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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Counterpoint: historical habit and fixation on restoring the USSR are compelling. Syria is a much better strategic choice. But based on those other factors.....don't count out him pouring it all into Georgia.
  2. When you start fucking around in multiple places.....and you don't have the resources to handle all of those places (largely due to your disastrous miscalculation in Ukraine, which is a resource sink).....then your strategy ends up looking a whole lot like Lucy in the chocolate factory, cuz you just can't handle them all.
  3. The pivot point here may be the population. 1.5 generations of folks used to civilian rule, and the peace and prosperity that came with it, who also just voted by a significant majority for the opposition party, aren't going to be too keen on military rule. And this is not a coup -- the military isn't taking control sua sponte. They are being ordered to do so by a civilian leader. Is the S. Korean military loyal to him, or loyal to the republic and the people? We may find out real soon.
  4. This is just S. Korea returning to some OLD habits. 35+ years of peaceful civilian rule is good, but S. Korea was under military rule for decades before that. "Functioning Democracy" is historically a pretty fresh thing for them. And old habits die hard. And yeah.....the global trend towards hard right/corrupt authoritarianism in formerly democratic states is a thing.
  5. So much fucking this. Every "reason" they try to spit out is just a pretext covering for this underlying motivation -- for the raw milk and everything else you mentioned.
  6. The irony of that Schriver dude being so obviously a self-hating closeted gay man….isn’t even ironic anymore.
  7. “Moral high ground?” Who gives a fuck? What good has “the moral high ground” done the Dems? No good. Fuck, NEGATIVE good. There is only one high ground: power, wielded ruthlessly and brutally. Figure out the game and play by those rules, or get steamrolled in perpetuity.
  8. A man of class and style carries his castings around in a nice wooden box, engraved with scenes from the hunt. Everyone knows that.
  9. Not to go CR, but it's tied to the current political trend of radical oppositional defiance disorder. The reason to want to fight for raw milk on the shelves is because "they" don't presently allow it. It's not much more complicated than that. We are days away from people fighting for the right to eat actual shit wherever they want, because "you can't tell me what to do." And to truly note that this isn't CR, the fact that you're seeing similar behavior on the right as you used to see on the far left (hippies who weren't gonna follow the man's rules) is important -- horseshoe theory and all that.
  10. These. Go out and suck shit out of a cow's ass if you want, IDGAF. Just don't take up valuable bed space in the ER when you bust a 105 degree fever. Of course, we're finding bird flu in raw milk, so there's a non-zero chance that one of these fucking numbnuts will be patient zero of the next fucking pandemic. Because "LOOK HOW STUPID AND DEFIANT I CAN BE!" is the ultimate badge of how American you are these days.
  11. There is a near 100% chance of this exact scenario coming to pass. FREEDOM!* * Which means "freedom for the GQP to tell people/businesses what to do, but zero freedom in those people and businesses having any choice." And we're not talking about government orders or laws telling businesses what to do in terms of "don't harm people" (e.g., we have laws that prevent stores from putting poison on the shelves where kids can reach it, shit like that). Nope. These are COMPULSORY laws mandating affirmative conduct - you MUST sell raw milk. The current iteration of the GQP is the antithesis of a party of "freedom and liberty" for anyone except their chosen class/group. "Laws for thee, not for me," all that jazz that we've seen repeatedly.
  12. Mentioned above that I'd be making my mom's oyster dressing for a potluck this weekend. It had been a good 5-6 years since I'd made it. So, I made it yesterday. COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAIL. As in, I literally just folded the pan over on itself and tossed it in the garbage - it was inedible. Bottom line, once you mix in all the oysters, oyster liquor, and sauteed sausage and veggies, it needs some additional moisture. We use knorr chicken broth. I added some. It seemed like it needed more. I added more. Felt like it needed more. Added a bit more. Fuck. As I really worked it in, it was pretty soggy. Baked it, and it took forever for the extra liquid to cook off (it never entirely did). AND, because the main salt in the dish comes from that broth....it had well over 2X the salt it needed. Fucking inedible. I cooked it till 9:30. Made a small tasting bowl. Ate about three bites, just hoping it would get better. It didn't. Tossed probably $35 of ingredients and a couple hours of labor into the trash. My wife was even surprised and sympathetic - it's pretty rare that I end up with a complete fail like that, but this was definitely one of those times. FML.
  13. Yep. Here's the thing: all of the Trump defenders will point at this to excuse Trump when he pardons all manner of criminals who committed crimes ON HIS BEHALF. But here's why it doesn't matter: They were going to defend and excuse all of Trump's exercises of pardon power across the board anyway. No real-world ANYTHING will change because of this. The GQP and their cult members didn't need cover or an excuse to do what they were always going to do. People who beat cops with flagpoles and riot shields to accomplish their STATED GOAL of attacking Congress so it could not complete its constitutional duty were ALWAYS going to be pardoned, and every single GQP cult member here and everywhere else was ALWAYS going to think that's just fine. TLDR: It don't make a shit. Nothing does anymore. Power is to be wielded absolutely, with no guardrails or impediments by norms or laws.
  14. From what I understand, that's incorrect. A pardon can't be used to run an end-around on the 5th Amendment (note: I'm basing this on a discussion I heard on NPR from a gal who wrote a book on the pardon power and its history). I found that surprising.
  15. We've waged such a war in the past. Remember how we waged it? This image of Berlin in 1945 should refresh your recollection: Once one side decides on total depravity, then them's the rules of the game. By the way, that being something that many of us have waved as a huge red flag and warning against the right going hell for leather into trashing the Rule of Law. Once it's trashed....it's trashed. You can't do it selectively, "only for me, not for thee." You can TRY that, and the other side might be stupid and buy into that for a bit, but once they realize that abiding by the law and norms only gets your ass kicked by the "no rules, just whatever we want" side, you change your fucking tune, and start playing by those rules. There is no Rule of Law in the US anymore. The right decided that's how they wanted it to be. So, that's how it be.
  16. That’s…oddly specific. Also….go on….
  17. It would have, but, ummm....technical difficulties.
  18. The judges also would have accepted "crowd shots of Kyle Field last night."
  19. Leading ag passer Q Ewers 1/1 93 yds 1 TD?
  20. I mean…GODFUCKINGDAMMIT. Just stop em here.
  21. Is aggy faking the injuries, or giant wusses, or both? Gotta be both.
  22. D needs to go for the kill here. Because we’re leaving all the fucking points on the field, not on the board.
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