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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. An iceberg? No doubt. (((They))) were behind the whole thing.
  2. I presume you mean a store-brand soda knockoff, like one of these gems: And yes, the ice-cold soda out of the cooler was usually the high point of such al fresco luncheons.
  3. Yeah, this is important. If he's been judged not competent to stand trial (that, by the way, is the system standing up for the constitutional rights that you and everyone else has - you have to be able to participate in/assist with your own defense), that does NOT mean that he is free to go. Not even close to it. Fundamentally, it means he stays locked up either 1) forever, or 2) until his mental condition is treated/improves enough for him to be competent to stand trial, at which time he will go to trial. The most important thing is that dangerous people be taken off the street, and when it comes to a situation of mental incompetence like this, that's exactly what our system does. Nothing's perfect, but honestly, that's one of the things our system gets pretty close to right.
  4. The fuckers already made "jaguar" a three syllable word, so f 'em.
  5. Allsup's burritos were not a thing when I was a kid and we headed west. Those trips included long stretches of really open road. Few gas stations, even. Most meals were sandwiches mom made from a cooler, eaten at a roadside rest stop. IF we were lucky, it was one of the ones with a roof, for shade. Tell an American kid today that no, we won't stop for a Happy Meal, you're gonna eat a baloney sandwich and some store brand potato chips off a paper towel at a 104 degree picnic table....and see how that goes.
  6. When I was young in a lower middle class household, we couldn't afford food in Miami. Our biggest ventures were tagging along on my dad's work trips to Louisiana.
  7. And he's gonna slap tariffs on the bread, and/or deport the people who bake it. So, pretty much just "circuses."
  8. That's not "vile behavior." It is 100% EXACTLY what MAGAs support and like. Icono and Johnny and Balcones etc. see this shit, and smile. That's how people SHOULD behave in their ideal vision of America.
  9. This. We the people insist on touching the hot stove. A quick "yowch!" won't teach us shit. We need it to be this....times 100: "Pain" is the only language the American people speak fluently, and we only understand it when it is shouted.
  10. Bingo. See the post-election numbers on Trump's support among people who do not get information from actual news sources (instead, they watch TikTok videos and shit). The vote was largely for vibes and feels. I'm mad and frustrated, and Trump voices my anger and frustration, and promises to DO SOMETHING about it. What he'll do doesn't much matter. He just sounds like a dude of action. There you have it. Analysis completed.
  11. Your bias against donkey dicks and horse jizz is noted for the record.
  12. How many of y'all would like to wager on Rand coming around, seeing the light, and kneeling for the sacrament of orange knob gobbling at the Church of MAGA on that point? Easy money, man. Easy money.
  13. I always dispute that one. I don't drink Hurricanes since The Post-Bar Exam Incident of 1995. My wife can tell you all about it.
  14. We're just over two weeks after the ELECTION, not even to the inauguration, and it's a legit conversation to query whether we're at the "appoints his horse as Consul" stage of this admin. Truly, if someone had submitted a completely factual accounting of Trump's political career, actions, and direct quotes as a script treatment 20 years ago, it would have been tossed in the trash immediately as so fucking absurd and outlandish that it's insulting. And today....it's non-fiction. Fucking amazing.
  15. Excellent point. Maybe the takeaway is that the "average working class family" economic situation in the 1970s or so that most folks here are describing....looks a whole lot like what people describe as "poor/struggling" today. A lifestyle of 1) never really being food insecure....but eating super-cheap shit (baloney sandwiches from a cooler on any road trip, because we didn't have "stop at a restaurant" money, mom shopped with coupons and was frugal as hell, so the fancy stuff you might have liked rarely made it into the grocery basket), 2) modest housing (apartment/cheap, small tract house furnished sparingly), 3) few "luxuries" (most vacations were indeed a weekend in Galveston or somesuch), etc. Nothing wrong with that life. BUT today.....that sort of life is "we've gotten a raw deal and are getting fucked" life to most Americans. You sprung for the 79 cent items? Richie Rich over here. I stuck with the 59 cent items.
  16. I agree. That's my point. The standards are set by people who are likewise following the "profits over everything, at the expense of everything" model. And, with increasing frequency, those criteria are being written so the "winning bidder" will be the brother-in-law of a senior official or whatnot. All while trumpeting how "the private sector just does this better." Sure, because we've killed the concept of "function of the government, performed for the public good" from the equation. Again, the point -- and what should be the goal -- is "balance."
  17. Yep. Like....every single ticket for every event that you can buy, which MUST be purchased through a single vendor. Thanks, SeatGeek...super pumped that you found me tickets for the concert for $90, but when I check out and the total cost is $175 because of added "convenience fee" and "paperless ticket fee," and "because our name has 'geek' in it fee," fuck all the way off.
  18. And the parking lots there are managed by...wait for it....a private, for-profit contractor. Not that there's a lot of difference. Our entire economy and culture are based on a "maximum profits first, functional service/public good.....never" ethos. Profit is not a bad thing. Profits, and only profits, at the expense of everything else, to the detriment of everything else, is how we get enshittening. When anything gets too far out of balance, it's usually a bad thing. One doesn't have to be a communist to acknowledge that. Just like one doesn't have to be an anarcho-capitalist to acknowledge that taking all profit out of the model is a recipe for decay, death of innovation and effort, and disaster.
  19. Not when it comes to the used snowmobile market, asshole.
  20. We ended up roped into a very small dinner with a close relative of hers. They were exactly as you’d expect. They found out my wife was a minister, and thought they’d found a kindred christofascist spirit. They were incorrect. We have not been invited to dinner with those folks again.
  21. Wait…you think this is a Republican administration? FFS, it’s a chaos-agent reality TV administration riddled with malignant fascists and oligarchs. It’s at most Republican-adjacent, at least if we define “Republican” as the party you’re referring to from the past.
  22. I mean, at this point, aren’t we pretty much praying for that? It really would be the best possible outcome. You can’t have a complete train wreck of an admin if you don’t fill it with utterly deranged conductors. Ummm….no. See below. Oz will cause pain and chaos, or he will be booted.
  23. If you removed the calories/bulk provided by potatoes, cabbage, herring, and cream from the average Swede's diet....they would starve in a month. The French and Italians know how to eat. The rest of Europe.....they have their moments, but as far as their general population, not so much.
  24. So, like I said....it's Arkansas. It's legal.
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