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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Even you aren't that stupid. Surely. SS: the income source DEPENDED on by millions of elderly to keep them in shelter, food, etc. Slash that income....and yes, people end up out on their ass. Medicare: the primary source of payment for medical care for millions of elderly. Take it away....they don't have access to care. Old people with lost access to medical care = dying old people. Programs to address "homelessness" are addressing people who have already failed/are on or over the edge. That's entirely different than SS. Even you know that. It's not just "not exactly" what I'm talking about when I refer to a foundational source of income for millions of people....it's not even close to what we're talking about.
  2. Dude. It's too late. Now is the time to figure out what companies are going to be best positioned to profit from building "camps," and invest. If you can get a patent on a "shower head" designed to distribute poison gas, that would also be a good plan. Stuff like that. There were a SHITLOAD of Germans who 1) made a fortune off of the activities of the Nazi regime, and then 2) booked it for Argentina before the allies got to 'em. Keep reading those history books. While they're full of warnings we've completely chosen to ignore, they're also full of ideas on how to get rich in the horror and chaos.
  3. Fuck y'all. I'd eat filet o' human if 1) it was delicious and 2) it was on the menu. Also, my decision to be completely amoral going forward is going to lead to a pretty enjoyable lifestyle.
  4. Cool, cool. First, that's literally NONE of the big ticket programs mentioned above. Second, presuming that every single federal dollar spent on addressing homelessness is "wasted," we're talking about .00000000000001% of the budget (or some similarly ridiculously small number). It's akin to the amount of money my household spends on Finnish blueberry sauce per year (around $4). Eliminating that expenditure would do functionally zero to improve my household's financial position. Medicare and SS and the military are where the money is at. Everything else is Finnish blueberry sauce. CUT THE BIG STUFF. DO IT.
  5. You won't get that, either. The current government of this state exists for one reason, and one reason only: to enrich and do the bidding of a handful of the wealthiest people on the planet. Any other function is 1) entirely coincidental, and 2) likely on the chopping block in the next legislative session or two.
  6. Dude. Fucking dude. She spouts unfiltered, unaltered Russian bullshit propaganda. As in, straight from the source. Shit like this: Russia. Had to invade Ukraine....to stop US bioweapons labs. Fucking hell, dude.
  7. Personally, I LOVE this approach. Truly, I do. Cut it all. Send retirees out onto the streets. Cut off medical care for the olds and the poor. Have them die in their homes/on the street because there's no funds to pay for easy medical treatments. Keep it coming. MORE. Ratchet up the suffering, then remove the governor on the "Sufferator 5000," so it can run past redline speeds. This is what the people want, and voted for. Let them get it. But....even jkates knows that as millions get poorer and suffer.....Elon and Vivek will see their wealth rise exponentially. Because austerity always simultaneously buttfucks the poor and middle class, and enriches the upper tier. Always. 100% of the time.
  8. The only way that it gets built is if we can shuffle giant slugs of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of people who contribute to the gov/lt gov campaigns/personal pocketbook. You all know that.
  9. I mean, no background check for the incoming Director of National Intelligence, that's just good thinking there. Everyone knows that the motto of good intelligence services is "trust, and don't even make an effort to verify, it's all cool." Duh. 8D chess, fellas!
  10. Do you even Six Sigma, bro? We just need to maximize synergies, and treat a non-profit enterprise that has a mission totally different than a for-profit enterprise as if it WAS a for-profit enterprise and hey.....if our oligarchs end up reaping massive profits from that, well, gosh, that's just serendipity.
  11. If you think I haven't made MULTIPLE pitches to my wife about us starting our own Prosperity Gospel Megachurch and Coffee Shop, you don't know me very well.
  12. Man. You really need to be respectful of our incoming Minister of Truth and Information, and Czar of Penalizing the Lugenpresse. He WILL be monitoring your posts here.
  13. The plan is to re-arrange shit, and call it unprecedented brilliance. But it WILL have some components that are real: 1) Weaken/destroy any government mechanism that contributes to an educated population. 2) Weaken/destroy any government mechanism that helps cities/blue states. 3) "Privatize" numerous government functions in the name of "efficiency, the private sector can do this better," so you can take those items out of the direct tax-funded budget....and nevermind that we'll just be shifting those dollars to spending on contracts with private enterprises....which will just COINCIDENTALLY be run by/affiliated with people in Trump's orbit. 4) Weaken/destroy any government program/incentive that benefits any business remotely in competition with Elon, Vivek, and anyone else in Trump's orbit. It's just going to be good old fashioned Republican graft, we've seen it before. It's just going to be on steroids this time.
