When you understand that vouchers are about 1) improving the outcomes for the most fortunate (kids from families who could already afford private schools), including by increasing the funding to those schools (Tuition of $10k plus voucher for $5k = tuition of $15k now, and 50% more revenue to the school), and 2) fucking over everyone else, because harming others is even more important than helping your own, it all makes sense.
And I say that as someone who went to private school right up until my first day at UT. An education my parents scrimped and saved to pay for, AS THEIR CHOICE. And I also say that as someone who believes in the common wealth and the common good, and who has always wanted our public schools to provide a good and sound education to all people. Because I don't know if y'all realized this, but all of those kids who go to public schools today? They're going to grow up to be our neighbors, and our future workforce, tomorrow. Would be nice if they weren't incompetent idiots.
BUT....on the bright side.....Brisketexan's FreedomEagleJesusGunPatriot Academy for Patriots is going to make a fucking KILLING. And...isn't that what's important? Personal grifting and profit, damn the cost to society?