack shit to meaningfully improve this situation. But....we're pRo LiFe!!!!!!!!!! Jesus. The fucking stupidity and hypocrisy of this fucking state.
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