  14. And remember, with respect to such ventures, the BrisketCanecutter philosophy is oddly akin to Russian military strategy: quantity has a quality all its own. Nope. Everyone. The people who vote MAGA or don't vote need to feel more pain. The people who voted blue need to feel more pain, so they are even more motivated to make a change and lobby the people they know to do so. We all need to feel the pain. Including those of us on this board. I mean, I'm going to try not to -- I'm going to try to profit from the chaos, because being that we've all been forcibly converted into joining the church of "I got mine, fuck you," I'm gonna pick up that hymnal and sing with gusto. Praise the lord and pass me a chunk of your SS disability check so I can help Make America Great Again!
  15. Yeah. It's truly like none of y'all have been paying attention. The Republicans can burn a building down, on live TV, then stand out front of the ashes and lament how the Democrats did this. This meme is ironclad law now:
  16. You'll get a leaked clip of Elon Musk awkwardly humping a cybertruck wrapped in MAGA slogans, and you'll like it!
  17. Oh. You think we live in a world where there are consequences for open evil by Republicans. Consequences for failing to be perfect only apply to Democrats. But you, oh you....
  18. There will not be enough time on earth to read all of the stories of "we had no idea he would do exactly what he said he would do." Truly. We could dedicate supercomputers to the task, and they still wouldn't be able to get it done.
  19. Bingo. I'm not prescient. At all. I've just read a book or two. There is nothing new under the sun. Every play that was run under Trump 1.0 and being run under Trump 2.0 is a play that has been run before in history (ours and elsewhere) in some form or fashion. Pick up a history book. Ponder the question "what would an evil narcissist psychopath do?"....then thumb through the pages till you get to one of those chapters, and you have it figured out.
  20. By the way - and this is really important: those of you who contribute to charities, help people out, and do things to insure that people in society aren't hurt as badly.....STOP DOING THAT. I'm dead serious, and I'll tell you why. We have to let the pain happen, unabated, with no interference. We have decided to touch the hot stove. If we keep putting something between society's hand and the scorching burner, we will never, ever learn that hot stoves are dangerous and should never be touched again. The American people will not understand the impact of their choice here until they feel....the full, accurate, and unmitigated impact of their choice. It is going to suck to watch people suffer. It's going to be heartbreaking. But think of it as a parent would; sometimes, you have to let your kid fall and bleed for them to learn the lesson. You tried and tried, and told them not to do risky thing X, but they made it clear that they are going to do it anyway. So, the only way for them to learn that risky thing X is indeed a terrible idea is for them to feel the full bore of the pain that comes from doing risky thing X. It kills you to watch them fall and hurt themselves. But in the end, it's the right thing to do. It's the only way. It's stupid, it's painful, it's maddening....but it is the way. The American people will not learn about the face-eating nature of leopards unless and until they actually feel the agony of the leopards chewing on their face. So, stand back. Take care of you and yours. And let the leopards feast.
  21. Doesn't matter. The 13th Amendment has that sweet, sweet loophole allowing for involuntary prison labor. Honestly, it will just be more direct than that. Here's a good "deportation" plan: 1) Go to Tyson chicken plant, round up all of the undocumented workers. 2) Process workers as "criminals violating US immigration laws." 3) Due to delays in adjudicating millions of such criminal cases, hold them in prison camps indefinitely. 4) During their stay in the prison camps, bus them every morning to the same Tyson plant where they were arrested. Have them perform the exact same jobs. For free. 5) Tyson pays the Federal Bureau of Prisons $1 per hour for the prison labor costs (busses and such). 6) Tyson pockets half their wage savings as pure profit, which goes straight to executive compensation, and uses the other half of their wage savings to book expensive executive conferences (which may or may not even happen) at Trump properties. It really isn't complicated. So long as brown people are visibly hurt, and Trump is directly enriched, then it's good policy.
  22. Wait…the girls jizz on the bathroom doors even MORE?
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